A: Hey, the news says that the water levels in the reservoirs throughout Taiwan are already at record lows, and that some reservoirs will only be able to supply water for another two weeks!
B: God, that’s terrible. What will we do then?
A: We start conserving water now! Bring the buckets over here and fill them up, and then we’ll use a scoop and take out only what we need.
Photo courtesy of a reader 照片:民眾提供
B: Thankfully, we have a water tower to give us a buffer, but god only knows how long it will last.
A: I remember the last water restrictions, we couldn’t flush the toilet, so I didn’t want to go to the bathroom, and showers were completely out.
B: That’s right, the very thought of it makes my skin crawl. And what with the pandemic, we can’t not wash our hands!
A: 欸,你看新聞說,全台水庫的蓄水量,已經達到歷史新低,而且有的水庫只能再供應兩個禮拜而已耶!
B: 天哪,好慘喔。那我們到時候該怎麼辦?
A: 我們現在就開始儲水啊!把水桶都拿過來裝滿水,然後用水瓢舀出來省著用。
B: 幸好我們有水塔,可以緩衝一下,不過也撐不久。
A: 想到上次停水,馬桶都不能沖,害我都不敢上廁所,更不用說洗澡了。
B: 喔對耶,想到就超噁心的。而且現在還有疫情,不能不洗手!
(Translated by Paul Cooper, Taipei Times/台北時報林俐凱)
English 英文:
Chinese 中文:
The death of an Oregon house cat and a pet food recall are raising questions about the ongoing outbreak of bird flu and how people can protect their pets. Bird flu has been spreading for years in wild birds, chickens, turkeys and many other animals. It was first confirmed in US dairy cattle in March. The virus has been causing sporadic, mostly mild illnesses in people in the US, and nearly all of those infected worked on dairy or poultry farms. When the virus is found, every bird on a farm is killed to limit the spread of the disease. Oregon health officials
Imagine racing up many flights of stairs, your heart pounding as you ascend a towering skyscraper. Welcome to the thrilling world of tower running, also known as run ups. Unlike traditional marathons on flat tracks, tower running involves climbing skyscraper stairs. Competitors start at the base and ascend to the top, tackling hundreds or thousands of steps, testing their speed, endurance and willpower. The physical demands of run ups are substantial, as stair climbing constitutes a prolonged, weight-bearing exercise. This activity places a significant strain on the body, burning up to four times the calories compared to regular running.
A: Guess what’s included in Google Taiwan’s 2024 most searched words. B: Let me guess: Taiwan’s victory in the WBSC Premier 12 championship must be on the list. A: Wow, good guess. “Premier 12” is at No. 10. B: What are the other most popular searches? A: No. 9 to 6 are: Ticketing platform “Tixcraft,” Taiwanese film “The Pig, The Snake and The Pigeon,” Olympic gold boxer “Lin Yu-ting,” and the “Yuanta ETF coded 00940.” A: 猜猜看,Google 2024台灣搜尋排行榜,有哪些關鍵詞? B: 我猜「棒球12強賽」一定超熱門吧。 A: 你好強,12強真的排在第10名! B: 其他熱門搜尋有哪些?! A: 第9至6名是︰「拓元」售票、電影「周處除三害」、奧運拳擊金牌「林郁婷」、元大ETF「00940」。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
A: Which words ranked highest for Google Taiwan’s most searched words of 2024? B: No. 5 to 1 are: “US presidential election,” “Olympics,” “Ko Wen-je,” “typhoon” and “earthquake.” A: I heard that Google also released a list of most searched word meanings. B: Yeah, the most popular searches included “M3,” “APT” and “release without bail.” A: Let me google their meanings now. A: Google 2024 台灣搜尋排行榜,前幾名是什麼? B: 第5至1名是︰「美國總統大選」、「奧運」、「柯文哲」、「颱風」、「地震」! A: 我聽說Google還有一個搜尋字義的排行榜。 B: 對啊前幾名是︰「M3」、「APT」、「無保請回」。 A: 讓我搜尋一下他們是什麼意思。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)