A: Weight training is not just about turning yourself into a beefcake, it can also prevent sarcopenia and osteoporosis.
B: I know about osteoporosis, that means your bones are fragile and you are prone to getting a hunched back. I know an elderly person who got a bone fracture just by bending over to pick something up, and it was only when they went to see a doctor that they discovered it was due to osteoporosis.
A: The right amount of weight training can prevent loss of bone mass. You can also drink more milk and eat dried fish to supplement your calcium intake.
Photo courtesy of Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare 照片:衛生福利部國民健康署提供
B: So, what is sarcopenia?
A: Sarcopenia is where you quickly lose muscle mass all over, which can make you prone to falling over, even to the extent that you become incapacitated, making it difficult for you to function properly in everyday life.
A: 重量訓練不只是為了變猛男,它還可以預防肌少症和骨質疏鬆。
B: 我知道骨質疏鬆,它會讓你容易骨折和駝背,我認識一位長輩,前陣子彎腰搬個東西,就骨折了,去看醫生才知道原來是因為骨質疏鬆。
A: 所以適量的負重運動,可以防止骨質流失。你也可以多喝牛奶、吃小魚乾來補充鈣質。
B: 那肌少症是什麼啊?
A: 肌少症是指全身的肌肉快速減少,會造成反覆跌倒,甚至失能,也就是生活無法自理。
(Translated by Paul Cooper, Taipei Times/台北時報林俐凱)
Audio recordings for Speak Up! dialogues will be suspended until further notice due to the pandemic.
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野薑花是古巴國花,在古巴叫mariposa,意思是蝴蝶花。野薑花並非古巴原產,古巴卻對它情有獨鍾,獨立後選為國花,是有原因的。19世紀古巴對抗西班牙殖民的獨立戰爭中,往往透過女性身上或髮髻上插著野薑花,在花序的交錯的苞片縫隙裡夾藏字條,幫助革命分子傳遞作戰情報。 The white ginger lily (Hedychium coronarium) is the national flower of Cuba, where it is known as mariposa (literally “butterfly”) due to its shape. Women used to adorn themselves with these fragrant flowers in Spanish colonial times. Because of the intricate structure of the inflorescence (繁複的花序構造), women hid and carried secret messages important to the independence cause underneath it. 以下為古巴外交部對國花的說明: The white mariposa (Hedychium Coronarium) … became a symbol of Cuban flora because Cuban women used it to smuggle messages to the battlefield during the liberation wars of the 19th century. (“National Flower” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba) 夏天是野薑花的季節,野薑的地下根莖(rhizomes)可作薑的替代品,像白色蝴蝶的花有股特殊的清香(Its scent