Rainy days can be annoying to the Taiwanese public, but in the eyes of the Saudis, whose country usually experiences a year-round drought, a bit of drizzle is tantamount to heaven. The Tourism Bureau teamed up with the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as Cathay Pacific’s Saudi branch, to invite for the first time 10 of the country’s top travel agencies to visit Taiwan. Apart from being amazed by Taiwan’s exquisite beauty, the tour operators were also elated when they were “fortunate” enough to run into rain and fog during their Taiwan trip. They proclaimed that they were in heaven.
This five-day-long journey was the first time the tour operators had set foot in Taiwan. Everything in Taiwan was engrossing to them. Apart from a visit to Taipei 101, they also traveled to Yangmingshan’s Xiaoyoukeng, Yeliou, Taroko Gorge and more. In addition to eating Halal-friendly Taiwanese cuisine, they also ate mango shaved ice, a famous Taiwanese dessert.
Mazen Kabbout, marketing manager at Cathay Airways’ Riyadh branch, was captivated by Taiwan’s scenery, saying that he had never seen anything like it before. When he set foot in Hualien for the first time, the boundless view of the Pacific ocean intrigued him enormously. The Taroko Gorge, replete with marble, was incredible, said Kabbout. What was most enthralling for all the Saudi visitors was the cloudy and misty Xiaoyoukeng in Yangmingshan. Not long after they had arrived, it so happened that light drizzle started to fall. None of the visitors could bear to hold umbrellas or wear raincoats, as it was a very rare weather phenomenon for the Saudis — almost heavenly. The Saudi visitors excitedly began checking-in to the location on social networks to share their magical moment of rainfall in Taiwan.
Photo: Chu Pei-hsiung, Liberty Times
(Liberty Times, translated by Ethan Zhan)
這五天四夜的台灣之旅是這些業者首次踏上寶島台灣,台灣的一切對他們來說都相當新奇。行程規劃除參觀台北一○ 一外,更到訪陽明山小油坑、野柳、太魯閣等,旅途中除品嚐台灣已通過清真認證的美食外,更大啖台灣知名甜品芒果冰。
國泰航空利雅德分公司行銷經理Mazen Kabbout讚歎說台灣的美景是他們前所未見。首次踏上花蓮,面對一望無際的太平洋讓他印象深刻,整座山頭都是大理石的太魯閣更讓他覺得不可思議。而最令所有沙國業者興奮的,就屬陽明山小油坑上的雲霧繚繞,到訪時剛巧碰上細雨,讓所有人都捨不得撐傘、穿雨衣,因為這對沙國人來說是非常罕見的天氣現象,簡直就像仙境,團員們還興奮地打卡與親友分享在台灣碰上淋雨的美好時刻。
Despite advancements in bicycle security, millions of bicycles are stolen every year. A revolutionary bicycle lock, called “SKUNKLOCK,” takes a proactive approach to deterring thieves. __1__, SKUNKLOCK releases a noxious chemical that could cause would-be thieves to vomit and effectively discourages them from continuing their efforts to steal the bicycle. While conventional locks can be defeated by determined thieves using specialized tools, SKUNKLOCK’s dual approach of physical resistance and chemical deterrence is highly effective, making it a formidable __2__ against bike theft. The U-lock is made of high-tensile carbon steel, which can withstand attempts to break it using brute
Due to the Lunar New Year holiday, from Sunday, Jan. 26, through Sunday, Feb. 2, there will be no Bilingual Pages. The paper returns to its usual format on Monday, Feb. 3, when Bilingual Pages will also be resumed.