重症清零 zero severe cases
Taiwan’s goal at this stage is to seek zero severe cases and to manage mild cases effectively.
Photo: Pixabay 照片︰Pixabay
severe「嚴重的」是標準修飾狀態的形容詞,可用來修飾疾病、問題或是負面的狀態,因此severe cases「重症」也就是confirmed cases「確診數」中的嚴重案件,相對的「輕症」就可以用mild cases形容。
日前,在病毒尚未變種前,多數國家都期盼要達到「清零」(zero-COVID 或 COVID-zero),但經過三年下來,zero-tolerance strategy「零容忍策略」的狀況似乎遙不可及,並且造成全球醫療及人心疲累,因此本次台灣政府提出「重症清零,輕症管控」的策略,期望達到非放任病毒肆虐式的「與病毒共存」的控管疫情策略。
與病毒共存 coexisting
It is not “coexisting with the virus” that allows it to wreak havoc, but effective epidemic control and management.
coexist with the virus「與病毒共存」的概念,是二○二一年在疫情反覆延燒後,許多專家與研究提出的建議。coexist「共存」是由字根「co-」與exist 搭配出的詞彙;通常與字首「co-」、「col-」、「com-」、「con-」搭配的單字,都有together、with「共同、相互」的含意,如coordinate「協調一致」、commiserate「同情」、collaborate「合作」、contaminate「汙染」……等。
此外,本句還有一個重點︰wreak havoc「造成重創」也是在新聞中經常出現的詞彙。wreak「造成、引起(災禍等)」搭配havoc「大破壞、浩劫」,表示「造成重創」的意思。
War, sanctions and a weakened ruble wreaked havoc on the fortunes of the country’s richest people.
政府表示,要讓國民能有正常生活,就是要有積極的防疫措施(active epidemic preventions),即提升台灣的疫苗覆蓋率(the vaccine coverage rate)與充足的醫療量能(sufficient medical resources),包括快篩試劑(rapid antigen)、抗病毒藥物整備要持續增加。
Taiwan aims for zero serious COVID cases as infections edge up.
edge表示「徐徐地移動」,因此edge up代表「逐漸上升」的意思。這個動詞可以用於描述「處理圖表上數字和情勢走向」的情況,也是多益測驗金融財務情境不可或缺的詞彙。
On April 1, Taiwan broke the 100 level for the first time in 2022 with 104 local COVID cases. Just four days later on April 5, Taiwan surpassed the 200 mark with 216 cases. Taiwan has now exceeded the 1,200 mark with 1,209 cases on Friday, prompting fears of exponential growth in local COVID infections.
break、surpass、exceed都有「超過(數量、範圍)」之意。從三月底開始,每日的確診數字都會和某個基準點相比,這幾個詞彙就相當實用。此外,要描述某種趨勢向上或數字飆升時,也可以使用rise、surge、soar、skyrocket等動詞,而要說明趨勢向下或數字驟減,則可用decline、plunge、plummet、crash 、collapse、dive等字。
Oil prices surge over escalating Ukraine-Russia tension.
Hedge funds investing in Russia plunge amid invasion of Ukraine.
Taiwan’s COVID cases could peak in 2 months.
Once an Omicron surge begins, it takes about one to two months to reach a peak.
與「高峰、巔峰」相反之義就是「觸底、跌至谷底」hit rock bottom。
The COVID-19 vaccine push in some countries appears to have hit rock bottom.
疫情強勢來襲,面對這場不時何時會結束的「病毒戰爭」,大眾必定期盼這波變種病毒盡快結束!The wave of infectious diseases will hit bottom soon in the near future!
1. As the COVID-19 virus variants tighten their grip around the world, demand for rapid antigen tests ________ subsequently.
(A) contaminates
(B) soars
(C) surpasses
(D) plunges
2. Studies have shown that the main sources of pollution in most advanced countries are fossil fuel-powered transportation and energy production. They also ________ havoc on the countries’ most vulnerable and marginalized communities.
(A) coexist
(B) collapse
(C) peak
(D) wreak
1. 正解 (B)。語意為「隨著新冠變種病毒嚴重肆虐全球,快篩的需求隨之激增。」本題為字彙題,依照語意與用法,需要搭配描述狀況的動詞,故選(B)「飆升」。
(C) surpasses「超過」需要搭配數字或標準,故非正解。
2. 正解(D)。語意為「研究顯示大多數先進國家的主要污染源是以化石燃料為動力的交通運輸和能源生產為主。他們(汙染源)也對這些國家最脆弱和邊緣化的社區造成重創。」本題為字彙搭配題,要選擇搭配havoc的動詞,wreak havoc on sth/sb
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The death of an Oregon house cat and a pet food recall are raising questions about the ongoing outbreak of bird flu and how people can protect their pets. Bird flu has been spreading for years in wild birds, chickens, turkeys and many other animals. It was first confirmed in US dairy cattle in March. The virus has been causing sporadic, mostly mild illnesses in people in the US, and nearly all of those infected worked on dairy or poultry farms. When the virus is found, every bird on a farm is killed to limit the spread of the disease. Oregon health officials
A: Guess what’s included in Google Taiwan’s 2024 most searched words. B: Let me guess: Taiwan’s victory in the WBSC Premier 12 championship must be on the list. A: Wow, good guess. “Premier 12” is at No. 10. B: What are the other most popular searches? A: No. 9 to 6 are: Ticketing platform “Tixcraft,” Taiwanese film “The Pig, The Snake and The Pigeon,” Olympic gold boxer “Lin Yu-ting,” and the “Yuanta ETF coded 00940.” A: 猜猜看,Google 2024台灣搜尋排行榜,有哪些關鍵詞? B: 我猜「棒球12強賽」一定超熱門吧。 A: 你好強,12強真的排在第10名! B: 其他熱門搜尋有哪些?! A: 第9至6名是︰「拓元」售票、電影「周處除三害」、奧運拳擊金牌「林郁婷」、元大ETF「00940」。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Imagine racing up many flights of stairs, your heart pounding as you ascend a towering skyscraper. Welcome to the thrilling world of tower running, also known as run ups. Unlike traditional marathons on flat tracks, tower running involves climbing skyscraper stairs. Competitors start at the base and ascend to the top, tackling hundreds or thousands of steps, testing their speed, endurance and willpower. The physical demands of run ups are substantial, as stair climbing constitutes a prolonged, weight-bearing exercise. This activity places a significant strain on the body, burning up to four times the calories compared to regular running.
A: Which words ranked highest for Google Taiwan’s most searched words of 2024? B: No. 5 to 1 are: “US presidential election,” “Olympics,” “Ko Wen-je,” “typhoon” and “earthquake.” A: I heard that Google also released a list of most searched word meanings. B: Yeah, the most popular searches included “M3,” “APT” and “release without bail.” A: Let me google their meanings now. A: Google 2024 台灣搜尋排行榜,前幾名是什麼? B: 第5至1名是︰「美國總統大選」、「奧運」、「柯文哲」、「颱風」、「地震」! A: 我聽說Google還有一個搜尋字義的排行榜。 B: 對啊前幾名是︰「M3」、「APT」、「無保請回」。 A: 讓我搜尋一下他們是什麼意思。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)