Chinese Practice
(da4 nan4 lin2 tou2; da4 huo4 lin2 tou2)
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catastrophe looms
愛爾蘭作家強納森‧史威夫特在他一七二○年的詩〈The Run Upon the Bankers〉(遇到銀行家)中,描述一位銀行家了解到,他的墮落是他自己的行為所造成的,詩句如下:
這最後一行「‘Tis like the Writing on the Wall」(如同寫在牆上的字一樣)是什麼意思?史威夫特此詩中,其實並無牆壁,也沒有人在上面寫字。「writing on the wall」純粹是隱喻性的,這是暗指《聖經》〈但以理書〉中關於伯沙撒王之死的經文。
歷史上的伯沙撒,是代替其父納波尼德行使職權的攝政王,他是新巴比倫帝國最後一位國王,一般認為他是在公元前五三九年波斯人打敗巴比倫時被殺。與歷史上所記載的伯沙撒不同,聖經中關於伯沙撒之死的記載是從一場盛宴說起,在這盛宴中伯沙撒將聖殿中用來敬神的器皿拿來當酒杯用,褻瀆了神;眾人酒酣耳熱之際,一隻手忽然憑空出現,在宮殿牆上寫下阿拉姆語文字「mene mene tekel upharsin」,酒醉的狂歡嘎然而止。驚惶的伯沙撒知道這幾個詞的字面意義──「為數有限、稱重量、分裂」──但對其真正的含義卻是困惑不解,因此伯沙撒召見了以解夢著稱的流亡猶太人但以理。但以理看出來這句話是個預兆,預示了伯沙撒的滅亡,而最後一個字則是在影射波斯。據聖經故事記載(新英文版聖經〈但以理書〉第五章),但以理對這句話的解釋為:
我們今天所說的「the writing is on the wall」,其意為顯示事物大限將至的種種跡象。
在中文裡,若要表達災難已近,我們可以說「大難臨頭」或「大禍臨頭」。 這成語來自戰國時期的道家經典《莊子》外篇的〈秋水〉。此處談到孔子在當時賢者不受重視的情況下,沒有機會為執政者提供建言,但孔子對此已逐漸釋懷。他說道:「白刃交於前,視死若生者,烈士之勇也;知窮之有命,知通之有時,臨大難而不懼者,聖人之勇也。」(尖刀架在面前,不把死亡當做一回事,這是烈士的勇氣;知道窮困是命運,知道通達需要時機,面臨到大災難而不會有所畏懼的,是聖人的勇氣。)
(Despite the blows that life dealt them, the couple did not go their separate ways, and decided instead to push on and overcome their difficulties together.)
(You’re heading for disaster, and yet you’re being a total hedonist: You have no idea what’s you’ve got coming to you.)
writing on the wall
In his 1720 poem The Run Upon the Bankers, the Irish writer Jonathan Swift refers to a banker who understands that his fall is the result of his own actions, with the verse:
A baited Banker thus desponds,
From his own Hand foresees his Fall;
They have his Soul who have his Bonds;
‘Tis like the Writing on the Wall.
What did Swift mean by that last line? In Swift’s poem, there was no actual wall, and nobody had written on it. The “writing on the wall” is purely metaphorical, an allusion to a Bible verse found in the Book of Daniel concerning the death of Belshazzar.
The historical Belshazzar was regent to his father, Nabonidus, the last king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. He is thought to have been killed when the Persians defeated Babylon in 539 BC. The Bible version of Belshazzar’s end differs with the historical account, and starts with a magnificent feast during which Belshazzar insulted God by using sacred temple vessels as wine goblets. The drunken revelry was abruptly halted when a disembodied hand appeared out of thin air and wrote the Aramaic words mene mene tekel upharsin on the palace wall. The shaken Belshazzar understood the literal meaning of the words — “numbered, weighed, divided” — but was confused as to their significance. He called Daniel, a Jewish exile with a reputation for interpreting dreams. Daniel believed the phrase to be an omen signaling Belshazzar’s fall, and the final word as an allusion to Persia. According to the Bible story (Daniel 5: New English Version), Daniel interpreted the phrase to mean:
“Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.
Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.
Peres: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.”
According to Daniel 5:30, Belshazzar was slain that same night.
When we say “the writing is on the wall” today, we mean that all the indications are that the end to an endeavor is close.
In Chinese, when we want to say that catastrophe is near, we can use either 大難臨頭 or 大禍臨頭. This idiom derives from the ancient Warring States period Taoist classic, the zhuangzi, from the qiu shui (Floods of Autumn) chapter in the Outer Chapters section. Here, the writer has Confucius remark on how he has come to terms with not being able to offer sagely advice to a ruler in a time when such services are undervalued. He says 白刃交於前,視死若生者,烈士之勇也;知窮之有命,知通之有時,臨大難而不懼者,聖人之勇也 (When men see the sharp weapons crossed before them, and look on death as going home, that is the courage of the determined soldier. When he knows that his lot is determined for him, and that his employment by a ruler depends on the character of the time, and then meeting with great distress is yet not afraid, that is the courage of the sagely man.”
(Paul Cooper, Taipei Times)
I’m afraid the writing’s on the wall. I don’t think we can avoid bankruptcy at this stage.
Mel and Jim are always at each other’s throats. The writing’s on the wall for them, I think.
Street lights are often taken for granted until a power outage plunges the world into darkness. When that happens, the value of these lighting installations becomes evident as the world turns into a more dangerous place for pedestrians and motorists alike. The Chinese could claim to be the first to have constructed a crude type of street light. Around 500 BC, residents of Beijing employed a type of street lamp that used hollow bamboo pipes and natural gas vents to create burning torches. Later, ancient Romans adopted lamps fueled by vegetable oil, which relied on slaves to light and
A: Who else is on Billboard’s list: “The 25 greatest pop stars of the 21st Century?” B: No. 15 to 6 are: Miley Cyrus, Justin Timberlake, Nicki Minaj, Eminem, Usher, Adele, Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Kanye West and Britney Spears. A: I can’t believe that Adele’s only at No. 10. B: No. 5 to 1 are: Lady Gaga, Drake, Rihanna, Taylor Swift and Beyonce. A: Well, they surely deserve the honor. A: 《告示牌》雜誌的「21世紀最偉大的25位流行歌手」,還有誰上榜啊? B: 第15至6名是:麥莉希拉、大賈斯汀、妮姬米娜、阿姆、亞瑟小子、愛黛兒、亞莉安娜、小賈斯汀、肯伊威斯特、小甜甜布蘭妮。 A: 真不敢相信愛黛兒只排第10名。 B: 第5至1名是:女神卡卡、德瑞克、蕾哈娜、泰勒絲、碧昂絲。 A: 這幾位真是實至名歸! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
A: The 21st Century is now entering its 25th year. B: So Billboard has released a list: “The 25 greatest pop stars of the 21st Century.” A: Who are the greatest pop singers? B: No. 25 to 16 are: Katy Perry, Ed Sheeran, Bad Bunny, One Direction, Lil Wayne, Bruno Mars, BTS, The Weeknd, Shakira and Jay-Z. A: Wow, my favorite K-pop supergroup BTS has made it to the list. A: 21世紀正在邁入第25個年頭了。 B: 《告示牌》雜誌特別公布:「21世紀最偉大的25位流行歌手」。 A: 最偉大的歌手有哪些? B: 第25至16名是:凱蒂佩芮、紅髮艾德、壞痞兔、1世代、小韋恩、火星人布魯諾、防彈少年團(BTS)、威肯、夏奇拉、Jay-Z。 A: 哇,我最愛的韓流天團BTS也上榜了! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Spoiler alert and shift blame 破梗&甩鍋 在新冠疫情期間,無論是因為封城 (lockdown) 還是居家隔離 (self-isolation at home),人們關在家中使用網路的時間大增。這也讓一些原本只存在於網路論壇的用語廣為普及。我們來談一下破梗 (spoiler alert) 與甩鍋 (shift blame) 這兩個用語。 有位古典文學教授 Joel Christensen 針對領導統御與疫情控制寫了一篇以古喻今、相當深入的文章:“Plagues follow bad leadership in ancient Greek tales”,文中出現一些講法,可用來翻譯上述的流行語: In the 5th century B.C., the playwright Sophocles begins Oedipus Tyrannos with the title character struggling to identify the cause of a plague striking his city, Thebes. (Spoiler alert: It’s his own bad leadership.) (Joel Christensen, “Plagues follow bad leadership in ancient Greek tales,” The Conversation, March 12, 2020) 作者提到 Oedipus(伊底帕斯)想找出瘟疫何以降臨他的城邦的緣由,加了一句:Spoiler alert: It’s his own bad leadership.(破梗:領導無方)。Spoiler alert 就是「破梗」,如果用在有人洩漏電影劇情的情境中,也可以翻作「小心爆雷」或「劇透警告」。疫情之下,在家看影集、電影成了很多人的娛樂,但要小心劇透 (spoilers),很多 YouTube 上的影評在開頭也都會說 Spoiler alert!,警告還沒看過電影的觀眾小心爆雷、劇透。 至於「甩鍋」,源自大陸網民用語,通常意指某人犯了錯之後想推卸責任、轉移焦點、甚至讓別人背黑鍋的做法。疫情爆發後,相關網路資訊量爆增,許多中國網民也想找人為這場疫情負責,紛紛呼籲地方政府首長、地方黨書記不要「甩鍋」。 其實,在古代文學《奧德賽》中,就有「將自己的責任怪罪眾神」的說法,試用時下流行的「甩鍋」來重新翻譯: Humans are always blaming the gods for their suffering, but they experience