There are 225 hectares of coffee plantations in Pingtung County — the most of any county in Taiwan. It is now coffee harvest season in the county. However, while harvesting this year’s crop, Pingtung County’s coffee farmers discovered an infestation of the coffee borer beetle, which has already ravaged coffee crops in central and northern Taiwan. The pest has significantly depleted this year’s coffee harvest — by 30 percent, according to data published by Pingtung County Government Department of Agriculture. The department has called in experts to help investigate and assist farmers with preventative measures to suppress the beetle’s spread.
Pingtung’s coffee farms are mostly located along the Dawu mountain range, but in recent years farmers have begun to grow coffee in flatland areas. According to local coffee farmers, this is the first time that their coffee plantations have suffered from blight, so they lack knowledge in how to deal with it. As the amount of land set aside for growing coffee in Pingtung has increased, farmers say cultivation management and blight problems have come to the fore.
The coffee borer beetle is tiny and burrows into the coffee fruit to extract food and lay eggs. The beetles also reproduce rapidly: a single beetle typically lays between 30 to 60 eggs inside the fruit. Damaged fruit withers and dries out, while bacteria within the cavity left by the beetle may produce fungus growth, leading to a higher “bean float rate” when wet processing the beans after harvest.
Photo: Chiu Chih-jou, Liberty Times 照片:自由時報邱芷柔
Removing “floating beans” is the first step during processing coffee beans. Farmers place the freshly harvested beans into large containers of water. Ripe beans are heavier, so they will sink to the bottom, while lighter unripe or inferior beans float on the surface.
Pingtung County Government Department of Agriculture says it is using traps to prevent the beetle from spreading further, and officials stress that the best time to carry out prevention measures is when the coffee plants are flowering. The department says that, in addition to working with experts from the local agricultural research and extension station, it is also providing coffee farmers with education on steps they can take to inhibit the coffee borer beetle’s spread.(Translated by Edward Jones, Taipei Times)
Photo: Chiu Chih-jou, Liberty Times 照片:自由時報邱芷柔
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