Chinese Practice
(shui3 luo4 shi2 chu1)
Photo: Wikimedia commons
as the water recedes, the rocks appear
英文中有兩個片語跟「水落石出」所隱喻的意義類似,皆出自英國文豪莎士比亞一五九六年的劇作《威尼斯商人》中的一段對話:「truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man’s son may, but at the length truth will out」(真相會大白;謀殺隱瞞不了多久;殺人兇手總會被找到)。
在現代英語中把「out」一字當做動詞來用或許有些怪,但是現今引用莎士比亞的話說「the truth will out 」,基本上是完全可被允許的。(台北時報林俐凱譯)
(All this time after he was wrongfully killed, the truth has finally come to light. We now know it was political persecution.)
(The head coach hoped that, after the truth had come out about the doping scandal, everybody would be able to concentrate once again on the actual competition.)
the truth will out
The “Old Tippler’s Pavilion,” as the Northern Song Dynasty poet Ouyang Xiu (1007 - 1072) called it, was a structure originally built by a monk named Zhi Xian in Chuzhou, present day Chu County in Anhui Province. Ouyang would later write the Record of the Old Tippler’s Pavilion, in which he waxed lyrical about how the seasons transformed the local landscape. He wrote of how spring brought the wonderful fragrance of wild flowers, summer verdant trees and lush shade, fall the gleaming frost and winter a change in the landscape as water locked up in ice and snow caused water levels to fall, revealing the rocks and boulders lying on the river beds (水落而石出). This essay may well be the origin of the Chinese idiom 水落石出, a metaphorical extension of the falling water level revealing previously submerged boulders, evoking the idea of the revelation of hitherto unknown truths.
In his Second Ode on the Red Cliff (1082), written after Ouyang’s passing, the Northern Song poet and statesman Su Shi (1037-1101) wrote, 江流有聲,斷岸千尺。山高月小,水落石出 (The flowing river gurgled between cliffs rising a thousand feet high. The moon looked tiny against the lofty mountains, and the river revealed the rocks below.”
At this point, the phrase is still purely descriptive. By the Qing Dynasty, however, 水落石出 was already being used in its metaphorical sense. In the Travels of Lao Can, Liu E (1857-1909) wrote 因為你家這十三條命,是個大大的疑案,必須查個水落石出 (There have been 13 deaths in your family. This is highly suspicious, and needs to be investigated).
In English, we have two phrases that capture a similar sentiment to the metaphorical meaning of 水落石出, both of which come from the same piece of dialogue — found in William Shakespeare’s 1596 play the Merchant of Venice — in the line “truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man’s son may, but at the length truth will out.”
The sentiment here is that, just like the rocks at the bottom of the river, the truth is permanently present, even if temporarily concealed. Over time, and in the right conditions, the truth is sure to be revealed. It is not simply a reminder of this fact; it is also either a reassurance, should the listener desire the truth to be made known, or a caution, should the listener prefer the truth to remain unknown.
The use of “out” as a verb in modern English may appear slightly odd, and yet it remains perfectly permissible to say “the truth will out,” as one is essentially quoting Shakespeare.(Paul Cooper, Taipei Times)
The president is denying his involvement in the scandal, but I’m confident the truth will out in the end. (總統否認這醜聞跟他有關,但我相信真相最終會水落石出。)
You might as well tell me now. The truth will out, and it’s better if I don’t find you have been lying to me. (你最好現在就告訴我。真相會大白,最好不要讓我發現你一直在騙我。)
Renhe sat stiffly at the Wei Ya banquet, picking at the symbolic dishes on the table. Fish for abundance, sticky rice cake for progress — it all seemed superstitious to him. The shrine to the Land God near the entrance, adorned with offerings, incense, and fruit, struck him as frivolous. “What does this have to do with running a business?” Renhe scrolled on his phone as his co-workers performed skits and poorly sung songs. He wasn’t even paying attention to the lucky draws when his name was called. The room filled with applause and cheers as he went to the stage
The cocoa industry is currently facing a crisis, with this year’s cocoa trading price soaring to an unprecedented $10,000 per ton—a 400 percent increase from last year—stemming from diminished crop yields. Given cocoa’s indispensable role in chocolate-making, this surge has driven up chocolate prices and triggered concerns about the sustainability of global chocolate production. West Africa, home to over half of the world’s cocoa trees, is at the center of this issue. The Republic of Cote d’Ivoire and the Republic of Ghana, in particular, are facing severe challenges from both natural disasters and human-induced factors, substantially impacting cocoa harvests. Climate change, with
A: What were the highest-grossing films globally last year? B: “Inside Out 2” was the highest, followed by “Deadpool & Wolverine,” “Despicable Me 4,” “Dune: Part 2” and “Moana 2.” A: “Inside Out 2” was also the highest-grossing film in Taiwan. B: It grossed nearly US$1.7 billion worldwide, or NT$55 billion, becoming the best-selling animated film of all time. A: I can’t believe I missed the movie last year. A: 去年全球最賣座的電影有哪些? B: 冠軍是《腦筋急轉彎2》,其後是《死侍與金鋼狼》、《神偷奶爸4》、《沙丘:第2部》、《海洋奇緣2》。 A: 《腦2》也是去年台灣票房冠軍耶。 B: 這部鉅片狂賣近17億美元,約550億台幣,成為全球影史最賣座動畫電影! A: 真不敢相信我錯過了這部強片。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
「雙手合十/合掌禮」(namaste) or 「碰肘/擊肘」 (elbow bump): 新冠肺炎流行逐漸改變現代社會的某些社交禮儀,歐美許多名人政要開始以「雙手合十/合掌禮」(namaste) 或「碰肘/擊肘」(elbow bump) 替代握手。 《今日商業》報導英國王儲查爾斯以「雙手合十」代替握手。 Coronavirus update: Prince Charles spotted greeting people with namaste (Business Today , March 12, 2020) 另外,《商業內幕》報導:疫情期間美國總統川普在白宮舉行新冠肺炎記者會,想和居家照護公司LHC集團執行副總葛林斯坦 (Bruce Greenstein) 握手,葛林斯坦婉拒,示意改用擊肘。 President Donald Trump attempted to shake hands with a home health care company executive . . . but the man turned the president down and offered him an elbow bump instead. (Eliza Relman, Business Insider , March 14, 2020) 「雙手合十/合掌禮」源自印度,也流行於泰、緬等國家。「碰肘/擊肘」則是 2006 禽流感、2009 豬流感後逐漸流行。疫情逐漸改變我們的生活方式,包括打招呼等社交禮儀,也出現了微妙的變化。 「拱手禮」(fist-and-palm salute) 至於華人社會傳統上也有雙手互握合於胸前「拱手禮」(fist-and-palm salute)。公益網站 Just Quarantine 提到: Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen demonstrating social distancing through use of a traditional Chinese greeting (fist & palm) instead of shaking hands in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 因應新冠肺炎疫情,2020 當年總統蔡英文與來訪賓客保持安全距離,拱手 (fist &