The US signed a historic deal with the Taliban in Doha on Feb. 29, laying out a timetable for a full American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan within 14 months. The agreement is set to lead to dialogue between the Taliban and the Kabul government that could potentially pave the way to an end to the 18-year conflict.
The Taliban governed Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001, imposing strict Islamic sharia law before being ousted and launching an insurgency. Here is some background on the movement:
Religious students
Photo: AFP
The Taliban originated among young Afghans who studied in Sunni Islamic schools called madrassas in Pakistan after fleeing Afghanistan during the 1979-1989 Soviet occupation.
They take their name from talib, the Arabic word for student.
In the early 1990s, with Afghanistan in the chaos and corruption of civil war, the Taliban was formed in the southern province of Kandahar under the leadership of one-eyed warrior-cleric Mullah Omar.
Photo: AP
Omar, who led them until his death in 2013, was from a stronghold of the powerful Pashtun ethnic group from which come most Taliban fighters. Haibatullah Akhundzada is now the top leader, while Taliban co-founder Mullah Baradar heads the political wing.
Dramatic rise to power
Promising to restore order and justice, the Taliban rose dramatically. They drew substantial support from Pakistan and initially had the tacit approval of the US. In October 1994, they seized the city of Kandahar, almost without a fight.
Equipped with tanks, heavy weapons and the cash to buy the support of local commanders, they steadily moved north, before capturing the capital Kabul on Sept. 27, 1996. Then-Afghanistan president Burhanuddin Rabbani had already fled.
Reign of terror
The Taliban government imposed the strictest interpretations of sharia, or Islamic laws, establishing religious police for the suppression of “vice.”
Music, television and pastimes such as kite-flying were banned. Girls’ schools were closed, while women were prevented from working and forced to wear an all-covering burkha in public.
Taliban courts handed out extreme punishments including chopping off the hands of thieves and stoning to death women accused of adultery.
By 1998, they had control of 80 percent of the country, but were only recognized as the legal government by Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
In March 2001 they blew up 1,500-year-old giant statues of the Buddha in the central Bamiyan valley.
The Taliban allowed Afghanistan to become a sanctuary for Al-Qaeda, which set up training camps.
Taliban toppled
The Sept. 11, 2001 attacks that killed 3,000 people in the US were immediately blamed on Al-Qaeda. Accusing the Taliban of refusing to hand over the then al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, the US and allies launched air strikes on Afghanistan in October.
By early December the Taliban government had fallen, its leaders fleeing to their strongholds in the south and east, or back across the border into Pakistan’s tribal zone.
Bloody insurgency
At first written off as a spent force, the Taliban rebuilt and re-emerged to lead an insurgency against the new Western-backed government.
Making heavy use of improvised bombings and suicide attacks, they labelled “crusaders” the tens of thousands of foreign troops who deployed into the country as part of a US-dominated NATO force. The NATO combat mission ended in December 2014 and the bulk of Western forces withdrew.
The rival Islamic State jihadist group emerged in Afghanistan in 2015, launching its own series of devastating attacks, mainly on Kabul.
A UN tally found that 2018 was the deadliest year on record for Afghans, with at least 3,804 civilian deaths — including 927 children.
Reading Comprehension
1. What agreement was signed between the US and the Taliban on Feb. 29 over Afghanistan? What is its potential outcome?
2. When and how did the Taliban rise to power?
3. Describe the role the Taliban played in the 911 terrorist attack in 2001 and its consequences.
4. How did the Taliban government rule in Afghanistan?
(Lin Lee-kai, Taipei Times)
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