Bread and Puppet Theater’s giant puppet pageant was rescheduled from last weekend to this Sunday because of Typhoon Fanapi. There will be dancing, singing, music and storytelling as the giant puppet parade takes to the streets for a 40-minute march from Sijhou Aboriginal Community (溪洲部落) to Bitan Bridge (碧潭大橋) in Sindian (新店). Those interested in being part of the parade should meet at Sijhou Aboriginal Community before 4:30pm. For more information, visit
■ Sijhou Aboriginal Community (溪洲部落), 201-3, Sijhou Rd, Sindian City, Taipei County (台北縣新店市溪洲路201-3號)
■ Sunday at 4:30pm
The 8th Taipei Tango Festival (第八屆台北國際探戈節) includes a lineup of workshops, tango courses, milonga, an African-Argentine dance and
music form, and shows performed by tango masters from Argentina including Roberto Herrera, Silvana Capra,
Pablo Rodriguez and Noelia Hurtado. For more information, click on
■ Venues include Domal House (圓頂劇場), 3, Zhongxing Rd Sec 3, Sindian City, Taipei County (台北縣新店市中興路三段3號), the Red House Theater (西門紅樓), 10 Chengdu Rd, Taipei City (台北市成都路10號) and Tanguisimo Tango Space, 7F-4, 169, Zhongxiao E Rd Sec 4, Taipei City (台北市忠孝東路四段169號7樓之4)
■ Tonight and Sunday at 8:30pm, tomorrow and Monday at 9pm
■ Tickets are NT$400 to NT$1,700, available at the door or by calling
(02) 2779-1136
As part of the ongoing Xinbei City International Arts Festival (2010新北市藝術節), Water Field Tribe (水田部落), an art group founded by Atayal (泰雅) artists, presents a 12-hour long event including gigs by Country Boys (農村武裝青年) and The Clippers (夾子電動大樂隊), performance art shows by Atayal artists, and the Golden Sugarcane Film Festival (金甘蔗影展). For more information, visit
■ Shenkeng Children’s Playground (深坑兒童遊戲場), 14 Pingpu St, Shenkeng Township, Shenkeng Village, Taipei County (台北縣深坑鄉深坑村平埔街14號)
■ Tomorrow from 10am to 10pm
■ Free admission
Originally created in 2005 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Chinese-language cinema, the musical Song of Light and Shadow (電影之歌) has been revised to incorporate professional musical theater actors and multimedia technology to tell the story of an inspiring filmmaker and producer in 1930s Shanghai. The production team includes such luminaries as Taiwanese producer Jonathan Lee (李宗盛) and Hong Kong art designer Timmy Yip (葉錦添).
■ National Theater, Taipei City
■ Tonight at 7:30pm, tomorrow at 2:30pm and 7:30pm, Sunday at 2:30pm
■ Tickets are NT$400 to NT$2,800, available through NTCH ticketing or online at
The Ping Tan Company of Suzhou City (蘇州市評彈團) presents A Night of Ping-Tan: Highlighting Sheng Xiaoyun (盛世評彈—蘇州市評彈團作場). Pingtan (評彈) is an ancient operatic form using the southern Chinese Suzhou dialect and the pipa (琵琶),, or Chinese lute, as well as other string instruments. The shows feature Chinese pingtan diva Sheng Xiaoyun (盛小雲).
■ Metropolitan Hall (城市舞台), 25,
Bade Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市八德路三段25號)
■ Tonight and tomorrow at 7:30pm
■ Tickets are NT$300 to NT$2,500, available through NTCH ticketing or online at
Inspired by Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera, Mobius Strip Theater’s (莫比斯圓環創作公社) Poetry of Insomnia (睡不著的歌) is an enigmatic story about memory, time and eternity.
■ Insomnia Cafe, 13, Ln 93 Shida Rd, Taipei City (台北市師大路93巷13號)
■ Tonight, tomorrow and Sunday
at 7:30pm
■ Tickets are NT$500, available
through NTCH ticketing or online at
Classical music
Mischa Maisky Cello Recital (米夏. 麥斯基大提琴獨奏會) sees the world-renowned cellist return to Taiwan. On this occasion he will be accompanied on piano by Lily Maisky. The program includes Beethoven’s Seven Variations on a Theme From Mozart’s “Magic Flute” in E-flat Major, Chopin’s Grande Valse Brillante No. 2 in A Minor, Op. 34, Schumann’s Fantasiestucke Op. 73 and Rachmaninov’s Vocalise No. 14, Op. 34.
■ Sunday at 7:30pm
■ National Concert Hall, Taipei City
■ Tickets are NT$500 to NT$3,600, available through ERA ticketing or online at
Passing On — From Modern Through Classic to Romantic (NSO維也納世代對話系列—穿梭浪漫200年) sees the National Symphony Orchestra (國家交響樂團) performing under conductor Lu Shao-chia (呂紹嘉) and featuring cellist Alban Gerhardt. The program includes Webern’s Sechs Stucke, Op. 6 (Six Pieces for Orchestra), Haydn’s Cello Concerto No. 1 in C Major and Bruckner’s Symphony No.4 in E-flat Major.
■ Tomorrow at 7:30pm
■ National Concert Hall, Taipei City
■ Tickets are NT$400 to NT$1,500, available through NTCH ticketing or online at
Liou and Ou Two Piano Recital (廖婉茹 歐俐君 雙鋼琴音樂會) brings pianists Liou Wan-ru (廖婉茹) and Ou Li-chun (歐俐君) to the stage to present a program that includes Mozart’s Sonata in D Major, K.448, Arensky’s Suite No.1, Op. 15 and Bizet’s Jeux d’Enfants, Op. 22.
■ Sunday at 2:30pm
■ Taichung County Culture Center (台中縣立文化中心演奏廳), 782 Yuanhuan E Rd, Fengyuan City, Taichung County
■ Tickets are NT$100, available through ERA ticketing or online at
Legacy Taipei, located in a former warehouse at Huashan 1914 Creative Park (華山1914), hosts top Taiwanese pop performers and international acts. Singer-songwriter Joanna Wang (王若琳) appears with her baroque pop-rock band New Tokyo Terror tonight [see story on Page 13]. Indie-pop darlings 1976 perform tomorrow. On Wednesday it’s post-punk rockers Macbeth (馬克白) and electronica group Telephone Booth (電話亭).
■ Huashan 1914 Creative Park (華山1914), Center Five Hall (中五館), 1, Bade Rd Sec 1, Taipei City (台北市八德路一段1號)
■ Shows start at 8pm tonight and tomorrow, 8:30pm on Wednesday
■ Entrance is NT$600, NT$800 and NT$1,000 tonight depending on seating area, NT$600 tomorrow (NT$500 in advance) and NT$500 Wednesday (NT$400 in advance). Tickets can be purchased at ERA ticketing outlets, online through or or at 7-Eleven ibon kiosks
Garage rockers White Eyes (白目樂隊) are throwing a CD launch party tonight at the The Wall (這牆), Taipei’s premier venue for indie-rock artists. Also appearing tonight is metal band Ashen. Tomorrow night features Japanese band D’erlanger, a pioneer in Visual Kei, a Japanese glam rock genre in which performers often wear wild costumes and makeup. Other performers include Pia from South Korea and metal band Overdose. On Sunday, Hoklo-singing indie band Windmill (風籟坊) opens for UK indie-pop act Kyte. On Monday, the venue hosts American singer-songwriter Mark Kozelek, best known as a member of the indie-rock band Red House Painters.
■ B1, 200, Roosevelt Rd Sec 4, Taipei City (台北市羅斯福路四段200號B1).
Tel: (02) 2930-0162. On the Net:
■ Shows start at 8pm tonight, 7pm tomorrow and 8pm on Sunday
and Monday
■ Entrance is NT$500 tonight, NT$1,500 tomorrow, NT$1,300 Sunday (NT$1,100 in advance) and NT$1,100 Monday (NT$900 in advance). Tickets can be purchased online through or
Sirius Sharp (天狼星口琴樂團), a trio of harmonica virtuosos, performs tonight at Witch House (女巫店), which regularly hosts performances from both indie-rock bands and folk artists in a coffeehouse setting [see story on Page 13]. Jazz fusion group Gina’s Can (吉那罐子樂團) takes to the stage tomorrow. Indie-folk singer Marine (馬林) appears on Thursday.
■ 7, Ln 56, Xinsheng S Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市新生南路三段56巷7號).
Tel: (02) 2362-5494. On the Net:
■ Performances start at 9:30pm. Restaurant/bar with queer/feminist bookstore and large collection of board games open 11am to midnight Sundays through Wednesdays, 11am to 1am Thursdays through Saturdays
■ Entrance for music shows is NT$300
Tonight Riverside Cafe (河岸留言) hosts JACK, or “jazz plus rock,” featuring pianist Chang Kai-ya (張凱雅) and violinist Hsieh Chi-pin (謝啟彬). The two veteran musicians lead a jazz troupe that performs classic rock and pop songs. Tomorrow the BeCos Trio opens for Queen Suitcase (皇后皮箱), the winner of this year’s battle of the bands competition at the Ho-Hai-Yan Gung-Liau Rock Festival (貢寮國際海洋音樂祭). Appearing on Sunday are Mando-pop singer Chi Hsin-pei (季欣霈) and Ai Ching (艾青). The venue hosts its weekly open jam on Monday.
■ B1, 2, Ln 244, Roosevelt Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市羅斯福路三段244巷2號B1), next to Taipower Building (台電大樓). Tel: (02) 2368-7310. On the Net:
■ Shows start at 9:30pm tonight and 9pm all other nights. For a list of standard songs and ground rules for the open jam, visit the venue’s Web site
■ Entrance is NT$400 tonight and tomorrow, NT$350 on Sunday and NT$150 on Monday
Riverside Live House (西門紅樓展演館) features Mando-pop performers this week. Jeric Chen (陳傑瑞) and Poisonous Perfume (毒香水) take the stage tonight. Songstress Shadya (藍又時) appears tomorrow. On Thursday, it’s jazz musician-turned-pop artist Yen-j (嚴爵).
■ 177 Xining S Rd, Taipei City (台北市西寧南路177號). Tel: (02) 2370-8805. On the Net:
■ Shows start at 8:30pm tonight, 8pm tomorrow, 8:30pm on Thursday
■ Entrance is NT$400 tonight, NT$500 tomorrow and NT$450 Thursday. Tickets can purchased online through or
Icon Girl Pistols of Japan and blues and garage rock outfit Celluloid (賽璐璐) perform tonight at Underworld (地下社會). Tomorrow it’s Posh Inverse (優雅逆轉) and acoustic indie rockers Silverbus (銀巴士). On Wednesday Sugar Pill and Diaryin90s (九零日記) split the bill.
■ B1, 45 Shida Rd, Taipei City (台北市師大路45號B1). Tel: (02) 2369-0103. On the Net:
■ Music shows run from 9:30pm to 11:30pm on Fridays and Saturdays and 9pm to 11pm on Wednesdays. Underworld is open daily from 9pm, closed on Mondays. Happy hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays before midnight
■ Entrance for music shows is NT$300 on Fridays and Saturdays, which includes one drink, and NT$100 on Wednesdays
The Earl Hines II Jazztet performs tonight at Sappho de Base, a late-night lounge bar that hosts live jazz and blues performances. Tomorrow Coromandel Express performs a “musical masala” of jazz, classical and world music. On Tuesday it’s the Yohei Jazz Trio. Renowned Japanese free-jazz drummer Sabu Toyozumi appears on Wednesday. MaJam Jazz Quartet (麻將爵士樂團) plays fusion, funk and blues on Thursday.
■ B1, 1, Ln 102, Anhe Rd Sec 1, Taipei City (台北市安和路一段102巷1號B1).
Tel: (02) 2700-5411. On the Net:
■ Music shows begin at 10pm
■ Entrance is NT$100 tonight, NT$200 tomorrow, NT$250 Thursday, free on other nights
Tonight Roxy Roots hosts reggae DJs Otaku3 and O-Brothaz Sound System. Tomorrow it’s ska favorites Skaraoke. On Wednesday acoustic rock duo T-Bone and Yasu take the stage.
■ 90 Songren Rd, Taipei City (台北市松仁路90號). Tel: (02) 2725-3932. On the Net:
■ Shows start at 10pm
■ Entrance fee for music shows is NT$300 (NT$200 credited toward food and drinks)
Tonight at 89k, Taichung’s long-established spot for local indie bands, the Killer 3000 Funk Orchestra plays classic funk. Tomorrow hip-hop performers Dr Reniculous Lips and the Skallyunz take to the stage, with indie-pop band Aurora opening the show. Closing out the night is DJ Subtle, who spins hip-hop.
■ 21 Daguan Rd, Nantun Dist, Taichung City (台中市南屯區大觀路21號)
■ Shows start at 10pm
■ Entrance is NT$300 tonight and tomorrow, free entrance for women tomorrow
The Wall (這牆) programs regular live rock shows at Kaohsiung’s Pier 2 Arts Center (高雄駁二藝術特區). Tonight it’s indie-rock trio Orangegrass (澄草). Appearing tomorrow are Japanese indie rockers Icon Girl Pistols and indie-electronica group Telephone Booth (電話亭).
■ 1 Dayong Rd, Yancheng Dist, Kaohsiung City (高雄市鹽埕區大勇路1號). On the Net:,
■ Shows start at 7:30pm
■ Entrance is NT$400 tonight and NT$300 tomorrow
There is a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) plot to put millions at the mercy of the CCP using just released AI technology. This isn’t being overly dramatic. The speed at which AI is improving is exponential as AI improves itself, and we are unprepared for this because we have never experienced anything like this before. For example, a few months ago music videos made on home computers began appearing with AI-generated people and scenes in them that were pretty impressive, but the people would sprout extra arms and fingers, food would inexplicably fly off plates into mouths and text on
On the final approach to Lanshan Workstation (嵐山工作站), logging trains crossed one last gully over a dramatic double bridge, taking the left line to enter the locomotive shed or the right line to continue straight through, heading deeper into the Central Mountains. Today, hikers have to scramble down a steep slope into this gully and pass underneath the rails, still hanging eerily in the air even after the bridge’s supports collapsed long ago. It is the final — but not the most dangerous — challenge of a tough two-day hike in. Back when logging was still underway, it was a quick,
From censoring “poisonous books” to banning “poisonous languages,” the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) tried hard to stamp out anything that might conflict with its agenda during its almost 40 years of martial law. To mark 228 Peace Memorial Day, which commemorates the anti-government uprising in 1947, which was violently suppressed, I visited two exhibitions detailing censorship in Taiwan: “Silenced Pages” (禁書時代) at the National 228 Memorial Museum and “Mandarin Monopoly?!” (請說國語) at the National Human Rights Museum. In both cases, the authorities framed their targets as “evils that would threaten social mores, national stability and their anti-communist cause, justifying their actions
In the run-up to World War II, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of Abwehr, Nazi Germany’s military intelligence service, began to fear that Hitler would launch a war Germany could not win. Deeply disappointed by the sell-out of the Munich Agreement in 1938, Canaris conducted several clandestine operations that were aimed at getting the UK to wake up, invest in defense and actively support the nations Hitler planned to invade. For example, the “Dutch war scare” of January 1939 saw fake intelligence leaked to the British that suggested that Germany was planning to invade the Netherlands in February and acquire airfields