Chinese practice
(you3 bei4 wu2 huan4)
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preparedness averts peril
英文諺語「forewarned is forearmed」的概念並非新創,早在拉丁文中,就有意義類似的諺語「praemonitus, praemunitus」(有備無患)──這句話在當時是軍事方面的用語,現今則常當做是座右銘(例如澳洲陸軍情報部隊的隊訓)。字首prae同pre,意為「之前」、「事先」,例如英文presume、predict、prefix等字。「monitus」是拉丁文,意為「警告」,相關的字有admonishment、monitor、premonition等。而「munitu」意為加強的,munitions和ammunition皆為相關的字。
在「forewarned is forearmed」這句話中,forearmed這個字跟作名詞用的forearm(前臂)並無關聯。forearmed一字是介詞fore(如before)和arm(如作動詞的「武裝」之意)的結合。forewarned is forearmed這句英文最早見於劇作家羅伯特‧格林一五九二年出版的小冊子《詐騙的藝術》,整句是這樣寫的:「forewarned, forearmed: Burnt children dread the fire」(有備無患:被燒傷的孩子會怕火)。
(We should start saving for a rainy day, just in case we lose our jobs or get sick. It’s best to be prepared.)
(This fire safety pamphlet is really useful, it shows you how to prepare in advance so that you know what to do when there’s a fire.)
forewarned is forearmed
The ancient Chinese classic zuo zhuan (Commentary of Zuo) is a series of commentaries on political and military affairs covering the Spring and Autumn period (722 to 481 BC). It includes an account of Wei Jiang, the prime minister of the powerful state of Jin, advising Duke Dao of Jin to 居安思危,思則有備,有備則無患: “In times of peace, think to danger; in your thought, you will be prepared; if you are prepared, then there will be no calamity.”
Wei Jiang’s advice has given us two idioms: 居安思危 and 有備則無患, the second of which also appears in the Order to Yue II chapter of an earlier classic, the shang shu (Book of Documents).
The Book of Documents records that, even after the official period of mourning for his father was over, King Wuding of the Shang Dynasty had little confidence in his own ability to rule, and would not give directives to his ministers. He had a dream in which the Supreme Deity Shang Di introduced him to a sage. On waking, the king remembered the man’s likeness in meticulous detail, and sent officials to search for him. A worker named Yue, found in a remote town called Fu-yan, was found to fit the description. The king made him prime minister, and the Order to Yue II chapter relates how Yue responds during his inauguration. Among other things, he talks of the importance of meritocracy (“Offices should not be given to men because they are favorites, but only to men of ability. Dignities should not be conferred on men of evil practices, but only on men of worth”) and of preparation in order to avoid calamity (“For all affairs let there be adequate preparation; if you are prepared, then there will be no calamity”).
In English, “forewarned is forearmed” is neither a new proverb nor a new sentiment. A similar phrase exists as the Latin proverb praemonitus, praemunitus, then used in a military context, now often used as a motto (for example, by the Australian Army Intelligence Corps). The prefix “prae” — an alternative form of “pre” — means “before” or “in advance,” as in presume, predict or prefix; “monitus” is Latin for “warning,” giving us admonishment, monitor and premonition”; while “munitus,” meaning fortified, gives us munitions and ammunition.
In “forewarned is forearmed,” the “forearmed” is unrelated to the noun “forearm,” referring to the part of the arm between wrist and elbow: It is a combination of the preposition “fore” (as in before) and “arm” (as in “in possession of weapons”). The earliest mention of the English proverb in print appears in a 1592 pamphlet called The Art of Coney-catching by Robert Greene: “Forewarned, forearmed: Burnt children dread the fire.”
To explain the pamphlet title: “Coney” was then slang for a rabbit raised to be eaten, and therefore tame and easily caught. Coney-catching meant street theft of gullible passersby through trickery.
(Paul Cooper, Taipei Times)
We should research what models are on the market before we buy. Forewarned is forearmed.
Before you go in there, I should tell you the boss is in a mood. Forewarned is forearmed. Good luck.
Global coffee prices have soared to their highest in nearly 50 years due to poor weather in Brazil and Vietnam, forcing roasters such as Nestle to raise prices and consumers to hunt for cheaper brews amid the cost of living crisis. Spiking prices will benefit farmers with the crop this year, but challenge traders who face crippling hedging costs on exchanges and a scramble to receive the beans they pre-bought. WHAT DRIVES PRICES? Production problems linked to bad weather in Brazil and Vietnam have seen global supplies lagging demand for three years. That has left stocks depleted and driven benchmark ICE exchange prices
A: I love December. There are always so many concerts to attend at the end of the year. B: I just went to Bigbang member Tae-yang’s Taipei concert last weekend, and it was awesome. A: And I went to the weekend concerts at Christmasland in New Taipei City, featuring Tae-yang’s wife Hyo-lyn and various artists. B: Taiwanese superstars A-mei, Mayday, and Hong Kong superstar Aaron Kwok will also stage shows starting this week. A: It’s so hard to decide. Which one do you want to go to? A: 我好喜歡12月,因為每到年底總有許多演唱會! B: 我上週才剛去過BigBang太陽的台北演唱會,超精彩。 A: 我也剛去過新北歡樂耶誕城的演唱會,太陽的老婆孝琳還有來表演唷。 B: 台灣天后阿妹、天團五月天、香港天王郭富城等巨星的演唱會從本週起也將陸續開唱。 A: 真難決定,你想去哪一場? (By Eddy Chang,
The vast ocean stages countless miracles of life, but none are quite as awe-inspiring as the phenomenon of a “whale fall.” When a giant whale reaches the end of its life, its immense body gently descends and eventually lands in the inky abyss. This moment, which might seem like the end, ignites a burst of new life on the ocean floor. Deep beneath the ocean’s surface, where sunlight is unable to venture and nutrients are scarce, a whale fall is like an oasis in a barren landscape. Over decades, even centuries, the remains of a single whale can sustain thousands of
電視節目畫面底下常會出現橫條滑動的「新聞跑馬燈」文字,顯示最新發生的新聞,這英文叫 chyron 或 news ticker。「新聞跑馬燈」是 1970 年代 Chyron 公司為廣播業研發的滑動圖案文字顯示器,因此廣播新聞業就把它稱為 chyron。 Merriam-Webster 對 chyron 的定義如下: chyron / ?ka? r?n/ : a caption superimposed over usually the lower part of a video image (as during a news broadcast) 台灣的讀者對 chyron 這詞可能很陌生,但據 Merriam-Webster 的統計,這詞算是常用詞,普及程度是 “Top 30% of words”,台灣的讀者會覺得令人難以置信。不過若就新聞英語而言,chyron 無疑的是經常出現,就以底下這則 CNN 跑馬燈新聞報導為例:川普總統手拿聖經,走往白宮附近一座教堂供媒體拍照,和平示威人士遭噴催淚瓦斯驅散。 CNN chyron: “PEACEFUL PROTESTERS NEAR WHITE HOUSE GASSED, SHOT WITH RUBBER BULLETS SO TRUMP CAN HAVE CHURCH PHOTO-OP” CNN 新聞跑馬燈:白宮附近和平示威人士遭發射催淚瓦斯 及橡膠子彈。 (June 1, 2020) 2018 年初,美國聯邦政府差點停擺事件前,也出現以下報導: “U.S. Government Hours Away From Shutdown,” heralded the chyron. 新聞跑馬燈預告:美國聯邦政府即將「停擺」 (Vanity Fair , January 19, 2018) 下次看到 chyron 這個字時,多看它一眼,它可是新聞裡常出現的詞彙呢! 防疫必備詞彙:疫情新聞詞彙 宿主 host 中間宿主 intermediate host 野味 bushmeat; game 菊頭蝠 rufous horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus spp. ) 穿山甲 pangolin P4 實驗室 Biosafety Level 4 lab