If you want to live a healthy low-carbon life, eating less meat and more vegetables could be an effective and practical way of doing it, according to the organizers of the Meat-Free Monday campaign.
Following the lead of famous British singer and former Beatle Paul McCartney, who is promoting the Meat-Free Monday campaign, some local activists are launching a “Meat-Free Monday platform” in Taiwan on Sept. 21.
Alex Su, a vegetarian writer and one of the platform’s founders, says it’s vital that the campaign to wean people off meat eventually bears fruit. “Nature’s counterattack is reminding Taiwan that it is time to actively protect our environment,” he says. Su points out that, according to statistics compiled by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in 2006, livestock production, not humans, is the biggest producer of carbon dioxide, as it accounts for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions — a bigger share than the petrochemical industry, cars, and motorcycles, which were mistakenly thought to be the major causes in the past.
The goal of the platform is to encourage people to keep their tables free of meat on Mondays and ask restaurants to offer their customers meat-free dishes as one-third of all items on the menu on that day. It will also work with supermarkets to introduce vegetarian counters, and with airlines to offer vegetarian meals on board. It will hold a meat-free forum and invite the mayor of Ghent in Belgium, which is known around the world for promoting Thursday as a vegetarian day, to give a speech. At the same time, it will cooperate with the media by flasing up Meat-Free Monday reminders during TV shows.
Su says the demand for meat products has been growing at an astonishing speed. The growth of the livestock industry has led to forests being destroyed to make room for pasture, while a massive amount of carbon dioxide is created during the production of both frozen meat and processed meat products. Tree planting as a means of protecting the environment takes three to five years to yield results. Transforming the petrochemical industry will be even more difficult. Meat production is the prime culprit of global warming, but it’s an area that’s relatively easy to improve.
Su said that the platform will set a two-year goal. It will first try various methods to turn meat-free Mondays into a habit, calling on the government to declare Mondays to be veggie days throughout Taiwan within the first year. Then, in the second year, it hopes to make the country a starting point to link up with likeminded groups worldwide and get all major countries in the world to join the Meat-Free Monday campaign.<>P>(LIBERTY TIMES, TRANSLATED BY EDDY CHANG)
A: After attending Taiwanese baseball superstar Chen Wei-yin’s retirement ceremony in Japan, why didn’t you stay longer for some fun? B: Don’t you remember? We’re going to Blackpink member Jisoo’s fan meeting at Messe Taoyuan this Sunday. A: Oh, that’s right. She’s the second Blackpink member visiting Taiwan as a solo artist after Lisa. B: Jisoo just released her EP “Amortage” on Valentine’s Day. A: Blackpink will also release new songs and launch a world tour this summer. A: 你去日本參加台灣強投陳偉殷的引退儀式後,怎麼沒留下來玩幾天? B: 你忘啦?我們週日還要去「桃園會展中心」參加Blackpink成員Jisoo的見面會。 A: 啊對耶,她是繼Lisa後第二位單飛訪台的Blackpink成員。 B: Jisoo不久前才在情人節,推出個人迷你專輯《Amortage》。 A: Blackpink今年夏天也會推出新歌,還會啟動世界巡演呢! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)
A: Taiwan’s baseball superstar Chen Wei-yin announced his retirement, and I’m still in shock. B: Didn’t you fly to Japan last Sunday just to attend his retirement ceremony? A: Yeah, it was held by Chen’s former Japanese team, the Chunichi Dragons. I even cried at the event. B: His glorious record of 96 wins in Japanese and US professional baseball altogether is unprecedented. A: His total income of NT$3.3 billion, including a huge 2016 contract of US$80 million with the US Miami Marlins, is also unprecedented. A: 台灣棒球巨星陳偉殷宣布引退,真是令人震驚。 B: 你週日不是特別飛去日本,參加他的引退儀式嗎? A: 對啊老東家「中日龍」為他舉行了儀式,我還感動到大哭。 B: 他創下日/美職棒總計96勝紀錄,真是史無前例。 A: 而他生涯總收入高達33億台幣,包括在2016年時,和「馬林魚」簽下8千萬美元巨約,更是無人能及! (By Eddy
In another application of artificial intelligence, a team of archaeologists from the Nazca Institute at the University of Yamagata in Japan, in collaboration with IBM Research, have discovered 303 new geoglyphs in the “Nazca” region of Peru. Though these figures are not nearly as large as their Nazca Lines counterparts, their discovery has helped enhance the understanding of the transition from the Paracas culture to the Nazca culture. The AI model, assisted by low-flying drones, was able to accomplish what the naked eye could not—quickly and accurately spotting the smaller relief-type geoglyphs in the desert area. While it previously
Dos & Don’ts — 想想看,這句話英語該怎麼說? 1. 王老師很負責,每天都準時到學校。 √ Miss Wang is conscientious. She comes to school on time every day. χ Miss Wang is very responsible. Every day she goes to school on time. 註︰一個人很認真、負責、敬業,英文通常用 conscientious 來表達,它的名詞是conscience(良心)。responsible 接在 be 動詞之後是指對某事負責,也可指做錯事時該負的責任,因此“她該負責”英文是 She is responsible for it.。如果某人很負責、值得信賴,可以託付重任,可說 She / He is a responsible person.。 2. 他個子不高。 √ He is not tall. χ His body is not tall. χ He is not high. 註︰high 通常指「物」的高大,tall 則指「人或細長物」的「高」。但講人的高度,有數字時可以說: He is six feet high. He is six feet tall. 3. 我能占用你幾分鐘嗎? √ Can you spare me a few minutes? χ May I occupy you a few minutes? 註︰spare:騰出,省下。不顧句型及前後文,只把學過的英文詞彙的中文解釋任意還原為英文時很容易造出這種中式的英文句子。 4. 讓我想想看。 √ Let me think it over. √ Let