Chinese practice
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If you sow melon seeds, you get melons, if beans, you get beans;
come full circle and start again
(zhong4 gua1 de2 gua1, zhong4 dou4 de2 dou4)
(zhou1 er2 fu4 shi3)
威廉‧莎士比亞的悲劇《李爾王》中,葛羅斯特伯爵之嫡子埃德加將他同父異母的弟弟,即伯爵狡詐的庶子愛德蒙殺成重傷。愛德蒙垂死時,兩兄弟說到命運和天理。埃德加說,葛羅斯特伯爵變成瞎子,是上天對他通姦的懲罰,這通姦的慾望,也把愛德蒙帶到這世上。愛德蒙也同意這話,說道:「Th’hast spoken right, ‘tis true. The wheel is come full circle, I am here.」(這話說得對,這是真的。輪子是圓的,這就是為何現在我落到這下場。)他說的「wheel」,指的是「wheel of destiny」(命運之輪)。愛德蒙說「I am here」,意思是指命運之輪完成了它的因果循環。
這就是「to come full circle」(完整的循環,現意為重新回到原位)這句話的由來。在《李爾王》劇中,它指的是人無法逃脫命運的必然性。雖然愛德蒙做了一些非常惡毒的事,但是「full circle」並不一定表示他會直接因此受到懲罰。在現代英語中,「full circle」也不再有無法逃避之命運的含義;它單純是指一個歷程已經完成,緊接著就重新開始。
我們的所作所為,無論好壞,都要受上天的評斷──這便是「you reap what you sow」(種甚麼因,得什麼果)這句話所表達的意思。若你做好事,就會有好事發生在你身上;若你做了壞事,那你就只能等著壞事發生。這句話出自《新約聖經》〈加拉太書〉第六章第七節,此處所描述的上帝是正義的主持者。這段經文寫道:「Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.」(不要自欺,神是輕慢不得的。人種的是甚麼,收的也是甚麼)〔新國際版英譯、和合本中譯〕。
現代英語中另一個常見的片語是「what goes around comes around」(善有善報、惡有惡報),它表示一種命運、業力或天理的運作,縱使不一定是由某位神所掌控。「what goes around comes around」明顯運用了一種循環的概念,但並沒有《李爾王》中的「come full circle」那種命運註定的意思;它完全是指發生在你身上的事,是對你所作所為的某種償還──或許是好事,但主要是壞事。
「what goes around comes around」是相對較新的語言,首見於保羅‧克朗普一九六二年的小說《燃燒吧殺手,燒燒吧!》,且是貫穿全書的主題。這句話不只出現一次,而是出現了八次。
耐人尋味地──這肯定不是刻意為之──這本小說裡的「coming full circle」,也是跟瞎眼有關──第二十四章提到有個人物被警察毆打,打到失明了。敘述者聽聞,感到椎心的內疚,但為了要合理解釋這件事,便說:「But what goes around comes around, big daddy, so you pulled down what your hand called for, I thought.」(但因果循環,報應不爽,老爹,所以你拿下你的手所要的東西,我想。)這句裡的「you pulled down what your hand called for」並非成語,但它令人聯想起一個俄國諺語,其意為「As the call, so is the echo」(發出什麼聲音,就有什麼回聲)。
最後,若要表達某個進程完整走過一遍,緊接著便重新開始──且沒有任何因果關係、業力、道德或懲罰的意味──可用成語「周而復始」來表達,字面意思為循環一周回到起點又再開始,其義同「come full circle」現今的含義。
(Plastics break up into plastic microbeads and then enter the food chain, and are ingested by humans. Talk about reaping what you sow.)
(For the ancients, each season had a specific task: plowing in spring, weeding in summer, harvesting in fall and storing away in winter, and then the process started anew. This way they would never want for food.)
come full circle;
what goes around comes around;
you reap what you sow
In William Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear, Edgar, the Duke of Gloucester’s legitimate son, fatally wounds his half-brother Edmund, the duke’s scheming illegitimate son. As Edmund lies dying, the brothers speak of destiny and divine justice. Edgar talks of how the duke himself had been blinded as divine punishment for the adulterous lust that led to Edmund’s birth. Edmund agrees, saying “Th’ hast spoken right, ‘tis true. The wheel is come full circle, I am here.” The “wheel” refers to the “wheel of destiny.” When Edmund says “I am here,” he means that the wheel of destiny has completed its circuit.
This is the origin of the phrase “to come full circle.” In the play, it means that you cannot escape the inevitable workings of destiny. Although Edmund is guilty of some pretty nefarious behavior, coming “full circle” doesn’t necessarily imply he is being punished directly for those deeds. In modern English, the phrase no longer carries the meaning of inescapable fate, either. It simply means that a process has reached completion, only to begin again.
The idea of receiving divine justice, either good or bad, for our behavior, is encapsulated in the phrase “you reap what you sow.” If you do good deeds, good things will happen to you; if you do evil, then you can only expect bad things to happen. The phrase originates in Galatians 6:7 of the New Testament of the Bible. Here, God is implicated as the entity delivering the justice. The passage reads, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap” (New International Version).
There is also a directly comparable phrase in Chinese, again using the agricultural metaphor. In Chapter 29 of the short story collection yushi mingyan (Stories to Enlighten the World) by the late Ming Dynasty vernacular writer Feng Menglong (1574–1645), appears the phrase 假如種瓜得瓜,種荳得荳,種是因,得是果: “if you plant melon [seeds] then you will get melons; if you plant beans, you will get beans. The sowing is the cause; the crop the effect.” From this we get the idiom 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆. Here, God is not involved, but karma is. It explicitly states that one is responsible for the outcome of one’s actions.
Another common phrase in modern English is “what goes around, comes around.” This suggests the workings of a form of fate, karma or divine justice, albeit not necessarily at the hands of a specific divine being. It clearly entails a cyclical element, but does not suggest preordained destiny, as “come full circle” does in King Lear:it absolutely means that what happens to you is some form of recompense — perhaps good, but mostly bad — for your actions.
This phrase is relatively new to the language. It first appeared in print in the 1962 novel Burn, Killer, Burn! by Paul Crump, and was a theme running through the book, appearing not just once, but eight times.
As a curious nod — surely unintentional — to the idea of coming full circle, the following quote, from Chapter 24 of the novel, includes a reference to a character being beaten up by cops, and losing his eyesight as a result. The narrator feels “a twinge of guilt” at hearing that, although he rationalizes the situation by saying, “But what goes around comes around, big daddy, so you pulled down what your hand called for, I thought.” The phrase “you pulled down what your hand called for” is not a known phrase, but it is reminiscent of the Russian proverb “As the call, so is the echo.”
Finally, the idea of a process coming full circle, only to start again — and devoid of any cause-and-effect, karmic, moral or punitive connection — is expressed in the Chinese idiom 周而復始 (the cycle comes back to the start), just as “come full circle” now means in English.
(Paul Cooper, Taipei Times)
You complain that the dog begs for food, but you’re always feeding it from your plate. You have only yourself to blame: you reap what you sow.
A: After attending Taiwanese baseball superstar Chen Wei-yin’s retirement ceremony in Japan, why didn’t you stay longer for some fun? B: Don’t you remember? We’re going to Blackpink member Jisoo’s fan meeting at Messe Taoyuan this Sunday. A: Oh, that’s right. She’s the second Blackpink member visiting Taiwan as a solo artist after Lisa. B: Jisoo just released her EP “Amortage” on Valentine’s Day. A: Blackpink will also release new songs and launch a world tour this summer. A: 你去日本參加台灣強投陳偉殷的引退儀式後,怎麼沒留下來玩幾天? B: 你忘啦?我們週日還要去「桃園會展中心」參加Blackpink成員Jisoo的見面會。 A: 啊對耶,她是繼Lisa後第二位單飛訪台的Blackpink成員。 B: Jisoo不久前才在情人節,推出個人迷你專輯《Amortage》。 A: Blackpink今年夏天也會推出新歌,還會啟動世界巡演呢! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)
Imagine standing in a lush forest, surrounded by the songs of birds and the rustling of leaves, with the earthy scent of soil and trees filling the air. This is the essence of forest bathing, a natural experience that brings peace to both body and mind. Originating from the Japanese term “shinrin-yoku,” forest bathing is a simple yet healing activity. It requires no special equipment or skills, just a willingness to disconnect from the digital world and embrace nature. The key is to use all of your senses to fully engage with the forest: feeling the warmth of sunlight on your
A: Taiwan’s baseball superstar Chen Wei-yin announced his retirement, and I’m still in shock. B: Didn’t you fly to Japan last Sunday just to attend his retirement ceremony? A: Yeah, it was held by Chen’s former Japanese team, the Chunichi Dragons. I even cried at the event. B: His glorious record of 96 wins in Japanese and US professional baseball altogether is unprecedented. A: His total income of NT$3.3 billion, including a huge 2016 contract of US$80 million with the US Miami Marlins, is also unprecedented. A: 台灣棒球巨星陳偉殷宣布引退,真是令人震驚。 B: 你週日不是特別飛去日本,參加他的引退儀式嗎? A: 對啊老東家「中日龍」為他舉行了儀式,我還感動到大哭。 B: 他創下日/美職棒總計96勝紀錄,真是史無前例。 A: 而他生涯總收入高達33億台幣,包括在2016年時,和「馬林魚」簽下8千萬美元巨約,更是無人能及! (By Eddy
In another application of artificial intelligence, a team of archaeologists from the Nazca Institute at the University of Yamagata in Japan, in collaboration with IBM Research, have discovered 303 new geoglyphs in the “Nazca” region of Peru. Though these figures are not nearly as large as their Nazca Lines counterparts, their discovery has helped enhance the understanding of the transition from the Paracas culture to the Nazca culture. The AI model, assisted by low-flying drones, was able to accomplish what the naked eye could not—quickly and accurately spotting the smaller relief-type geoglyphs in the desert area. While it previously