Chinese practice
all-round knowledge; jack of all trades
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
(bo2 er2 bu4 jing1)
Steeplejack和lumberjack的字尾jack是源於過去很常見的男子名,用來泛稱一般的男子,尤其是具有某種技能的匠人。「Jack of all trades」指的是某人擅長的事很多,但沒有特別專精某一種技能。此俗語全句為「A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one」(會很多種技能的人不會是大師,但通常比專精某一項的大師好),而頗有贊許之意。現今較常用的說法是「A jack of all trades and a master of none」,最常以簡化的「jack of all trades」出現,且一般作貶義用,意指某人會做的事很多,但沒有一項是專精的。「Jack of all trades」這片語可應用於任何領域,不限於匠人及勞工。
有趣的是,一個類似的用語「Johannes factotum」—源自拉丁語,英語為Johnny do-it-all(包辦一切的強尼),也有這樣的貶義。此語為已知最早的對莎士比亞作品的記載,是一五九二年當時著名的詩人及劇作家羅伯特‧格林批評莎士比亞身兼演員與劇作家,一定寫不出好作品。莎翁已被後世公認為最偉大的英語作家,此句批評顯示一個人的眼光有可能多麼失準。
(Many businesses want the education system to produce specialists in certain fields, not generalists with no specific expertise.)
(This article touches upon all kinds of subjects, but none in any real depth. In many places it just glosses over them.)
jack of all trades, master of none
A steeple is a tower-like structure often found on churches. A steeplejack was a person who climbed tall structures like chimneys and steeples to carry out repairs. Lumber means logs that have been cut for use. A lumberjack was a person who felled trees and cut them into lumber.
The suffix “jack” derives from the use of Jack, once a very common man’s name, to refer to a man in general, and particularly one with a trade. A “jack of all trades” is a person who is good at many things, while not being particularly specialist at any one. The full phrase was once “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one,” and as such was quite complimentary. The more common formulation nowadays is “A jack of all trades and a master of none,” most often shortened to simply “jack of all trades,” and generally used in a derogatory sense, meaning that the person in question is able to do many things, but is not particularly good at anything. Nowadays, jack of all trades can be used in any field, and is not confined just to trades and labor work.
Interestingly, a similar term — derived from Latin — was “Johannes factotum” (Johnny do-it-all), which carried the same pejorative meaning that jack of all trades does today. It was a term directed at William Shakespeare in the first known reference, in 1592, to the work of the man many consider the greatest English language writer of all time, for having the audacity to attempt writing plays in addition to acting. The attack was written by a well-known contemporary poet and playwright named Robert Greene. How wrong a person can be.
One possible Chinese equivalent — 博而不精 — comes from the Biography of Ma Rong in the ancient text Book of the Later Han. Ma Rong (79–166AD) was a government official and a renowned Confucianist scholar in the Eastern Han dynasty. In the Biography it is said that Ma was researching the Zuo Zhuan to write a commentary and explanation of the text, but after reading the works of two men, Jia Kui (30-101) — a Confucian scholar and an expert in the Zuo Zhuan — and the powerful eunuch Zheng Zhong (d. 107), he wrote: “Jia has a profound knowledge, (精而不博) while Zheng’s knowledge is broader, yet not as deep (博而不精). Between the combined breadth and depth of their contribution, what more can I add?”
(Paul Cooper, Taipei Times)
I don’t think you could call him an authority on this matter. It seems to me he has always been a bit of a jack of all trades.
He’s a decent striker, and he’s good in midfield, but he’s too much of a jack of all trades to ever be a world class footballer.
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A: When is the Lantern Festival? B: The festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar, which fell on Feb. 12 this year. A: Oh no! Did I miss the 2025 Taipei Lantern Festival? B: Yes, you did. But you can still go to the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taoyuan, which will run until this Sunday. A: Let’s go admire the exuberant lanterns. A: 元宵節到底是哪一天? B: 就是農曆1月15日啊,今年則落在國曆2月12日。 A: 喔不,我是不是錯過了2025台北燈節? B: 是的,但你還可以去桃園的2025台灣燈會,活動將持續至週日。 A: 那我們去欣賞豐富的花燈秀吧! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Every February, the small town of Ptuj in Slovenia comes alive with the vibrant celebration of its famous carnival. This festival, with its deep historical roots, is a cherished tradition where local residents come together to ward off the winter cold and embrace the arrival of spring. Participants dress up in furry costumes, transforming into kurenti, mythical monsters believed to drive away evil spirits and bring good fortune for the new year. Although the exact origins of the Ptuj carnival remain a mystery, it is firmly rooted in ancient Slavic and Illyrian cultures. The modern form of the carnival
A: What’s the theme of the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival’s main lantern? B: The theme is “Paradise,” and the main lantern is a snake-shaped “infinity” symbol that features a lighting show every half an hour. A: Cool, I heard that there are over 300 lanterns. B: There are even giant lanterns in the shape of Pikachu and some other popular Pokemon characters. A: Let’s go now. A: 2025台灣燈會主燈的主題是什麼? B: 主題是「無限樂園」!主燈的造型則是蛇形的數學「無限號」,主燈每半小時還有一次燈光秀。 A: 酷喔,聽說總共有300多件花燈作品。 B: 甚至還有皮卡丘和其他熱門寶可夢角色的巨型花燈呢。 A: 哇我們現在就出發吧! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)