How do you react when you come across homeless people on the street? Homelessness is something that can happen to anyone, if they lose access to the means of earning a living. Last year’s attempt to drive the homeless out of a park in Taipei’s Wanhua District by hosing them down was very contentious. The practice was seen as inhumane and certainly not a solution to the problem of homelessness, but neither are welfare handouts or members of the public giving money to beggars viable long-term solutions. What disadvantaged people need is to be given a chance: a stable job with a legitimate income.
The Big Issue, which operates based on the social enterprise model — using an economic vehicle to carry out social participation and thereby achieve a social purpose — is a magazine providing exactly one such “chance” for homeless and socially disadvantaged people to earn a living for themselves.
The Big Issue Taiwan was granted a publishing license in November 2009 after its chairman and editor-in-chief Fines Lee met with The Big Issue founder John Bird, who gave Lee the go-ahead after Lee’s presentation. In the following months of preparation, re-editing and positioning, the first Taiwan edition was published in April 2010. As of today, 30 editions have been published. The magazine, with a circulation of 30,000, is turning a profit, mainly from advertising — and Lee revealed that he is considering expanding its vending locations to southern Taiwan in future.
Photo: Lin Ya-ti, Taipei Times
The Big Issue — one of the UK’s leading social businesses — was initiated by The Body Shop founder Anita Roddick and founded by Anita’s husband Gordon Roddick and social entrepreneur Bird in London in September 1991. The magazine is a member of the International Network of Street Papers (INSP), and as of today, it is also produced and sold in different languages in about 10 countries, including Australia beginning in 1996, Japan in 2003, and also South Africa, South Korea, Namibia, Kenya, Malawi, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Taiwan.
To become a seller, one must be homeless or socially disadvantaged. All sellers undergo training and internship, and they wear ID badges, which include the seller’s photo and seller number. There are currently 60 sellers regularly shouting “The Big Issue! NT$100 a copy!” in the vicinity of the top 50 MRT stations in Taipei and New Taipei City. Initially, a seller gets 10 copies for free so he or she can earn NT$1,000 after selling all 10 copies. Then, the seller buys each copy for NT$50, which is half the cover price. Several sellers have already experienced an improvement in their lives and their psychological well-being. This echoes, “[Our work] will have kept us out of greater trouble,” written by UK-based Swiss writer Alain de Botton at the end of his book The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work.
Once a successful dot-comer, Lee has now shifted his career to the publishing industry and introduced the social enterprise model to Taiwan — successfully creating jobs for the homeless and the disadvantaged. The Big Issue Taiwan’s target readers are the “Y” generation, office workers of the Internet generation, MRT commuters, and others, most of whom are between the ages of 20 and 35. Given that the content is key to maintaining readership, the seven full-time staffers and dozens of contributing reporters from all over the world are constantly working hard not only to get paid, but also to produce a quality magazine to attract readers. Based on the idea of “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish,” as well as objective and unbiased reporting, the magazine aims at covering important global issues concerning past and future. The contents include global consciousness, business and technology, culture, design, and other comprehensive reporting and commentary focusing on a wide range of issues.
Photo: Lin Ya-ti, Taipei Times
Lee said, “I have to be honest. Initially, I did not run the magazine for the purpose of helping the vulnerable … A social enterprise is a social enterprise. I simply hope to give the public an opportunity to be aware of the homeless issue. Other than that, we are no different from other businesses. The public might mistake a social enterprise for a non-profit organization (NPO) and start to impose high moral expectations on us. But honestly, a social enterprise is an enterprise, or otherwise, I would just run an NPO instead.”
The magazine is a fresh force in Taiwan’s printed media. Through the positive cycle of “helping those who help themselves,” the magazine helps homeless people earn a living, rebuild their confidence and self-esteem, reintegrate them into mainstream society, and thereby gain control of their lives. Lee also encourages sellers to accept any jobs that are better than selling magazines on the streets. US blind and deaf educator Helen Keller once said, “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” The magazine exists as a catalyst to help the homeless overcome homelessness.
(Lin Ya-ti, Taipei Times)
Photo: Lin Ya-ti, Taipei Times
《大誌雜誌》中文版執行長兼總編輯李取中於二○○九年十一月親赴英國與《The Big Issue》創辦人約翰‧博德會面,而博德在李取中的簡報後,直接給一句「放手去做吧!」授權中文版發行。不到幾個月的籌備、重新編輯與定位,《大誌雜誌》二○一○年四月在台創刊,至今已發行至第三十期。李取中表示,雜誌目前發行量約三萬本,營運至今是獲利的,廣告為主要收入來源,並期待未來能將販售點擴及南台灣。
《The Big Issue》是英國的「社會企業」先鋒之一,該雜誌是由美體小舖創辦人安妮塔‧羅迪克發想,並由其夫婿果登‧羅迪克與社會企業家博德於一九九一年九月創立於英國倫敦。這本雜誌是國際街報聯盟的一員,迄今已有超過十個國家取得授權,以各自語言獨立發行,例如澳洲於一九九六年開始發行、日本於二○○三年以日文創刊,其他國家還包括南非、南韓、奈米比亞、肯亞、馬拉威、衣索比亞、奈及利亞與台灣。
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Continued from yesterday(延續自昨日) Results showed that only 32 percent were willing to walk farther for the same candy, but 59 percent chose to do so when promised different candy. Researchers also discovered that students who walked farther reported feeling happier during the wait. __3__ Idleness aversion can be applied in various settings. For example, Uber uses animations and real-time updates to keep customers from being bored while waiting. It can also be used in the design of office buildings to reduce elevator traffic. During busy times, it takes a while to wait for an elevator. __4__ Recognizing the power