Welcome to Sunday Science! Every Sunday during the summer, we’re going to guide you through some cool experiments that you can do at home. It’s a good idea for you to keep a record of what you do in a Science Journal. That way you can record what you learn, compare results and maybe use them to design new experiments! Have a look at the Science Journal box for some ideas to get you started. Remember to always ask a grown-up’s permission before trying out an experiment.
Making a volcano 動手作火山
What you will need:
An empty water bottle
Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
Dish soap
Food coloring (red)
A tray (to put everything on)
A cup or pouring jug
A spoon
A funnel (if you don’t have one at home, you can make one from cardboard covered with tinfoil or use a pouring jug to add the ingredients)
Some sand or modeling clay (optional)
Glitter (optional)
Old Newspaper
* Place the newspaper over your working surface.
* Put the tray on the newspaper. Put your empty bottle in the middle of the tray and put the funnel in the neck of the bottle.
* Use the spoon to put baking soda in the bottle. Put in enough to cover the bottom of the bottle well. If you are using glitter add this too.
* If you are using sand or modeling clay, shape it around the bottle (to about 3/4 of the way up) to make it look like a volcano or mountain.
* In the cup or jug combine 1/4 cup of vinegar, two big drops of dish soap and a couple of drops of food coloring (be careful food coloring can stain clothes).
* Pour the mixture into the bottle and watch what happens!
Don’t forget to record what happens in your Science Journal.
* 在工作檯面鋪一張舊報紙。
* 把托盤放在報紙上。將一只空瓶子放在托盤中央,並把漏斗架在瓶子上。
* 用湯匙將小蘇打粉加入瓶內,數量要足以覆蓋整個瓶底。假如你有亮片,也可以在這時加進來。
* 假如你有沙子或黏土,將它們包住瓶子四周(約瓶高的四分之三),讓瓶子看起來宛如火山或高山。
* 在杯子或量杯中放入四分之一杯的醋、兩大滴洗碗精,與幾滴紅色色素(小心別讓色素弄髒衣服)。
* 把這些東西倒入瓶內,看看會發生什麼事!
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A: Australian pop diva Kylie Minogue is set to visit Taiwan for the third time on Saturday. B: I remember that her Taipei concerts in 2008 and 2011 caused a sensation, and I love her megahit “Can’t Get You Out of My Head.” A: This will be her first time performing in the southern city of Kaohsiung. B: Many music critics praise Kylie’s show as “a must-see in your lifetime.” A: Let’s go to Kaohsiung this weekend. A: 澳洲歌后凱莉米諾週六即將三度訪台。 B: 她曾在2008、2011年兩度在台北開唱都造成大轟動,我超愛她的神曲《Can’t Get You Out of My Head》。 A: 這次可是她首度唱進南台灣的高雄呢。 B: 許多樂評家說她的演唱會是「此生必看」! A: 那我們週末去高雄吧。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)
Continued from yesterday(延續自昨日) https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang Results showed that only 32 percent were willing to walk farther for the same candy, but 59 percent chose to do so when promised different candy. Researchers also discovered that students who walked farther reported feeling happier during the wait. __3__ Idleness aversion can be applied in various settings. For example, Uber uses animations and real-time updates to keep customers from being bored while waiting. It can also be used in the design of office buildings to reduce elevator traffic. During busy times, it takes a while to wait for an elevator. __4__ Recognizing the power