Chinese Practice
(tan2 hua1 yi2 xian4)
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
a single blooming of the udumbara flower
曇花的英文是「the Dutchman’s pipe」(荷蘭人的煙斗),是一種很少開花的仙人掌科植物,它在夜晚開花,且持續的時間很短,到了黎明時分,曇花就會凋謝了。這種植物出現在成語「曇花一現」中,而此成語被用來描述有幸成功一次的人或事,這成功或許主要是因為運氣好,且無法複製。
在英語中,我們可以用「flash in the pan」(火藥池中的火花),來指出乎意料但無法複製的成功。「flash」指的是火藥被點燃後的明亮火花,「pan」指的是燧發槍的火藥池,用來擊發彈藥。扣下燧發槍的扳機時,燧石會引燃火藥池內的少量火藥,然後這火花會進一步點燃槍膛裡的火藥,推動子彈從槍管發射出去。如果這火花無法順利讓火藥點燃,那麼只會有火藥池閃過的一絲火花,而子彈卻不會發射出去。
(Last week the stock price stopped falling and started rising again. We thought it would return to its former glory, but it was just a flash in the pan. Today it is falling again.)
(It was a fleeting emotion, which disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. The expression flickered across their faces.)
a flash in the pan
The Dutchman’s pipe — tanhua (曇花) in Chinese — is a cactus that blooms only rarely, with flowers that appear at night and that last only a short time: By dawn, they will have wilted. The Chinese name 曇花 appears in 曇花一現, an idiom used to describe a person’s surprise achievement or a one-off event, occurring more through luck, that is unlikely to be repeated.
The original source of the idiom, an early Buddhist sutra, actually refers to a different flower altogether, however: the Indian fig tree, or youtan bohua (優曇缽華) to give its Chinese translation. This name also has the 曇 character.
The Sanskrit name for the Indian fig tree is the udumbara. In Buddhism, the udumbara was believed to bloom only once every 3,000 years, and therefore symbolizes an extremely rare event. In the Saddharma Pundarika Sutra (Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Dharma, often simplified in English to the Lotus Sutra), the udumbara flower is used to convey the rare appearance of the Buddha and his teachings in the world.
Chapter 27 of the Lotus Sutra tells the story of how the sons of a king in the far ancient past ask for permission to visit a buddha, because “a buddha is as hard to meet as an udumbara flower, or as the one-eyed tortoise meeting the hole in the floating log.” That last — rather obscure — simile is a reference to Chapter 15 of the early Buddhist work Samyutta Nikaya (Connected Discourses), which mentions a blind tortoise, infinite eons old, that swims in the ocean and rises to the surface once a century, and a log with only one hole, floating on the same ocean. The text asks, “What are the chances of the two meeting?” The answer, one can only presume, is “infinitesimally small,” at least within a given time period.
In Chapter 2 of the Lotus Sutra, Sariputta, a disciple of the historical Buddha, asks three times for instruction on the Buddha’s teachings before the Buddha finally relents, saying — in the Chinese translation of the sutra — 如是妙法,諸佛如來時乃說之,如優曇華時一現耳 (Such a wonderful Law as this is only preached by the buddha-tathagatas on rare occasions, just as the udumbara flower is seen but once in long periods.) It is this sentence that gives us the idiom 曇花一現. Thus, the 曇花 refers to the udumbara flower, not the Dutchman’s pipe.
In English, we can talk of an unexpected yet unreplicated success as a “flash in the pan.” The flash refers to the bright spark of ignited gunpowder; the pan refers to the priming pan of a flintlock firearm. When the trigger was pulled the flint would ignite a small amount of gunpowder in the pan, and this spark would then ignite the gunpowder in the main part of the mechanism, which would then propel the bullet from the barrel. If the spark failed to ignite the gunpowder, there would simply be a flash of powder in the pan, but the bullet would stay put.
(Paul Cooper, Taipei Times)
Everyone was hoping we would be able to replicate the success of the product, but it turns out to have been a flash in the pan.
I am determined to prove that I can get another hit song, and that I am not just a flash in the pan.
As the priest Antonius Hambroek stood in the dim chamber of Fort Zeelandia, his eldest daughter clung to him, her voice trembling. “Father, don’t go. They’ll kill you, and what will become of Mother and my sisters?” Outside, the sounds of Koxinga’s relentless canon siege boomed through the fortress. The defenders were on the brink of collapse. Starvation gnawed at their resolve, and the air carried the acrid stench of spent gunpowder and rotting flesh. Dutch reinforcements from Batavia had failed to arrive, leaving the garrison isolated and hopeless. Hambroek’s face was calm, though sorrow weighed heavily on his
As we bundle up in thick coats to stay warm during the winter, there is a population that has already adapted to extremely low temperatures. These people live in the remote city of Yakutsk, the coldest city on Earth. Yakutsk is situated in the heart of Siberia, which is the capital of the Sakha Republic in Russia. This historic mining city began to flourish in the 19th century following the discovery of gold deposits. Given its construction on permafrost, the average temperature in the city remains below 0°C for over half the year, with winter temperatures dropping to an astonishing -50°C.
A: Apart from 2NE1, Rain and Maroon 5, Japanese band Yoasobi is set to hold two shows in Taipei this weekend. B: Yoasobi? A: Yoasobi is a J-pop duo formed by Ayase and Ikura in 2019, and it’s loved by young people. Haven’t you heard? B: Oops, I’m feeling a little old. A: It sings the theme songs of “Oshi No Ko” (“My Idol’s Children”) and other TV series, leading it to gain popularity among young people. A: 除了2NE1、Rain、魔力紅,日本熱門樂團Yoasobi本週末也將連唱兩場。 B: Yoasobi樂團? A: 這是由Ayase、Ikura在2019年組成的雙人團體,近年來大受年輕人歡迎!你沒聽過嗎? B: 天啊我覺得自己老了。 A: 他們唱了《我推的孩子》等人氣影視作品主題曲,所以大受年輕人喜愛。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
A: Happy Year of the Snake! Did you do anything special during the Lunar New Year holiday? B: I went to K-pop girl group Apink’s concert. How about you? A: I just stayed at home. But I’m going to girl group 2NE1’s show on Saturday. B: Wow, I really love their megahit “I Am the Best,” better known by its Korean title “Naega jeil jal naga.” A: I’m so glad that 2NE1 reunited last year, eight years after they disbanded in 2016. A: 蛇年快樂!你春節有做什麼特別活動嗎? B: 我去了南韓女團Apink的演唱會,你呢? A: 我都宅在家裡,不過這週六要去韓流天團2NE1的演唱會。 B: 我愛該團神曲《我最紅》,韓文歌名《Naega jeil jal naga》超洗腦。 A: 她們2016年解散8年後,去年終於合體真令人開心。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei