How much metal do you eat a day? Well, if you're fit and healthy you're almost certainly eating quite a lot of iron. It might seem weird to be eating iron, which is after all the same material that is used for making nails and airplanes. Nevertheless, it is essential to carrying oxygen from your lungs and without it you'd have some serious health problems.
One of the best sources of iron is from corn flakes. In fact if you look at the ingredients of a corn flakes box you'll see that iron is listed as an ingredient. In today's experiment you will see for yourself that the iron that you eat is the same as the iron found in nails and planes.
What you will need: iron fortified corn flakes, a zipper lock bag, water and a strong magnet.
Methodology 方法
Step 1: Take the zipper lock bag and half fill it with water. Next add a cupful of corn flakes to the water. The idea is to make the cereal dissolve into a mushy fluid, so it helps if you use warm water. Keep squeezing the bag until the cereal has become a thick liquid. It might help if you leave it to dissolve for ten minutes.
Step 2: Take your magnet and press it to the side of the bag. The idea is to attract iron to the magnet, so slowly move the magnet round the bag and mix the cereal mush at the same time.
Step 3: Take a close look at your magnet. You should notice some tiny specs of iron attached to it. Continue to drag the magnet around the bag until the iron has grouped together. Open the bag and carefully slide the magnet to the top and try to remove the iron. Congratulations - now you know that there is real iron in your breakfast!
As we mentioned earlier, iron is essential to carrying oxygen from your lungs. Some cereal manufacturers add extra iron to their products in a process known as fortification, but many nutritionists doubt if our bodies can actually utilize iron in this form. (John phillips, staff writer)
正如前面所提到的,鐵質是肺部運輸氧氣不可或缺的重要功臣。有些玉米片廠商會利用「強化程序」在產品中額外添加鐵質,但許多營養師對這類型鐵質是否能被人體吸收利用抱持懷疑的態度。 (翻譯:袁星塵)
Vocabulary 今日單字
1. iron n.
鐵 (tie3),鐵質 (tie3 zhi2)
2. oxygen n.
氧氣 (yang3 qi4)
3. ingredient n.
原料 (yuan2 liao4)
4. dissolve v.i./v.t.
溶解 (rong2 jie3)
5. manufacturer n.
廠商 (chang3 shang1)
6. nutritionist n.
營養學家 (ying2 yang3 xue2 jia1)
In the digital age, where communication revolves around text messages, “telephone phobia” (also known as “telephobia”) has become increasingly common, especially among young adults. Despite the ubiquity of smartphones, a significant number of individuals experience anxiety when __1__ making or receiving a phone call. Telephobia, in essence, is a fear or reluctance related to speaking on the phone. __2__ other communication methods, phone conversations require spontaneous responses and lack visual feedback such as body language and facial expressions. In such a real-time situation, telephobia sufferers are concerned about their inability to respond or express themselves appropriately, which can lead
A: Apart from singer Daniel Kang, more South Korean stars are coming to Taiwan in March. B: Really? Like who? A: Taeyeon of Girls’ Generation will hold a concert at the Taipei Dome on March 16. B: So she’ll set a milestone by becoming the first K-pop artist to stage a show at the venue. A: Singer Lee Mu-jin, boy group NCT 127 and girl group GFRIEND are also visiting Taiwan. I can’t wait. A: 除了姜丹尼爾,3月有不少韓星訪台。 B: 真的嗎?有誰啊? A: 像是少女時代的太妍,3月16日即將唱進大巨蛋。 B: 成為首位破蛋的韓流歌手,這可真是一項里程碑! A: 歌手李茂珍、男團NCT 127、女團GFRIEND 3月也要來,真是令人期待。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)
A: My favorite K-pop superstar, Daniel Kang, will hold a concert at the Taipei Music Center. B: Wow, I’ve also been a fan since he debuted in 2017 as the “center” of the two-year limited boy group Wanna One. A: Since Daniel went solo in 2019, he has continued to shine internationally. B: When is his show taking place? A: It’s scheduled for March 1, which is my birthday. It’s the best birthday gift ever. A: 我最愛的韓星姜丹尼爾要在台北流行音樂中心開唱啦。 B: 哇,自他在2017年以2 年限定男團Wanna One「C位」出道時,我就 一直是他的粉絲。 A: 而他在2019 年單飛後,還是持續在國際上發光發熱。 B: 演唱會是哪天? A: 日期訂在3月1日,也是我的生日。這真是最好的生日禮物! (By Eddy Chang,
本文由生成式 AI 協作,本刊編輯編修 Striking a balance between taste and health can be difficult, especially for those who appreciate Asian food. Many Asian dishes are high in sodium, which can be harmful to health, including increasing the risk of hypertension and stroke. In Japan, this problem is especially severe, with the average adult __1__ about 10 grams of salt per day, double the amount recommended by the World Health Organization. While many people seek healthier choices, __2__ salt can often leave food tasting bland, which makes low-sodium diets difficult to maintain. A Japanese compa ny has developed a __3__ utensil that makes