Rules and more rules:
1. To win at mahjong, you have to put a total of 17 tiles into five groups, each of which can have three or four tiles. Each group must form a certain order, and the two extra tiles that are not a part of any group must be identical.
1. 打麻將要贏,手上的十七張牌要形成五組三或四張的牌組,外加上兩張一模一樣的牌,又稱將牌。
2. What order? There are three kinds: "peng4"(碰), "chi1"(吃) and "gang4"(槓) .
2. 需要什麼樣的牌組?碰、吃、槓。
Peng: Three identical tiles of any suit, as in picture A.
碰,就是三張一模一樣的牌,如圖A 示:
Chi: Three sequential numbers of the same suit, as in picture B.
吃,就是三張連續數字,如圖B 示:
Gang: Four identical tiles of any suit, as in picture C.
槓,就是四張一模一樣的牌,如圖C 示:
Note: Normally, when you form a peng or chi, you put all three tiles out in front of your wall so others can see how close you are to winning. But when you form an "An4 gang4"(暗槓), you cover all four tiles so other players know you've got all four tiles of one particular pattern, but don't know which ones. This is a strategy to hinder your opponent, who might be waiting for your gang tiles to win.
3. You win by forming a hand of five either peng, chi or gang plus two other identical tiles. Picture D shows examples of winning hands:
3. 所謂贏牌就是手上要有五組以碰、吃或槓單一或交錯組成的牌,加上將牌,如圖D 所示。
Starting the game:
After players have finished replacing their bonus tiles, each should have 16 regular tiles.
1. East (the dealer) begins drawing tiles from the part of the wall where players left off while selecting their original 16 tiles, not from the part of the wall where they left off while replacing their bonus tiles. East draws one tile from the wall and discards the one of his 16 tiles that helps him the least and puts it in the center of the table. For example: In pictureE, the zhong(中)tile would be discarded. East should get rid of the "red dragon"(紅中)because it is so different from the others, which makes it hard to match it with others.
For example:
1. 這時東風要從各家結束取牌的地方開始抓牌,而不是從槓尾取。 東風從牆頭取一張牌,並且從自己的牆丟出一張不需要的牌到牌池。如圖E 所示,這時應該拋棄紅中:東風最好丟棄紅中,因為它跟其他牌不相容,難成氣候。
2. The game moves in a counterclockwise direction. North continues play by taking the next tile from the wall as East did, or, if he finds that the tile that East just ditched could help him form a chi, he could take that one and combine it with two of his own tiles to form a chi, put it out in front of the wall, and ditch one of his own tiles that he finds useless. You can't take the previous player's tile unless it is the last tile you need to form a chi. Players can only form a chi with the discarded tile of the player directly before them. For example, West could not use East's tile to form a chi. However, if you see someone ditch a tile that you need to form a peng or gang, you may claim the tile no matter whom it was discarded by. Forming a peng or gang takes priority over forming a chi. Even if a player wants to form a chi with the discarded tile of the player immediately before him, the other two players may steal the tile if it helps them form a peng or a gang. In addition, players may steal a discarded tile if it is the last tile they need to win. Winning the game takes precedence over forming either a peng, gang or chi.
2. 輪到北風,北風可以跟東風作一樣接著從牆排拿牌,或者,如果他想吃東風丟出來的牌,他要把想吃的牌,連同他自己原來的兩張牌都放到牆外,然後丟一張自己的牌出來。如果不是差一張就能吃,不能拿上家的牌,而且只有你能吃你上家的牌,其他人不行,比方說西風就一定不能吃東風的牌,除非他差一張牌就胡牌。但是如果你看到牌可以碰或槓,就算那張牌不是你上家丟出來的也能拿,而且碰和槓比吃大,就算那個人的下家要吃也得讓你,當然,除非他要胡了,要胡的人比吃、碰槓還要大。
3. After a player forms a peng or gang, the game continues to the right of that player. For example, after East ditches a tile, it is supposed to be North's turn. But if South uses East's tile to peng, after he completes the peng, it will be the player to South's right's turn, in this case East. North simply loses his turn.
3. 如果有人碰或槓,遊戲接下來會從碰完或吃完的人接著開始,比方說,東風丟了一張牌,本來是該北風,但是如果南風要碰,碰完之後,就繼續逆時針從他右手家開始,不是北風,簡而言之,東風和北風就是被跳過了。
4. If you need one more tile to win, you are "ting1 pai2"(聽牌). Some people like to show off by turning their tiles over.
4. 如果你剩一張牌就贏了,你就是在聽牌,有人會在此時把所有的牌蓋起來以警示其他對手自己距離勝利只剩一步之遙,不過這麼做除了讓別人覺得你很帥之外,沒什麼好處。
5. If East wins this round, the next round is still East's round. But if East loses, the next round will go counter-clockwise, so it will be North's round.
5. 如果東風贏了這一盤,下一盤仍是東風,如果東風輸了,下一盤就是逆時針方向到北風盤。
6. There is only one winner in mahjong. If one wins by claiming the tile that another player has discarded, which we call "hu2"(胡)in Chinese, the player who ditched the tile is the loser of the game, and only he has to pay the winner. But if one wins with a tile from the wall, which we call "zi4 mo1"(自摸) in Chinese, all the other players are losers and must all pay the winner.
6. 麻將只會有一位贏家,而如果贏家的最後一張牌是靠拿其他家丟出來牌取勝,稱之「胡」,而放槍的大爺是這盤唯一的輸家,只有他要付錢贏的人錢,但是如果贏家是自己從牌牆摸牌取勝,稱之為「自摸」,其他三家都是輸家,而且都要付錢給贏家。
Calculate your points:
There are several different ways to calculate your points. Beginners should decide as a group how much the loser, or losers, should pay to the winner before playing.
Some tips to help you win:
1. Pay attention to what tiles other players are collecting. That way when another player is close to winning and you are nowhere close, (you can tell by looking at how many tiles he has out front), you will know which tiles you should keep or ditch so that whoever is about to win won't get the tile he wants.
2. Use wind or dragon tiles as the two identical tiles.
2. 用東南西北或中發白來當將牌。
3. Wear red underwear.
3. 穿紅色內衣。
4. If you are winning, don't go to the restroom too often. If you have to go, don't wash your hands. But if you are losing, do the opposite.
4. 贏的人,少上廁所;別洗手,輸的人多起來走動。
If you are a single mahjong player looking for competition, here are some useful Web sites for you:
You can buy online mahjong software from the following companies:
Mahjong Master
Softstar Entertainment Inc.
Tel: 02-8226-5655
WangLai Mahjong
Tel: 02-2948-9899
Mahjong Academy
Tel: 02-5555-0000
1. These games are only availible in Chinese.
2. Due to the complexity of mahjong rules and the limited space on our page, some details are left out on purpose to get the game rolling.
1. 以上遊戲都只有中文介面。
1. 因麻將規則頗為複雜,基於版面限制,若干細節不及備載,以便新手了解。
A: It’s a pity that I can’t go to Australian pop diva Kylie Minogue’s concert. B: Why not? A: Hit Japanese singer Kenshi Yonezu is staging two shows at the Taipei Arena this weekend, and I already bought tickets long ago. B: Wow, isn’t he one of the most popular Japanese singers in recent years? A: And Yonezu’s megahit “Lemon” topped the Billboard Japan Hot 100’s year-end chart in 2018 and 2019 consecutively. A: 我不能去澳洲歌后凱莉米諾的演唱會真可惜。 B: 為什麼? A: 日本人氣歌手米津玄師週末將在小巨蛋熱唱兩場,我早早就買票啦。 B: 哇他可是日本近年來最紅的歌手之一。 A: 米津的神曲《Lemon》甚至還在2018、2019年連續稱霸告示牌日本單曲榜年度冠軍! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)
A: Australian pop diva Kylie Minogue is set to visit Taiwan for the third time on Saturday. B: I remember that her Taipei concerts in 2008 and 2011 caused a sensation, and I love her megahit “Can’t Get You Out of My Head.” A: This will be her first time performing in the southern city of Kaohsiung. B: Many music critics praise Kylie’s show as “a must-see in your lifetime.” A: Let’s go to Kaohsiung this weekend. A: 澳洲歌后凱莉米諾週六即將三度訪台。 B: 她曾在2008、2011年兩度在台北開唱都造成大轟動,我超愛她的神曲《Can’t Get You Out of My Head》。 A: 這次可是她首度唱進南台灣的高雄呢。 B: 許多樂評家說她的演唱會是「此生必看」! A: 那我們週末去高雄吧。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)
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