Taoist spirits find it difficult to communicate with drunk drivers! Police in Hengchun Township recently detained a man surnamed Kung for drunk driving. The detainee, who also is a Taoist spirit medium, unexpectedly tried to use magic before taking a breathalyzer test in hopes of conjuring the “magical powers” of the spirits to help him pass the test. His amusing performance left the police wondering whether they should laugh or cry.
Reeking of alcohol, the police requested Gong to take a breathalyzer, but he refused. After informing him that he would still be fined if he refused, the man suddenly asked the police to allow him a few minutes before taking the test. Then for around one minute he babbled and performed “magic” by drawing symbols on the palm of his hand before finally doing the breath test. The police were naturally stunned by the situation.
While the police were on patrol on the morning of May 13, they discovered Kung riding his motorcycle reeking of alcohol, and a bottle of rice wine on his motorcycle’s foot step panel. Worried that he might cause a traffic accident, they took him to the police station to test his blood-alcohol level with a breathalyzer. Kung then unexpectedly commenced his strange act to avoid being tested.
Photo: Tsai Tsung-hsien, Liberty Times
Kung confessed to the police that he was planning to take Taoist worshippers to Manjhou Township that afternoon to let their souls visit and communicate with the souls of dead relatives waiting in the underworld. In order to relax a bit he decided to have a couple of drinks in the morning. However, he never considered that the police might catch him. After being caught he sought help from the spirits to pass the breathalyzer test. Although the police thought that his performance was quite ridiculous, they still patiently allowed him to finish his “magic” before testing him. The breathalyzer registered a very high blood-alcohol level. Even the spirits did not wish to help him in his drunkenness. After completing the interrogation procedure, the police finally charged Gong with offenses against public safety.
The Dutch introduced the Indian mango (Mangifera indica) to Taiwan in the 17th century. It is a green-skinned mango with thick fibers that get stuck in the teeth, but it boasts a rich aroma and a unique taste. In 1954, Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture introduced several mango cultivars from Florida, USA, including the Irwin, Haden, and Keitt varieties. After seven years of testing and domestication, the Irwin variety was chosen for promotion. Years later, the sample saplings started to bear fruit. These mangoes were large, with thin, vibrant red peels and golden pulp. The Irwin mangoes were mouth-wateringly sweet and
對話 Dialogue 清清:今天中午我要多吃一點,不然晚上可能會吃不飽。 Qīngqing: Jīntiān zhōngwǔ wǒ yào duō chī yìdiǎn, bùrán wǎnshàng kěnéng huì chībùbǎo. 華華:怎麼了?為什麼會吃不飽? Huáhua: Zěnmele? Wèishénme huì chībùbǎo? 清清:今天大年初七,是「人日節」,傳統上結了婚的女兒要回家給父母送長壽麵,而且最好是素的,我姐姐會回來,只吃素麵,我應該很快就餓了。 Qīngqing: Jīntiān Dànián chūqī, shì “Rénrì jié,” chuántǒng shàng jiéle hūn de nǚ’ér yào huíjiā gěi fùmǔ sòng chángshòumiàn, érqiě zuìhǎo shì sù de, wǒ jiějie huì huílái, zhǐ chī sùmiàn, wǒ yīnggāi hěn kuài jiù èle. 華華:我還是第一次聽說有「人日節」呢!這是怎麼來的啊? Huáhua: Wǒ háishì dì yī cì tīngshuō yǒu “Rénrì jié” ne! Zhè shì zěnme lái de a? 清清:老一輩的人說,女媧是在第七天造出了「人」,所以今天可說是我們每個人的「生日」呢!生日快樂! Qīngqing: Lǎoyíbèi de rén shuō, Nǚwā shì zài dì qī tiān zào chūle “rén,” suǒyǐ jīntiān kěshuōshì wǒmen měi ge rén de “shēngrì” ne! Shēngrì kuàilè! 華華:你也是啊!欸?那前六天女媧都做了什麼呢? Huáhua: Nǐ yěshì a! Éi? Nà
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