Dancecology’s (舞蹈生態系創意團隊) annual production this year will be the second portion of their ecology series, titled Crystal (結晶體). The multi-media show incorporates dance, live music, video and installation to explore the structure and quality of crystal and the life force of humans.
■ Bamboo Curtain Studio (竹圍工作室), 39, Ln 88, Jhongjheng E Rd Sec 2, New Taipei City (新北市中正東路二段88巷39號); near Zhuwei MRT Station (竹圍捷運站)
Photo Courtesy of Dancecology
■ Tonight at 7:30pm, tomorrow at 2:30pm and 7:30pm, and Sunday at 2:30pm
■ Tickets are NT$450, available through NTCH ticketing, or online at, at 7-Eleven ibon kiosks or at the door. There is a 20 percent discount for students
The Horse (驫舞劇場) dance troupe and the French sound artists group Volume-Collectif are heading into the final weekend in their three-part dance and audio-visual installation project at Huashan 1914 Creative Park (華山1914), titled Successor (繼承者). A pre-recorded sound installation is open from 10am to 5pm through Sunday.
Photo Courtesy of Assignment Theatre Group
■ Tonight through Sunday at 7:30pm
■ Huashan 1914 Creative Park (華山1914), East Two Hall (東二館), 1, Bade Rd Sec 1, Taipei City (台北市八德路一段1號)
■ Tickets for the performances are NT$600 and tickets for the soundscape installation are NT$100; available through NTCH ticketing, online at, at 7-Eleven ibon kiosks or at the door
Taipei Singer (臺北歌手) by Assignment Theatre Group (差事劇團) weaves together dreams and reality and past and present to tell a surrealistic tale inspired by the life of Lu Ho-jo (呂赫若), a celebrated novelist, musician and communist revolutionary who was killed in the 1950s during the White Terror era. The work is directed by theater veteran Chung Chiao (鍾喬) and stars film director and actor Arika Chen (陳文彬).
■ Treasure Hill Artist Village (寶藏巖國際藝術村), 2, Alley 14, Ln 230, Dingzhou Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市汀州路三段230巷14弄2號)
■ Tonight through Sunday at 7:30pm
■ Tickets are NT$420, available through NTCH ticketing or online at
Director Brook Hall enlists a mix of American and Taiwanese talents to headline Cole Porter’s musical Anything Goes, which opened on Broadway in 1934 and in London the following year. [See story on page 13.]
■ Taipei International Convention Center (台北國際會議中心), 1, Xinyi Rd Sec 5, Taipei City (台北市信義路五段1號)
■ Tonight at 7:30pm, tomorrow at 2:30pm and 7:30pm, and Sunday at 2:30pm
■ Tickets are NT$800 to NT$3,200, available through ERA ticketing or online at
Founded by Alain Bernardin in 1951, Le Crazy Horse Paris has since become one of the world’s most illustrious erotically inspired cabarets. To celebrate its 60th anniversary, the company presents Forever Crazy, a tribute to its founder.
■ ATT Show Box, 7F, 12 Songshou Rd, Taipei City (台北市松壽路12號7樓)
■ Tonight, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30pm, tomorrow at 7:30pm and 10pm, Sunday at 5pm and 7:30pm
■ Tickets are NT$2,200 to NT$6,500, available through NTCH ticketing or online at
Firefly Theatre’s (螢火蟲劇團) Chaotic Weekend (週末狂歡夜) is about four men, one woman, a rave party and a murder. [See story on this page.]
■ Kaohsiung Cultural Center’s Chihshan Hall (高雄市文化中心至善廳), 67 Wufu 1st Rd, Greater Kaohsiung (高雄市五福一路67號)
■ Tonight and tomorrow at 7:30pm
■ Tickets are NT$300 and NT$500, available through NTCH ticketing or online at
Classical music
Lang Lang Piano Recital in Kaohsiung (郎朗高雄鋼琴獨奏會) presents the world-famous Chinese concert pianist performing a program that includes Bach’s Partita No.1 in B-flat Major, BWV 825, Schubert’s Last Sonata in B-flat Major, D. 960 and Chopin’s 12 Etudes, Op. 25.
■ Sunday at 7pm
■ Kaohsiung Cultural Center’s Chihteh Hall (高雄市立文化中心至德堂), 67 Wufu 1st Rd, Greater Kaohsiung (高雄市五福一路67號)
■ Tickets are NT$1,800 to NT$4,800; available through ERA ticketing or online at
Evgeny Kissin Piano Recital (紀辛鋼琴獨奏會) introduces the multi-award winning Russian-born British pianist Kissin in a program of music by Lizst. The program includes Lizst’s Etudes d’Execution Transcendate, No. 9 in A-flat Major, S. 139, Sonata in B Minor, S. 178, Harmonies Poetiques et Religieuses, Funeralilles, S. 173 and Annees de Pelerinage.
■ Tuesday at 7:30pm
■ National Concert Hall, Taipei City
■ Tickets are NT$1,800 to NT$4,800; available through ERA ticketing or online at
Dukas, Respighi and Stravinsky (魔術師.這隻火鳥與那棵松樹) sees the Taipei Symphony Orchestra’s Taipei Symphonic Winds (臺北市立交響樂團附設管樂團) perform under the baton of guest conductor Francois Boulanger and featuring saxophonist Alexandre Doisy. The program will include Dukas’ The Sourcer’s Apprentice, Respighi’s Pines of Rome and Stravinsky’s Firebird.
■ Today at 7:30pm
■ Zhongshan Hall (台北市中山堂), 98 Yanping S Rd, Taipei City (台北市延平南路98號)
■ Tickets are NT$200 to NT$500; available through NTCH ticketing or online at
Yulianna Avdeeva Piano Recital (阿芙蒂耶娃鋼琴獨奏會) brings Avdeeva, winner of the prestigious Chopin Piano Competition last year, to Taiwan for a program that includes numerous works by Liszt, as well as pieces by Prokofiev, Wagner and Ravel.
■ Tuesday at 7:30pm
■ Taichung Chungshan Hall (台中市中山堂), 98 Syueshih Rd, Greater Taichung (台中市學士路98號)
■ Tickets are NT$1,000 to NT$3,000; available through NTCH ticketing or online at
Legacy Taipei, located in a former warehouse at Huashan 1914 Creative Park (華山1914), hosts top Taiwanese pop performers and international acts. Tonight and tomorrow the venue hosts actress/singer Kelly Kuo (郭靜純). On Sunday, Kuo Chin-fa (郭金發), a famed Hoklo crooner during the 1960s, performs classic Taiwanese songs with an afternoon and then an evening show. On Thursday, acclaimed Singaporean singer/songwriter Tanya Chua (蔡健雅) takes to the stage.
■ Huashan 1914 Creative Park (華山1914), Center Five Hall (中五館), 1, Bade Rd Sec 1, Taipei City (台北市八德路一段1號)
■ 8pm tonight and tomorrow, 2pm and 7pm on Sunday, 8pm on Thursday.
■ NT$600 to NT$1,200 tonight and tomorrow (prices depend on seating area), NT$1,000 (NT$800 in advance) for each show on Sunday and NT$1,000 on Wednesday (NT$800 in advance). Tickets for the venue’s concerts can be purchased at ERA ticketing outlets, online through or, or at 7-Eleven ibon kiosks
Tonight The Wall (這牆), Taipei’s most prominent venue for indie rock artists, hosts popular Aboriginal group Totem (圖騰). Long-running Kaohsiung pop-punk band Fire Ex (滅火器) takes to the stage tomorrow night, and on Sunday, it’s garage rock band Mary See the Future and indie-folk band Hush!. Female-led electronica group Frande takes to the stage on Wednesday.
■ B1, 200, Roosevelt Rd Sec 4, Taipei City (台北市羅斯福路四段200號B1). Tel: (02) 2930-0162. On the Net:
■ All shows start at 8pm
■ NT$400 tonight, NT$600 tomorrow (NT$500 in advance) and Sunday and NT$400 on Sunday and Wednesday (NT$300 in advance). Tickets for all shows can be purchased online through or
Tonight Witch House (女巫店), an intimate coffeehouse-style venue in the National Taiwan University area, hosts Sirius Harmonica Ensemble (天狼星口琴樂團), a trio of harmonica virtuosos. Tomorrow Hakka singer-songwriter Lo Sirong (羅思容) and her band Gomoteu (孤毛頭) take to the stage in support of their new album The Flowers Beckon (攬花去).
■ 7, Ln 56, Xinsheng S Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市新生南路三段56巷7號), tel: (02) 2362-5494. On the Net:
■ Shows start at 9:30pm. Restaurant/bar with queer/feminist bookstore and large collection of board games, open 11am to midnight Sundays through Wednesdays, 11am to 1am Thursdays through Saturdays
■ Entrance for music shows is NT$300
Noise rock band and local favorites She Bang-a (死蚊子) shares the bill with veteran post-rock group Sugar Plum Ferry (甜梅號) tonight at Underworld (地下社會), a small basement club in Taipei. Tomorrow Sugar Plum Ferry returns, with fellow post-rock group Lily et Coco (哩扣) opening the show. Afterwards, hip-hop and dubstep are among the sounds from DJs POA Style, Swing Child, Sylvain Chao and Bounce Girlz. On Wednesday, it’s indie rock groups Forests and No Order.
■ B1, 45 Shida Rd, Taipei City (台北市師大路45號B1), tel: (02) 2369-0103. On the Net:
■ Shows run from 9pm to 11pm on Fridays and Saturdays. Underworld is open daily from 9pm, closed on Mondays. Happy hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays before midnight
■ Entrance for music shows is NT$300 on Fridays and Saturdays, which includes one drink. Entrance for Wednesday shows is NT$100. Dance party on Saturday is NT$350
Performing tonight at Riverside Cafe (河岸留言) are venue owner/jazz guitarist Geddy Lin (林正如) and his band. No shows are scheduled tomorrow as of press time. Twin sister acoustic pop duo Rayray and Kirki take to the stage tomorrow night, and Monday is the venue’s weekly open jam.
■ B1, 2, Ln 244, Roosevelt Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市羅斯福路三段244巷2號B1), next to Taipower Building (台電大樓), tel: (02) 2368-7310. On the Net:
■ Show starts tonight at 9:30pm, 9pm on all other nights. For a list of standard songs and ground rules for the open jam, visit the venue’s Web site
■ NT$400 tonight, NT$350 Sunday and NT$150 Monday. Tickets can purchased online through or
Tonight Riverside Live House (河岸留言西門紅樓展演館) hosts David Hou (侯勇光), first violinist of the National Symphony Orchestra, who will perform a solo set mixing classical and electronica. Also performing is Mando-pop singer Lien Yi-han (連依涵) and her band Heavy Rain Report (大雨特報). Cindy Yen (袁詠琳), a classically trained American musician-turned-Mando-pop singer signed with Jay Chou’s (周杰倫) label JVR Music, takes to the stage tomorrow. On Wednesday, it’s acid-jazz group ReDefine.
■ 177 Xining S Rd, Taipei City (台北市西寧南路177號), tel: (02) 2370-8805. On the Net:
■ Shows start at 8:30pm
■ NT$400 tonight, tomorrow night and Sunday. Tickets can be purchased online through or
Ash and Friends perform modern jazz standards tonight at Sappho de Base, a late-night lounge bar that hosts live jazz and blues performances. Tomorrow it’s Wild Cactus Jazz. On Tuesday, the Lee Shi-chun Trio (李世鈞士三重奏) takes to the stage, and Fusion Planet performs on Thursday.
■ B1, 1, Ln 102, Anhe Rd Sec 1, Taipei City (台北市安和路一段102巷1號B1), tel: (02) 2700-5411. On the Net:
■ Shows start at 10pm. The venue is closed on Sundays and Mondays
■ Entrance is NT$200 tonight and tomorrow, free other nights
Tonight indie rock club Revolver hosts DJs Katrina, Fion, Kolette and BounceGirlz. Tomorrow it’s indie group Human Beings (人) and metal group Greasy Jelly for Mercy Killing, followed by DJs Mixter T, Shaman, Subtle, Robin Lai, Bombthreats and Stoppa MC.
■ 1-2, Roosevelt Rd Sec 1, Taipei City (台北市羅斯福路一段1-2號), tel: (02) 3393-1678
■ Shows start at 10pm
■ Entrance is NT$200 tonight and tomorrow includes one drink.
EZ5 Live House hosts Mando-pop singers backed by a live band every night. Highlights for the week ahead include male crooner Shin Lung (辛龍), who performs every Saturday. Acclaimed Aboriginal singer Samingad (紀曉君) performs on Thursdays.
■ 211, Anhe Rd Sec 2, Taipei City (台北市安和路二段211號), tel: (02) 2738-3995. On the Net: visit
■ Shows run from 9:45pm to 12:30am
■ Entrance fee (includes two drinks) ranges from NT$600 to NT$850, depending on the performer
Italian restaurant Capone’s hosts pop rock band Mary Jane and her Quartet every Friday. Tomorrow, drummer Abe Nbugu Kenyatta leads a band playing music from his hometown of New Orleans. On Wednesday nights, it’s Latin music from guitarist Roberto Zayas.
■ 312, Zhongxiao E Rd Sec 4, Taipei City (台北市忠孝東路四段312號), tel: (02) 2773-3782
■ Live music from 9pm to 11:30pm on Fridays, 8pm to 11:30pm on Saturdays
■ On Fridays, minimum charge of one drink. On Saturdays, minimum charge is NT$300
Tomorrow, The 3 Baboons Sports Bar & Grill, an expat hangout at the Taimall Shopping Center (台茂購物中心) in Taoyuan, hosts expat country-western band 2 Acres Plowed.
■ Taimall Shopping Center (台茂購物中心), 112, Nankan Rd Sec 1, Lujhu Township, Taoyuan County (桃園縣蘆竹鄉南崁路一段112號), tel: (03) 212-2150. On the Net:
■ Starts at 8pm
■ Entrance is free
The Mercury (水星酒館), an indie rock club in Kaohsiung, hosts post-rock band Sorrow of Youth (少年維特的煩惱) and punk group Damnkidz tomorrow night.
■ 46 Liwen Rd, Zuoying Dist, Greater Kaohsiung (高雄市左營區立文路46號), tel: (07) 550-8617. On the Net:
■ Starts at 9pm
■ Entrance is NT$200, includes one drink
March 24 to March 30 When Yang Bing-yi (楊秉彝) needed a name for his new cooking oil shop in 1958, he first thought of honoring his previous employer, Heng Tai Fung (恆泰豐). The owner, Wang Yi-fu (王伊夫), had taken care of him over the previous 10 years, shortly after the native of Shanxi Province arrived in Taiwan in 1948 as a penniless 21 year old. His oil supplier was called Din Mei (鼎美), so he simply combined the names. Over the next decade, Yang and his wife Lai Pen-mei (賴盆妹) built up a booming business delivering oil to shops and
Indigenous Truku doctor Yuci (Bokeh Kosang), who resents his father for forcing him to learn their traditional way of life, clashes head to head in this film with his younger brother Siring (Umin Boya), who just wants to live off the land like his ancestors did. Hunter Brothers (獵人兄弟) opens with Yuci as the man of the hour as the village celebrates him getting into medical school, but then his father (Nolay Piho) wakes the brothers up in the middle of the night to go hunting. Siring is eager, but Yuci isn’t. Their mother (Ibix Buyang) begs her husband to let
In late December 1959, Taiwan dispatched a technical mission to the Republic of Vietnam. Comprising agriculturalists and fisheries experts, the team represented Taiwan’s foray into official development assistance (ODA), marking its transition from recipient to donor nation. For more than a decade prior — and indeed, far longer during Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) rule on the “mainland” — the Republic of China (ROC) had received ODA from the US, through agencies such as the International Cooperation Administration, a predecessor to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). More than a third of domestic investment came via such sources between 1951
The Taipei Times last week reported that the Control Yuan said it had been “left with no choice” but to ask the Constitutional Court to rule on the constitutionality of the central government budget, which left it without a budget. Lost in the outrage over the cuts to defense and to the Constitutional Court were the cuts to the Control Yuan, whose operating budget was slashed by 96 percent. It is unable even to pay its utility bills, and in the press conference it convened on the issue, said that its department directors were paying out of pocket for gasoline