In the first round of the 2017 International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Qatar Open Women’s Singles on Feb. 23, 32-year-old Dutch national Li Jie and Japan’s 19-year-old Hitomi Sato set a world record, with the two taking the first rally of the third game to 10 minutes 13 seconds in 766 shots, making it the longest rally in a competitive table tennis match in the modern era. Their names will now be recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.
Both players lean heavily on the chop shot technique, playing a predominantly defensive game, only occasionally stepping to attack. Neither wanted to go on the offensive, choosing instead cut, drop, long push and chop shots. Ten minutes and 13 seconds into the rally, another ball bounced onto the court, and the rally had to be stopped. Li served again, but this time the expedite system was implemented for the rest of the match.
In the 11 point system of table tennis, if a point has not been awarded within 10 minutes, the expedite system is introduced for the rest of the match. With the expedite system in play, each player takes turns to serve, and the player returning serve earns the point after 13 shots. This forces the server to go onto the attack.
Photo: screengrab
(Liberty Times, translated by Paul Cooper)
A: And how about the other star signs? B: Libras can benefit from multiple perspectives, Scorpios will be tough as steel and Sagittariuses may travel around. A: Cool, what’s next? B: Capricorns may take the lead, Aquarius may start a new life and Pisces should be well prepared for action. A: I hope we’ll have a lot of good fortune in the Year of the Snake. A: 其他的星座運勢如何? B: 「天秤座」左右逢源、「天蠍座」百煉成鋼、「射手座」志在四方。 A: 還有呢? B: 「摩羯座」一馬當先、「水瓶座」脫胎換骨、「雙魚座」蓄勢待發。 A: 希望大家在蛇年能好運旺旺來! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Despite advancements in bicycle security, millions of bicycles are stolen every year. A revolutionary bicycle lock, called “SKUNKLOCK,” takes a proactive approach to deterring thieves. __1__, SKUNKLOCK releases a noxious chemical that could cause would-be thieves to vomit and effectively discourages them from continuing their efforts to steal the bicycle. While conventional locks can be defeated by determined thieves using specialized tools, SKUNKLOCK’s dual approach of physical resistance and chemical deterrence is highly effective, making it a formidable __2__ against bike theft. The U-lock is made of high-tensile carbon steel, which can withstand attempts to break it using brute