With water in short supply all over Taiwan, zone-by-zone water restrictions have been implemented in Miaoli County, Taichung and the northern part of Changhua County. The Fong-Yi Group has responded to the government’s call to save water by launching a water-saving campaign in 104 communities throughout Taiwan. Any household whose water bill for March and April this year shows that it has used less water compared to the same period last year, with a reduction of more than 5 percent, will have the chance to win a luxury cookware set worth nearly NT$10,000.
Taichung faces a serious water shortage, with everyone sharing in the hardship and cutting back on water use. The Fong-Yi Group says that in most cases the biggest household water users are mothers and grandmothers who use it for kitchen and housework purposes, and this is why it decided to offer luxury cookware sets as the prize.
Residents have responded enthusiastically to the water-saving publicity in communities under the Fong-Yi banner by exchanging ideas and sharing tips about how to save water. For example, you can use water collected from air conditioners to water plants or mop the floor, or water from washing clothes or baths and showers to flush the toilet. Rice-washing water can be used to do the washing-up, thus reducing pollution as well as saving water. You can also sweep the floor instead of mopping it or mop the floor less frequently.
Photo courtesy of the Fong-Yi Group 照片:豐邑機構提供
A female Fong-Yi community resident surnamed Tsai says that since the water restrictions started in Taichung on April 6, with the water supply restricted to only five days in the week, she has been telling her children not to spend more than five minutes in the shower and to collect the shower water to flush the toilet. She has also been placing a small washbowl in the hand basin to collect water, which can be used to water the plants. Manager Gan of the Silaideng Community has been reminding people not to use running water to defrost food, but to put it on a metal pot instead, because it conducts heat better, which speeds up the defrosting. Gan advises people not to wash clothes until there are enough to fill the washing machine up to about 80 percent full, which allows for the most efficient use of water and electricity.
The Fong-Yi Group says that by combining many people’s efforts to save water, if it can get 100 communities to save water, with each household saving 5 percent — or about 14 liters of water — it can achieve total savings of 670,000 liters of water per day, a significant amount. Households that have used at least 5 percent less water in March and April compared to the same period last year can take a photograph of their water bills and upload it to the Fong-Yi Group’s Facebook page before June 25, making them eligible to join a draw to win a luxury cookware set. The Fong-Yi Group hopes this water-saving competition will achieve big results for a small outlay by getting the public to understand water-saving techniques. In this way, they can put into practice the idea of saving water to love the Earth while also guarding their wallets, and to contribute to fighting the current drought.
(Translated by Julian Clegg, Taipei Times)
Photo courtesy of the Fong-Yi Group 照片:豐邑機構提供
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