B: The only point in life is the satisfaction of your desires, and to have as much fun as you can while you still can.
C: Look at you. In the space of a few minutes you’ve gone from a total nihilist to a hedonist.
A: I think that’s just a terribly selfish way to think.
B: 我覺得生命中唯一的重點是滿足自己的慾望,然後趁你還有能力的時候努力享樂。
C: 你看看你,不過是幾分鐘的時間,你就從完全的虛無論者變成享樂主義者了。
A: 我覺得那只是一種非常糟糕的自私想法。
English 英文:
Chinese 中文:
A: I love December. There are always so many concerts to attend at the end of the year. B: I just went to Bigbang member Tae-yang’s Taipei concert last weekend, and it was awesome. A: And I went to the weekend concerts at Christmasland in New Taipei City, featuring Tae-yang’s wife Hyo-lyn and various artists. B: Taiwanese superstars A-mei, Mayday, and Hong Kong superstar Aaron Kwok will also stage shows starting this week. A: It’s so hard to decide. Which one do you want to go to? A: 我好喜歡12月,因為每到年底總有許多演唱會! B: 我上週才剛去過BigBang太陽的台北演唱會,超精彩。 A: 我也剛去過新北歡樂耶誕城的演唱會,太陽的老婆孝琳還有來表演唷。 B: 台灣天后阿妹、天團五月天、香港天王郭富城等巨星的演唱會從本週起也將陸續開唱。 A: 真難決定,你想去哪一場? (By Eddy Chang,
The vast ocean stages countless miracles of life, but none are quite as awe-inspiring as the phenomenon of a “whale fall.” When a giant whale reaches the end of its life, its immense body gently descends and eventually lands in the inky abyss. This moment, which might seem like the end, ignites a burst of new life on the ocean floor. Deep beneath the ocean’s surface, where sunlight is unable to venture and nutrients are scarce, a whale fall is like an oasis in a barren landscape. Over decades, even centuries, the remains of a single whale can sustain thousands of
If you’ve ever seen detailed photographs of Paris’s Notre Dame cathedral, you may have noticed a striking feature of the building: large, circular windows divided by intricately arranged stonework radiating out from a central point like flower petals. The stonework encases colorful stained-glass windowpanes full of Catholic icons and symbolism. Called a “rose window,” this adornment can be found in cathedrals across Europe, although the style was most popular in France. The rose window is a key element of “Gothic architecture,” a highly ornate style of architecture popular from Europe’s High Middle Ages to the Late Middle Ages, roughly
A: Among all the concerts, I’m in highest anticipation of A-mei’s. B: Me too, as she will become the first female singer to hold concerts at the venue. A: And she will stage five shows total, on Dec. 21, 22, 28 and 29, as well as the 31st, New Year’s Eve. B: We were so lucky to get the tickets for her New Year’s Eve show. A: Yeah! It’ll be super exciting to count down to the New Year with A-mei. A: 在這麼多演唱會中,我最期待阿妹的大巨蛋首唱。 B: 我也是,她可是首位在大巨蛋舉辦演唱會的女歌手呢。 A: 而且她將會嗨唱5場︰12月21、22、28、29日,跨年夜31日。 B: 幸好我們有搶到跨年夜的門票。 A: 對啊,能和阿妹一起倒數太興奮啦! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)