A: Wow, there are so many lenses in this box! This is hilarious, my eyes look so big when I put this on!
B: That’s a convex lens, it’s for far-sighted people. For short-sightedness you need to wear concave lenses.
A: These plastic frames are a little too thick; they make me look like a bookworm.
Photo: Pixabay 照片:Pixabay
B: Perhaps you could try these titanium alloy frames. They’re really light, and if you bend them, they won’t lose their shape.
A: I’m also wondering whether I should wear contacts.
B: You could. You can choose from soft ones or hard ones, and daily or monthly disposable ones.
A: 哇,這箱子裡有好多鏡片喔!哈哈這個好好笑,戴這個眼睛會變好大!
B: 那是凸透鏡,是遠視才需要戴的。近視眼要戴的是凹透鏡。
A: 這個塑膠鏡框有點太厚重,我戴這個看起來很像書呆子。
B: 不然你也可以試試這副鈦合金鏡架,它很輕,而且你去折它也不會變形。
A: 我也在考慮是不是要戴隱形眼鏡。
B: 也可以啊!看你要軟式的還是硬式的,日拋還是月拋的。
(Translated by Paul Cooper, Taipei Times/台北時報林俐凱)
Audio recordings for Speak Up! dialogues will be suspended until further notice due to the pandemic.
A: And how about the other star signs? B: Libras can benefit from multiple perspectives, Scorpios will be tough as steel and Sagittariuses may travel around. A: Cool, what’s next? B: Capricorns may take the lead, Aquarius may start a new life and Pisces should be well prepared for action. A: I hope we’ll have a lot of good fortune in the Year of the Snake. A: 其他的星座運勢如何? B: 「天秤座」左右逢源、「天蠍座」百煉成鋼、「射手座」志在四方。 A: 還有呢? B: 「摩羯座」一馬當先、「水瓶座」脫胎換骨、「雙魚座」蓄勢待發。 A: 希望大家在蛇年能好運旺旺來! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Despite advancements in bicycle security, millions of bicycles are stolen every year. A revolutionary bicycle lock, called “SKUNKLOCK,” takes a proactive approach to deterring thieves. __1__, SKUNKLOCK releases a noxious chemical that could cause would-be thieves to vomit and effectively discourages them from continuing their efforts to steal the bicycle. While conventional locks can be defeated by determined thieves using specialized tools, SKUNKLOCK’s dual approach of physical resistance and chemical deterrence is highly effective, making it a formidable __2__ against bike theft. The U-lock is made of high-tensile carbon steel, which can withstand attempts to break it using brute