A huge 10,000kg loaf of bread was made for the traditional Magi party that saw thousands of Mexican families coming together to celebrate with food and gifts for children.
“This event is important. We will not lose our traditions that unite families,” said Laura Vazquez, Mexico’s secretary for economic development.
A central part of the celebration of the nativity’s three wise men — described in the Bible as bringing presents to the newborn Jesus Christ — revolves around baking and eating La Rosca de Reyes (Three Kings Bread), a sweet, dry delicacy.
The bread in question, unveiled in all its glory at the central Zocalo square in Mexico City, was about 1,600m long, and weighed close to 10,000kg.
It was shared between about 200,000 people gathered to celebrate in the city center.
Around 2,300 bakers affiliated to Canainpa, the national baker’s association, helped bake the bread.
In all, the sweet bread used 6,600kg of flour, 3,000kg of butter and 1,500 liters of milk, according to Canaipa head Antonio Arias.
Families in Mexico and throughout Latin America celebrated the Epiphany on Jan. 6, remembering the day when the Three Wise Men followed the star to Bethlehem bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh for the baby Jesus.
這個節日源於聖經中耶穌基督誕生時,東方三博士帶來禮物獻給耶穌。烘培和享用乾乾甜甜的「三王麵包(La Rosca de Reyes)」為該慶典的主軸。
墨西哥和拉丁美洲各地家庭在元月六日慶祝主顯節,紀念耶穌誕生那天,三位東方博士帶著黃金、乳香和沒藥,尋著星星的指引來到伯利恆祝賀祂的誕生。 (法新社�翻譯:袁星塵)
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