This year, most of the world’s oceans have higher temperatures than the average temperatures in the past two years. Media worldwide has reported that Asia is the most impacted region from extreme heatwaves and rising temperatures.
Climate change affects human activities, and disproportionately impacts those who are disadvantaged, such as poor people. During periods of extreme high temperatures, many people have no choice but to work or live outside the whole day, such as food delivery riders, construction workers and homeless people. When water and food shortages occur dur to wildfire, drought or the decline of healthy biodiversity, wealthy people are more likely to gain access to the resources than poor people.
However, the effects of climate change have been increasing. In the near future, all the world’s population, whether they are poor or rich, are expected to be impacted by climate change and natural disasters. Climate change is a world emergency, as the world has shifted to the era of global boiling.
Therefore, corrective and preventive actions against climate change must be implemented immediately. Whereas climate change technologies are required to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions, many countries, especially developing countries, do not have access to such technologies.
Therefore, all nations should strongly cooperate by sharing knowledge and technologies to mitigate the impact of climate change.
As the survival of humanity is at stake, everyone should work together to protect each other and the planet. If the end of the world is coming, to save the planet humanity should desist in consuming more resources than the earth can regenerate in a lifetime.
In terms of waste management technologies, some countries such as Taiwan and Germany have efficient recycling technologies and systems, and they could assist other countries to help tackle climate change.
In a time of emergency crisis and disasters, all the world’s population should be protected without discrimination.
Phathara-on Wesarat is head of the bachelor of business administration program in the faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Prince of Songkla University in Thailand.