South Korea's so-called fashion police, who patrolled the streets in the 1970s carrying rulers and measuring the length of women's skirts, will soon officially be taken out of the country's laws.
Showing too much skin in public places will no longer be classed as indecent exposure and will be deleted from the Minor Offenses Act, the National Police Agency has said.
The law has not been enforced for many years, and a police agency spokesman who was quoted by the Korea Times said it was one of several out-of-date rules which would be removed. During the 1970s women could be arrested or fined if their skirts were too short.
The miniskirt rule dates back to the military dictatorship of the 1970s. During the same period the fashion police could also stop men on the street if they considered their hair to be too long. The fashion police could perform a haircut on the spot, or fine or even jail offenders.
South Korea became a democracy in 1987 and most of the authoritarian restrictions under the Minor Offenses Act have been scrapped since then.
New offenses are still added to the Minor Offenses Act. However these reflect current issues in South Korean society. The majority of the newly listed offenses under the act this year covered smoking in places where smoking is not allowed. (AFP)
「輕微違法法案」仍有新增違法條款。不過這些新法都反映南韓社會現今的議題。今年新增的違法條款中,還包括在禁止吸菸場所吸菸的條款。 (法新社/翻譯:賴美君)
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A: Yet another shopping mall has just opened in Taipei. B: Do you mean the Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport Nangang? A: Yeah, the shopping mall run by Japanese Mitsui & Co. opened last week. B: I hear the mall features about 300 stores, Vieshow Cinemas and Japanese Lopia supermarket. A: With the opening, a war is breaking out between Taipei’s department stores. A: 台北又有新的購物商場可逛啦。 B: 你是說Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport 南港? A: 對啊這家日本三井集團旗下的商場上週開幕。 B: 聽說商場有威秀影城、樂比亞日系超市,還有多達300家專櫃。 A: 新商場一開幕,看來又要掀起一場百貨大戰啦! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)
Indonesia is undertaking an ambitious project to relocate its capital from Jakarta to Nusantara, a new city in the province of East Kalimantan. This bold endeavor aims to address the severe environmental challenges and urban congestion plaguing Jakarta. The current capital city struggles with acute air pollution, frequent flooding, and rapid land subsidence. Experts predict that by 2050, a third of Jakarta could be submerged. The primary causes include excessive groundwater extraction and rising sea levels attributed to climate change. Moreover, with a population of over 10 million, it’s very much the economic center of the country. Unfortunately, this
A: Hey, didn’t you go to the opening of the Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport Nangang last week? B: Yeah, there are about 300 shops, including the first overseas branch of Japan’s Mahou Dokoro — a famous Harry Potter-themed store. A: Wow, I’ve always wanted to get a magic wand. B: There are also a bunch of great restaurants, such as Smart Fish hotpot restaurant. A: I wish I had Harry Potter’s “apparition” and “disapparition” magic, so I could teleport to the mall right now. A: 你上週不是有去LaLaport南港的盛大開幕嗎?有什麼特別的? B: 那裡有多達300家專櫃,包括魔法之地的海外首店——它可是日本知名的《哈利波特》專賣店。 A: 哇我一直想買根魔杖。 B: 另外還有各式各樣的美食,像是林聰明沙鍋魚頭。 A: 真希望我也有哈利波特的「現影術/消影術」魔法,能瞬間移動到商場去! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)