Chinese practice
To rein in the horse at the brink
Photo: Paul Cooper, Taipei Times
xuan2 yai2 le4 ma3
在英文中類似的片語是「in the nick of time」(在緊要關頭)、「just in time」(及時),或是「at the very last moment」(在最後一刻)。此處所用之「nick」一字,可追溯至十六世紀,它指的是木頭上的一個小刻痕或是刻度,用作測度時間,標記事情發生的時刻。「nick」一字現在已經沒有原來「the critical moment」(關鍵時刻)的意思,其原義只在這個片語中保留下來。這片語之後又進一步加上修飾語「of time」,雖然狹義而言它原本單純指的是「在某一確切時刻」,但這個成語現今多用來指最後關頭。 (台北時報記者林俐凱譯)
♦ 他本來已經要扣下板機了,幸好他懸崖勒馬,沒有鑄下大錯。
(He was just about to pull the trigger, but luckily held back right at the last moment, and didn’t make a huge error.)
♦ 幸好他們及時懸崖勒馬,停止濫墾濫伐,才沒有毀掉環境。
(Thank heavens they stopped the deforestation right at the last moment, and didn’t ruin the environment.)
in the nick of time; just in time
The idiom 懸崖勒馬 comes from quite an early work, the Yuan dynasty play Zhi Yong Ding Qi by Zheng Dehui. In the play there is the line “呀!你如今船到江心補漏遲,抵多少臨崖勒馬纔收騎”, which means, “oh, it is like taking the boat to the middle of the river, and only then repairing the leaks, or racing to the edge of the cliff before realizing that you need to pull on the reins and bring your steed to a halt. As a result, the idiom 懸崖勒馬 is a metaphor for arriving at the brink of danger before realizing the risk, and deciding to pull back.
The equivalent English idiom is to do something “in the nick of time,” “just in time” or “at the very last moment.” The word “nick,” as used here, dates back to the 1500s, and refers to a small cut, or notch, made in wood, usually as a precise marker of time, the exact moment in which something is to happen. The meaning of “nick” as “the critical moment” is now obsolete, and survives only in this idiom. The idiom was later further elaborated with the qualifier “of time” and, whereas the strict sense of the first usage simply meant “at a precise moment,” the idiom now more usually refers to something that happens at the last possible moment. (Paul Cooper, Taipei Times)
♦ Ah, you’re here, and just in the nick of time. Breakfast is ready.
♦ The police arrived just in the nick of time. Any later, and she would have been a goner.
The death of an Oregon house cat and a pet food recall are raising questions about the ongoing outbreak of bird flu and how people can protect their pets. Bird flu has been spreading for years in wild birds, chickens, turkeys and many other animals. It was first confirmed in US dairy cattle in March. The virus has been causing sporadic, mostly mild illnesses in people in the US, and nearly all of those infected worked on dairy or poultry farms. When the virus is found, every bird on a farm is killed to limit the spread of the disease. Oregon health officials
A symphony of roaring engines fills the air as the red lights vanish, propelling the Formula 1 cars into a furious rush. The competition on the track is fierce, but the battle for a seat on the grid begins long before the first race. Below Formula 1 are several series designed to nurture talent and prepare drivers for the ultimate challenge. Formula 1 (F1) Formula 1, often abbreviated as F1, is the most historic and prestigious form of motorsport, with its origins dating back to the first Grand Prix in 1946. Each team in F1 is responsible for
Imagine racing up many flights of stairs, your heart pounding as you ascend a towering skyscraper. Welcome to the thrilling world of tower running, also known as run ups. Unlike traditional marathons on flat tracks, tower running involves climbing skyscraper stairs. Competitors start at the base and ascend to the top, tackling hundreds or thousands of steps, testing their speed, endurance and willpower. The physical demands of run ups are substantial, as stair climbing constitutes a prolonged, weight-bearing exercise. This activity places a significant strain on the body, burning up to four times the calories compared to regular running.
前法國中量級拳王為答謝照護他岳父的醫護人員,教她們打拳擊舒壓,新聞報導刊出的照片底下有一行英文說明: Operating theater nurse Kenza Benour trains with boxer Hassan N’Dam at VSG hospital on the outskirts of Paris on Wednesday. (AP) (May 30, 2020) 說明中的 operating theater 就是指「手術室」,不是 *演出中的劇院。 以下這篇文章,提到 2020 年英國因為新冠肺炎病人多到難以招架,有一家醫院甚至把 all its theaters 都改裝,以容納大量湧入的新冠肺炎病人。 The UK health system is so overwhelmed that a hospital is converting all its theaters for coronavirus patients, and nurses have panic attacks because they can’t cope with the stress. (Mia Jankowicz, Business Insider , April 7, 2020) 文中出現的 theaters,也不是指劇院,而是「手術室」。 之前有不少文章或活動,向新冠肺炎危機期間的第一線醫護人員表達感恩與致意,底下就是一例: Give an “extra clap” tonight for operating theatre staff during Covid-19 crisis (Steve Ford, Nursing Times , May, 14, 2020) 手術室為什麼叫 operating theater?因為19世紀之前,為方便醫學教育,手術室通常都模仿古希臘劇場,設計成階梯狀,方便醫學生觀摩學習,因此得名。 我自己曾經進過手術室,2018 年 7 月我做了一個疝氣修補 (hernia repair) 的腹腔鏡手術 (laparoscopy)。離開手術室兩三個小時後,已經能從輪床 (gurney)