Cartoonist Alfonso Wong, creator of the popular comic strip “Old Master Q,” died at the age of 93 in the US on Jan. 1, OMQ ZMedia Ltd, the company that promotes Wong’s comics, announced in a statement on its Web site recently.
Wong is best known for his humorous comic strip, which many in the Chinese-speaking world grew up reading. He began drawing his iconic “Old Master Q” in 1963. The comic strip features the protagonist Old Master Q — a funny and engaging character who dresses in traditional Chinese clothing — and his best friends Big Potato and Mr Chin.
The comic strip portrays the everyday lives of the main characters, and has been made into films. The first Old Master Q-themed restaurant opened in Hong Kong last year. Wong’s eldest son Joseph Wong took over the comic strip in 1995 to carry on his father’s work.
Photo courtesy of OMQ ZMedia Ltd
There were 127,350 measles cases reported in Europe and Central Asia last year, double the number of cases reported the previous year and the highest number since 1997, an analysis by the WHO and UNICEF showed. Measles outbreaks in West Texas and New Mexico in the US are now up to more than 250 cases, and two unvaccinated people have died from measles-related causes. Measles is caused by a highly contagious virus that is airborne and spreads easily when an infected person breathes, sneezes or coughs. It is preventable through vaccines, and was considered eliminated from the US since 2000. In the US,
中國海關總署突然發布通知,指台灣輸入的釋迦及蓮霧檢出介殼蟲「大洋臀紋粉蚧」,決定暫停輸入。 In September 2021, China’s customs administration announced that it would suspend imports of sweetsop and jambu from Taiwan, citing discoveries of Planococcus minor, a type of mealybug. 蓮霧 (jambu/champoo, Syzygium samarangense) ,又名洋蒲桃,是桃金孃科熱帶水果,原產於印尼和馬來西亞,在星、馬稱作水蓊,中、港、澳稱作天桃。 蓮霧學名中的種小名 samarangense,係因模式標本採自印尼的Semarang (三寶瓏) 而得名。 蓮霧馬來語稱為 jambu air,第二個字 air讀作 /?a??(r)/,是水的意思,荷蘭人從印尼引進台灣,台語音譯為蓮霧 ian-b?。 以往蓮霧常見譯為 wax apple,聽起來好像素描靜物用的蠟製水果 (Wax Fruit),曾有人問美國朋友要不要吃蓮霧? Care for a wax apple? 對方回一句:Why not a real one? 近來美國市場流行泰語的講法 champoo。蓮霧果實長得像鈴鐺,因此又稱為 bell-fruit。 Syzygium samarangense is a tropical fruit in the family Myrtaceae, native to the Greater Sunda Islands and the Malay Peninsula. Common names in English include champoo, jambu, bell fruit, rose apple, Java apple, and wax apple. In Taiwan, the dark red cultivars are nicknamed “Black
Imagine standing in a lush forest, surrounded by the songs of birds and the rustling of leaves, with the earthy scent of soil and trees filling the air. This is the essence of forest bathing, a natural experience that brings peace to both body and mind. Originating from the Japanese term “shinrin-yoku,” forest bathing is a simple yet healing activity. It requires no special equipment or skills, just a willingness to disconnect from the digital world and embrace nature. The key is to use all of your senses to fully engage with the forest: feeling the warmth of sunlight on your
A: Taiwan’s baseball superstar Chen Wei-yin announced his retirement, and I’m still in shock. B: Didn’t you fly to Japan last Sunday just to attend his retirement ceremony? A: Yeah, it was held by Chen’s former Japanese team, the Chunichi Dragons. I even cried at the event. B: His glorious record of 96 wins in Japanese and US professional baseball altogether is unprecedented. A: His total income of NT$3.3 billion, including a huge 2016 contract of US$80 million with the US Miami Marlins, is also unprecedented. A: 台灣棒球巨星陳偉殷宣布引退,真是令人震驚。 B: 你週日不是特別飛去日本,參加他的引退儀式嗎? A: 對啊老東家「中日龍」為他舉行了儀式,我還感動到大哭。 B: 他創下日/美職棒總計96勝紀錄,真是史無前例。 A: 而他生涯總收入高達33億台幣,包括在2016年時,和「馬林魚」簽下8千萬美元巨約,更是無人能及! (By Eddy