Chinese New Year is probably the only time of the year when you can play mahjong without being accused of engaging in illegal gambling. But while happy Chinese people everywhere are having a good time and laughing joyfully as they play, foreigners are left scratching their heads, unable to understand this quintessential part of Chinese culture. Here's Mahjong 101 for those who feel left out and can't wait any longer to break the cultural barrier.
中國新年大概是一年中唯一可以合法打麻將的時候,不過當喜氣洋洋的中國人愉快地打著麻將,輕快的摸牌聲伴隨著笑聲響徹雲霄,外國人卻丈二金剛摸不著頭緒,無法了解這項中國國粹。Taipie Times特別規劃「麻將自救手冊」給覺得自己被冷落,或是等不及想打破文化藩籬的你。
The origins of mahjong:
There are several theories about the origins of mahjong, but the most plausible one suggests Confucius developed the game around 500BC; the appearance of mahjong coincides with Confucius' travels, and the three main tiles correspond to his three basic doctrines: prosperity, benevolence and sincerity. All right, enough dry theory, we know you're chomping at the bit to play.
Where can I buy a Mahjong set?
A basic plastic set costs about NT$900. You can find one at major retailers and nightmarkets.
Suits of the tiles:
There are several kinds of mahjong. The mahjong we'll focus on is Taiwanese mahjong, which uses 144 tiles: 108 suit tiles, 28 honor tiles and 8 bonus tiles.
1. There are three kinds of suit tiles, one kind showing a line, another a dot, and another a character. In Chinese we call them 索 (suo3), 筒 (tong3), and 萬 (wan4) respectively.
Note: Yes, that's right, the first "suo" tile looks like a bird. That's why we sometimes call this tile "yi1 zhi1" (一隻).
2. The honor tiles consist of dragon tiles and wind tiles. Dragon tiles come in three different colors and wind tiles come in four different directions.
Here's how they look:
The dragon tiles are called red 紅中 (hong2 zhong1)、white 白板 (bai2 ban3) and green 青發 (qing1 fa1).
The wind tiles are East 東 (dong1), South 南 (nan2), West 西 (xi1), and North 北 (bei3).
3. Lastly, bonus tiles 花牌 (hua1 pai2) are as follows.
The tiles mean: plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, spring, summer, fall and winter. In Chinese they are written 梅 (mei2), 蘭 (lan2), 竹 (xhu2), 菊 (ju2), 春 (chun1), 夏 (xia4), 秋 (qiu1), 冬 (dong1) respectively.
Building the wall:
1. You need four people to play the game, and it's best to have a square table instead of a round one.
2. Take out one of each kind of wind tile and flip them over. Each player chooses one tile to decide where he will sit. For example, whoever picks up the North wind tile should sit to the North. Players should determine where each direction is located on the table before picking tiles.
3. Mix up all the tiles thoroughly and put them on the table facing down.
4. Each player randomly selects 36 tiles to make a wall in front of him consisting of two horizontalrows of 18 face down tiles. Use the rack that comes with the Mahjong set to push the wall forward a little bit to make it nice and orderly. When each player has done this, the wall is complete.
Note: The pieces in the wall do not belong to anyone.
How do you deal?
1. In the first round, decide who will be the dealer by rolling three dice. For example, if the dice show a total of 13, count around the table counter-clockwise from the East, counting each player as one. Since the 13th direction lands on East, East is the dealer for the first round. If East wins the first round, he remains the dealer, but if he loses, North becomes the dealer. The person to the right of the dealer becomes the new dealer each time the dealer loses.
2. Players now build up a bank of their own pieces by taking pieces from the wall. East throws the three dice to decide which part of the wall players will take pieces from first. If East rolls a 12, then count 12 counter-clockwise around the table. In this case South would be the 12th direction.
3. As you face the south wall, count 12 pieces from the left.
Note: Where you start taking pieces from on the South wall is also determined by East's roll of the dice.
4. East begins by taking the 13th and 14th columns out of the south wall to make his own wall of 4 tiles. He begins with 13 and 14 because the roll of the dice was 12; South is the next position clockwise around the table, so South continues by taking the 15th and 16th columns out of the south wall; West takes the 17th and 18th columns out of the south wall; North continues clockwise around the table by taking the first and second columns out of the west wall; This continues until all the players have accumulated 16 tiles.
4. 現在東風從南風牆牌拿第十三、十四墩來堆自己的牆,他從第十三墩開始拿,因為剛才骰子的結果是十二;順時針方向的下一位是南風,所以他接著拿南風牆牌的十五、十六墩給自己蓋牆;西風再拿十七、十八墩,北風則順時針方向地取西風牆牌的第一、二墩,如此直到每位玩家都有十六張牌為止。
Organizing your tiles:
1. Stand all your tiles facing toward you and put any bonus tiles out in front of your wall face up.
2. Players now replace their bonus tiles with the tiles remaining in front of the South wall, which is called "gang4 wei3" (槓尾). In this case East returns to the 12th tile on the south wall and this time proceeds counter clockwise. Note that players can't randomly take tiles from the south wall; they must begin at the 12th and move consecutively towards the 1st.
3. Go counter-clockwise around the table to allow each player to replace his bonus tiles. Skip players who did not orginally draw any bonus tiles.
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A: Australian pop diva Kylie Minogue is set to visit Taiwan for the third time on Saturday. B: I remember that her Taipei concerts in 2008 and 2011 caused a sensation, and I love her megahit “Can’t Get You Out of My Head.” A: This will be her first time performing in the southern city of Kaohsiung. B: Many music critics praise Kylie’s show as “a must-see in your lifetime.” A: Let’s go to Kaohsiung this weekend. A: 澳洲歌后凱莉米諾週六即將三度訪台。 B: 她曾在2008、2011年兩度在台北開唱都造成大轟動,我超愛她的神曲《Can’t Get You Out of My Head》。 A: 這次可是她首度唱進南台灣的高雄呢。 B: 許多樂評家說她的演唱會是「此生必看」! A: 那我們週末去高雄吧。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)
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