Chinese practice
(yuan2 mu4 qiu2 yu2)
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
climb a tree to catch a fish
我朋友不是傻瓜,但他剛開始做他第一份工作時,老闆就派他去做一連串「傻瓜的差事」(fool’s errands)。老闆叫他去五金行買一個沒有水平儀的氣泡,店員道歉說,他們只賣一整組的,沒辦法分開來賣。幾天後,老闆叫他去買一些蘇格蘭格子紋油漆。後來,老闆又叫他去買一把左手用的槌子。
「fool’s errands」是沒有指望會成功的任務或行動,常被當做一種菜鳥訓練儀式或惡作劇,通常是團隊中有經驗的前輩叫新人去做,就像我朋友和他那愛開玩笑的老闆一樣。
此語之歷史並不特別久遠,最早的出處之一,是一七○五年的書《Priest-craft: Its Character and Consequences》(教士的權術:其性質與後果),作者為埃德蒙‧希克里格,書中有這句:「Did not the Pope send all the Princes in Christendom upon a Fools Errand, to gain the Holy Land, that he might (as he did in their absense) rob them of their territories.」(教皇難道不是差派所有基督教世界的王子們去做那傻瓜的差事、取得聖地,好讓教皇(趁王子們不在時)奪取他們的領地嗎?)
「fool’s errand」一語的歷史雖不長,但它背後的概念,在之前數世紀便以「sleeveless errand」(無袖的差事)這不同的形式出現,例如威廉‧莎士比亞一六○二年的悲劇《特洛伊羅斯與克瑞西達》(又譯「特洛埃圍城記」)中即有此語。在約一七○○年之前,形容詞「sleeveless」顯然是用來表示「徒勞」或「用處不大」,雖然我們並不知道為何「sleeveless」或其同義詞「without sleeve」會有這種含義。當「sleeveless」不再有「徒勞」之意後,句中的「sleeveless」就被現今意義的「fool」一字所取代(「fool」字現今的意義已跟過去不同,現指無知、缺乏判斷力或不謹慎的人),變成「fool’s errand」。
(You haven’t worked hard at all; all you’ve done is ask lots of fortune tellers for readings. You have absolutely no chance of doing well.)
(He’s too selfish, asking him for his help is pointless, you’ll just be wasting your breath.)
fool’s errand
My friend is no fool, but when he started his first job, his boss sent him on a series of fool’s errands. He asked him to go to the hardware store and buy a bubble without the spirit level: the sales assistant apologized and said they only sold them as a set. A few days later, the boss sent him off to buy some tartan paint. After that, he asked for a left-handed hammer.
A fool’s errand is a task or activity with no hope of success. It is often used as a kind of rite of initiation or practical joke, usually by a senior, experienced member of a team against a newcomer, as with my friend and his playful boss.
The term itself is not particularly old: one of the first references is from the 1705 book Priest-craft: Its Character and Consequences by Edmund Hickeringill, in which we find the sentence “Did not the Pope send all the Princes in Christendom upon a Fools Errand, to gain the Holy Land, that he might (as he did in their absense) rob them of their territories.”
The concept behind “fool’s errand,” however, predates the phrase by several centuries, in a different form: a “sleeveless errand.” We see this phrase, for example, in William Shakespeare’s 1602 tragedy Troilus and Cressida. The adjective “sleeveless” apparently used to mean “futile” or “of little practical use” until around the 1700s, although it is unclear exactly why the word “sleeveless” — with its alternative meaning of “without sleeves” — should carry that meaning. When the word “sleeveless,” in the sense of “in vain,” fell into disuse, it was substituted in the phrase by the word “fool,” in its modern sense (for it has changed) of an ignorant person, or one lacking in judgment or prudence.
In Chinese, the idiom 緣木求魚 — literally “to climb a tree to catch a fish” — is used to refer to an activity that is ill-conceived, pointless or otherwise doomed to failure. It comes from a passage in the Confucian classic the mengzi, in which Mencius is advising King Xuan of the state of Qi how to make his state strong. Mencius insists that the only way to do so would be to follow the principles of benevolent government, by first setting one’s own house in order and laying the proper foundations for a prosperous state, after which people will want to serve him, and the talented will flock to his lands, but that this is not what the king is doing. Mencius says to the king 欲辟土地,朝秦楚,莅中國而撫四夷也。以若所為求若所欲,猶緣木而求魚也: “You wish to enlarge your territories, to have Qin and Chu wait at your court, to rule the Middle Kingdom, and to attract to you the barbarous tribes that surround it. But doing what you do to seek for what you desire is like climbing a tree to seek for fish.”
The idiom appears in several works of Chinese literature. In Pu Songling’s liaozhai zhiyi (Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio), written in the late 17th and early 18th century, appears the line 緣木求魚,狼則罹之,亦可笑已 (Just like climbing a tree to catch a fish, the wolf, hoping to dine on meat, got itself in real trouble. How ridiculous!), and in Li Ruzhen’s 1827 fantasy novel jinghua yuan (The Marriage of Flowers in the Mirror), we find the sentence 今處士既未立功,又未立言,而又無善可立;一無根基,忽要求仙,豈非『緣木求魚』,枉自費力麼? (You have neither achieved anything nor said anything of note, nor have you performed any good deeds; you have absolutely no basis on which to seek the Way of the Immortals. Surely, you are wasting your time, running this fool’s errand).
(Paul Cooper, Taipei Times)
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A: The 21st Century is now entering its 25th year. B: So Billboard has released a list: “The 25 greatest pop stars of the 21st Century.” A: Who are the greatest pop singers? B: No. 25 to 16 are: Katy Perry, Ed Sheeran, Bad Bunny, One Direction, Lil Wayne, Bruno Mars, BTS, The Weeknd, Shakira and Jay-Z. A: Wow, my favorite K-pop supergroup BTS has made it to the list. A: 21世紀正在邁入第25個年頭了。 B: 《告示牌》雜誌特別公布:「21世紀最偉大的25位流行歌手」。 A: 最偉大的歌手有哪些? B: 第25至16名是:凱蒂佩芮、紅髮艾德、壞痞兔、1世代、小韋恩、火星人布魯諾、防彈少年團(BTS)、威肯、夏奇拉、Jay-Z。 A: 哇,我最愛的韓流天團BTS也上榜了! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
疫情期間,許多國家的課程改成網路授課,或用直播、或用預錄的方式,考驗老師對科技的熟悉程度。台灣教育部則推動「安心就學」方案,讓無法返校就學的學生,可以利用實時授課或線上課程修課。有讀者詢問,「安心就學」的英語應該怎麼說、怎麼翻譯比較適合。是Study at Ease Project好,還是Project of Reassured Study比較合適? 我認為「安心就學」方案,可譯為:Stay Home Stay Safe Study Program。「就學」一詞就是study,言簡意賅;而「安心」,則不必試著直翻,而是將此專案的內涵翻譯出來較為恰當,也就是──待在家、安全地學習。此外,六個字中有四個字是S開頭,押頭韻(alliteration),唸起來比較鏗鏘有力。相關用語也可以在國外見到,比如加拿大有針對偏遠地區原住民有類似的「在家就學」方案(Stay at Home Learning Program)。 Ms. Massie: We have a very active stay-at-home learning program. Some of them are doing long-distance education right in the home. (Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal 至於program和project,中文一般都譯為「計畫」,但有何不同?我們可以在網路上找到以下解釋:project一般是指為達成一項目標的單一的行動/努力過程,而program則是由一系列projects所組成。 A project represents a single, focused endeavor. A program is a collection of projects – together all the projects form a connected package of work. The different projects complement each other to assist the program in achieving its overall objectives. (“What is a Program in Project Management?,” Wrike) 所以,可以視program為project的上位詞,是更複雜的計畫和方案。安心就學包含很多種措施,每個學校也有各自施行的指導細則,可以將每個學校所實施的方案視為單一的project,而教育部統籌的計畫,是這些projects的集合,是以稱之為program。 防疫必備詞彙:疫情因應 暫停或延後大型集會 postpone or suspend mass gatherings 延遲開學 to postpone back to school 確診病例 confirmed case /