National Guo Guang Opera Company (國立國光劇團) revises its Journey Through Hell (閻羅夢.天地一秀才), a Beijing Opera based on the classic Chinese novel of the same name written by Chen Yaxian (陳亞先). Guo Guang’s Wang An-chi (王安祈) transforms the original work into a sumptuous performance that emphasizes the philosophical underpinnings of the original.
▲National Theater, Taipei City
▲Tonight and tomorrow at 7:30pm; tomorrow and Sunday at 2:30pm
▲Tickets are NT$400 to NT$1,500, available through NTCH ticketing
Two love stories intersect in Off Performance Workshop’s (外表坊時驗團) latest work We’ll Return Home This Morning to the End of the World (今天早上我們回家•直到世界盡頭).
▲Huashan Cultural and Creative Industry Center (華山創意文化園區), 1, Bade Rd Sec 1, Taipei City (台北市八德路一段1號)
▲Today and tomorrow at 7:30pm; tomorrow and Sunday at 2:30pm
▲Tickets are NT$500, available through NTCH ticketing
Taiwan’s expulsion from the UN in 1971 serves as the background for Ping-Fong Acting Troupe’s (屏風表演班) latest work Stand by Me (六義幫). Written and directed by Hugh Lee (李國修), the story follows six youths who use an air raid shelter as a meeting place to discuss their roles in history
▲Sun Yat-sen Hall of National Sun Yat-sen University Art Center (高雄中山大學逸仙館), 70 Lienhai Rd, Kaohsiung City (高雄市蓮海路70號)
▲Tonight at 7:30pm and tomorrow at 2:30pm
▲Tickets are NT$500 to NT$2,500, available through NTCH ticketing
The Little Matches Girl (賣番仔火的小女孩) by Taiyuan Puppet Theater Company (台原偶戲團), tells the story of a greedy grandmother who forces her granddaughter to work in a factory that makes matches. The girl befriends a little boy and together they discover that the matches are alive. One night, a disaster threatens the lives of both children and their match friends.
▲Nadou Theater (納豆劇場), 79 Xining N Rd, Taipei City (台北市西寧北路79號)
▲Tomorrow at 3pm
▲Tickets are NT$200, available through NTCH ticketing
Lu Junyi (盧俊義) is a puppet performance by I Wan Jan Puppet Troupe (亦宛然掌中劇團) and is based on the character of the same name from the Chinese classic the Water Margin (水滸傳), who was renowned for his skills in martial arts.
▲Guandu Arts Museum (關渡美術館2樓), 1 Xueyuan Rd, Taipei City (台北市北投區學園路1號)
▲Tomorrow at 7:30pm; Sunday at 2:30pm
▲Tickets are NT$300 to NT$500, available through NTCH ticketing
Classical music
Ouyang Ling-yi and Su Meng-feng Cello and Guitar Duo Recital (歐陽伶宜、蘇孟風 ∼ 大提琴與吉他二重奏), brings cellist Ouyang Ling-yi (歐陽伶宜), who graduated from the doctoral program in music from Michigan State University, East Lansing and Su Meng-feng (蘇孟風), a 2005 winner in the UFAM International Classical Guitar Competition, together in two concerts this week to perform a program that includes the Taiwan premiere of Ourkouzounov’s Tanzologia, Falla’s Cinqo Canciones Populares and Danza No.1, Villa-Lobos’ Aria, Gnatalli’s Sonata for Cello and Guitar, and other works.
▲Sunday at 2:30pm (Hsinchu) and Wednesday at 7:30pm (Taipei)
▲Hsinchu Municipal Auditorium (新竹市文化局演藝廳), 17 Tungta Rd Sec 2, Hsinchu City (新竹市東大路二段17號); National Recital Hall, Taipei City
▲Tickets are NT$300 for the Hsinchu concert and NT$300 to NT$1,000 for Taipei, available through NTCH ticket outlets
Fly With the Wind — Masters With NSO Concert Series (名家與NSO的對話系列 — 記憶的風景) will feature the Austrian violinist Benjamin Schmid, who has been widely praised in both classical and jazz circles. The NSO will be led by guest conductor Adrian Leaper, who is currently director of the Spanish Radio TV Symphony Orchestra. The program will include Janacek’s Jealousy, Wieniawski’s Violin Concerto No.2 in D Minor, Op.22, and Mendelssohn’s Symphony No.3 in A Minor Op.56.
▲Today at 7:30pm
▲National Concert Hall, Taipei City
▲Tickets are NT$400 to NT$1,500, available through NTCH ticketing
NSO Lecture Series — Bruckner Symphony No. 8 (NSO音樂學苑 — 布魯克納第八號交響曲) invites Charlie Yi-chang Chan (詹益昌), president of the Taichung Wagner Library, to introduce Bruckner’s Symphony No.8.
▲Tomorrow at 2pm
▲National Recital Hall, Taipei City
▲Tickets are NT$200, available through NTCH ticketing
2008 NTSO International Music Festival — Gewandhaus vs NTSO (2008NTSO國際音樂節系列 一 德國萊比錫布商大廈管絃樂團木管首席與國臺交) presents two concerts in which the National Taipei Symphony Orchestra (NTSO) performs together with the Gewandaus Woodwind Quintet. The program for tomorrow focuses on the music of Mendelssohn and that for Sunday will include music from Ligeti, Morzart, Nielsen and Strauss.
▲Tomorrow (Taichung City) and Sunday (Taichung County) at 7:30pm
▲National Taichung Library Chunghsing Concert Hall (台中市中興堂), 291-3 Chingwu Rd, Taichung City (台中市精武路291之3號); NSO Recital Hall in Taichung (國立台灣交響樂團演奏廳), 738-2 Chungcheng Rd, Wufeng Township, Taichung County (台中縣霧峰鄉中正路738-2號)
▲Tickets are NT$300 to NT$1,500 for tomorrow; NT$300 to NT$800 for Sunday, available through NTCH ticketing
Tonight at VU Live House is the +3dB Asia Tour, featuring experimental, acoustic and electronic music from the artists of +3dB, a Norwegian record label. Performers include Lemur, Baktruppen and Rehab. Tomorrow is a big night for metal fans, with Swedish thrash metal band The Haunted, which is currently in the middle of a world tour, and local death metal band Infernal Chaos. An second show follows with more hard-hitting sounds from Roughhausen, Doublewide, Into the Void and DJ Ting. [See story on Page 15.]
▲ B1, 77, Wuchang St Sec 2, Taipei City (台北市武昌街二段77號B1). Call (02) 2314-1868 for more information
▲Shows begin at 11pm tonight; 6:30pm tomorrow for metal bands tomorrow, and 10pm for the second show
▲NT$250 tonight, includes one drink; tomorrow night “VIP area tickets are NT$1,300 or two for NT$2,500, and rock area” tickets are NT$800 each or two for NT$1,500; the afterparty is NT$250, which includes one drink
Indie-rockers Silver Bus and post-rock/folk-rock band We Save Strawberries (草莓救星) take to the stage tonight at the The Wall (這牆). Tomorrow’s show featuring German alt-pop singer Maximilian Hecker is sold out. Couldn’t get tickets? Vent your frustrations on Sunday with metal bands Nevermore, Hekate, EFTC and Infernal Chaos. On Thursday pop-rock act New Yorker (紐約客) opens up for Taipei alt-rock favorites Neon.
▲B1, 200, Roosevelt Rd Sec 4, Taipei City (台北市羅斯福路四段200號B1). Call (02) 2930-0162 or visit for more information
▲Starts 8pm tonight and tomorrow; 7:30pm Sunday; 8pm Thursday
▲NT$400 tonight; tomorrow’s show is sold out; NT$350 on Sunday; NT$300 on Thursday
Electronica-rock group Bluevelvets (藍絲絨) appear tonight at Witch House (女巫店). Taking to the stage tomorrow is Sirius Sharp (天狼星口琴樂團), a group of virtuoso harmonica players that plays every genre, from classical to pop to blues. Indie-rockers Feng Lai Fang (風籟坊) appear on Thursday.
▲7, Ln 56, Xinsheng S Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市新生南路三段56巷7號). For more information, call (02) 2362-5494 or visit
▲Performances start at 9:30pm. Restaurant/bar with queer/feminist bookstore and large collection of board games open 11am to midnight Sundays through Wednesdays; 11am to 1am Thursdays through Saturdays
▲Entrance fee for music shows is NT$300, which includes one drink
Appearing tonight at Riverside Cafe (河岸留言) is pan flute player Eric Chang (張中立). Indie-rockers Feng Lai Fang (風籟坊) and Taiwan’s favorite anarchist indie rockers LTK Commune(濁水溪公社) appear tomorrow.
▲B1, 2, Ln 244, Roosevelt Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市羅斯福路三段244巷2號B1), next to Taipower Building
▲(台電大樓). Call (02) 2368-7310 or visit for more information
▲Shows start at 9:30pm tonight and 9pm tomorrow
NT$400 tonight and tomorrow
The owners of the Riverside Cafe recently opened Riverside Live House (西門紅樓展演館), a new venue located in Ximending’s historic Red House Theater (西門紅樓). This weekend features two local stars: tonight is pop singer Bobby Chen (陳昇) with his group, The ‘We Hate Love Songs’ Band. (恨情歌樂團), while female crooner Michelle Pan appears on Sunday to sing jazz and bossa nova standards, as well as her own hits.
▲177 Xining S Rd, Taipei City (台北市西寧南路177號). Call (02) 2370-8805 or visit for more information
▲Show starts tonight at 8:30pm; 7:30pm on Sunday (doors open at 7pm)
▲Entrance (includes one drink) is NT$550 tonight; NT$600 on Sunday
Jazz Your Mind appears tonight at Sappho de Base. Tomorrow night, Waka and Yo, a Japanese duo that play tabla and sitar, perform a set of Indian fusion music. The venue opens on Monday night for a special show featuring blues band Black Sheep with Shun Kikuta, a Japanese guitarist who lives in Chicago and tours with blues legend Koko Taylor. On Tuesday night the Sappho Jazz Band performs, with an open jam afterwards, while The Chris Stiles Jazz Trio takes to the stage on Wednesday. Thursday night, the venue welcomes solo folk rocker Shane Lazarowich and the Long Naked Bottles.
▲B1, 1, Ln 102, Anhe Rd Sec 1, Taipei City (台北市安和路一段102巷1號B1). Call (02) 2700-5411 (after 9pm) or visit for more information
▲Performances begin at 10:30pm on weekends; 10pm on weekdays. Monday’s show starts at 9pm
▲No admission fee
Tonight at Tone 56 Live Bar it’s funk and R’n’B band Kenyatta Trio. Tomorrow it’s house band Loaded, which plays everything from rock classics to today’s hits.” On Sunday, the Blues Vibrations take to the stage.
▲1F, 56, Minquan E Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市民權東路三段56號1樓), near the corner of Fuxing North (復興北) and Minquan East (民權東) roads
▲Call (02) 2517-3869 for more information
▲Music shows go from 9:30pm to 12:30am tonight and tomorrow; 7:30pm to 9:30pm on Sundays
▲No admission fee
At Bliss, now under new management, wacky cover band The Originals plays tonight with hillbilly punks The Pinetop Surgeons. Tomorrow Sinister Sound Syndicate spins electro-house, disco punk and minimalist techno, while Thursday features dub music presented by Tranquility Bass Productions.
▲148, Xinyi Rd Sec 4, Taipei City (台北市信義路四段148號), one block east of Dunhua South Road (敦化南路). Call Bliss at (02) 2702-1855 or log on at
▲Tonight, tomorrow and Thursday at 10pm. Bar/kitchen open from 7pm daily. Ladies night Fridays; women get one free cocktail of their choice
▲Entrance to the bar is free. Tomorrow’s and Thursday’s music shows are also free
Underworld(地下社會) hosts newcomers Hi Jack and punk-band Random (隨性) tonight. Pop-punk group Abandoned Machines (留聲機工廠) and garage rockers The Deadly Vibes perform tomorrow.
▲B1, 45 Shida Rd, Taipei City (台北市師大路45號B1). Call (02) 2369-0103 or visit for more information
▲Music shows tonight and tomorrow are from 9:30pm to 11:30pm
▲Entrance is NT$300 for both shows and includes one drink
Every Wednesday night at the Cosmopolitan Grill there’s a blues open mic, held by the Blues Society on Taiwan. All are welcome to bring their instruments and sit in on guitar, bass or drums.
▲1F, 218 Changchun Rd, Taipei City (台北市長春路218號1樓). Call (02) 2508-0304 or visit for more information
▲8pm to 11pm every Wednesday
▲No admission fee
Shock.Shot — Wu Tien Chang’s Solo Exhibition (懾.相—吳天章2008個展). Wu’s highly anticipated exhibition features eight large-scale works by the renowned artist, one of the few to have successfully made the jump from traditional painting to digital art.
▲Main Trend Gallery (大趨勢畫廊), 209-1, Chengde Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市承德路三段209-1號). Open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 11am to 7pm. Tel: (02) 2587-3412
▲From tomorrow through Dec. 13
Hung Tien-yu Solo Exhibition (美的背後—洪天宇個展) is an exhibition of new works by Hung that was organized after the artist saw two series of paintings sell for a total of NT$20 million at this year’s Taipei Art Fair. The new works contemplate the binary relationship between nature and humanity.
▲AKI Gallery (也趣), 141 Mintsu W Rd, Taipei City (台北市民族西路141號). Open Tuesdays through Sundays from 12pm to 6:30pm. Tel: (02) 2599-1171
▲Until Nov. 30
Labyrinth — Wu Shang-lin Solo Exhibition (迷境—吳尚霖個展). Up-and-coming artist Wu uses photography and video images to create a series of portraits of Taipei City in motion under themes that include “Margin and Center,” “Space and Remembrance” and “Labyrinth.”
▲Taipei Artist Village (台北國際藝術村), 7 Beiping E Rd, Taipei City (台北市北平東路7號). Open Mondays through Sundays from 10am to 7:30pm. Tel: (02) 3393-7377
▲Until Nov. 24
Take a Walk With Classic Lens Digital Body (數位與老鏡的漫步). Tony Tseng’s (曾思中) photo exhibition features 80 photographs taken using the bodies of three new digital cameras with lenses for 40 film cameras that were manufactured between 1860 and 1990. The photos are of scenes from everyday life and the theme of the show is a dialogue between two generations, the young photographer and his father, a film developer.
▲Heng Chang Gallery (恆昶藝廊), 396-1, Renai Rd Sec 4, Taipei City (台北市仁愛路四段396-1號). Open Tuesdays through Sundays from 10am to 6pm. Tel: (02) 2706 6466
▲Until Nov. 20
War Scene Massacre……Remains (戰場殺戮……過後??). The exhibition features a new series of painting by performance artist Li Ming-sheng (李銘盛) that delves into war and the human psyche. The artist will talk about his art tomorrow and Sunday afternoon at the gallery.
▲King Space (King空間), 2F, 97, Hsiencheng 2 Rd Chubei City, Hsinchu County (新竹縣竹北市縣政二路97號2號). Open Tuesdays through Sundays from 10am to 8pm. Tel: (03) 558-8556
▲Until Dec. 20
The 9th Taipei Poetry Festival (第九屆臺北詩歌節) begins this weekend with a series of readings, performances, exhibitions and film screenings. This year’s focus is on Asian poetry with the theme of movement in the city. Poets Madeline Lee (李夙芯) from Singapore, Yau Ching (游靜) from Hong Kong, Kim Huesoon from South Korea and Yu Jian (于堅) from China will read from their works and lead discussions on different aspects of poetry.
▲At venues throughout Taipei. Check for more details in Chinese and English
▲Tomorrow until Nov. 23
From censoring “poisonous books” to banning “poisonous languages,” the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) tried hard to stamp out anything that might conflict with its agenda during its almost 40 years of martial law. To mark 228 Peace Memorial Day, which commemorates the anti-government uprising in 1947, which was violently suppressed, I visited two exhibitions detailing censorship in Taiwan: “Silenced Pages” (禁書時代) at the National 228 Memorial Museum and “Mandarin Monopoly?!” (請說國語) at the National Human Rights Museum. In both cases, the authorities framed their targets as “evils that would threaten social mores, national stability and their anti-communist cause, justifying their actions
Taiwanese chip-making giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) plans to invest a whopping US$100 billion in the US, after US President Donald Trump threatened to slap tariffs on overseas-made chips. TSMC is the world’s biggest maker of the critical technology that has become the lifeblood of the global economy. This week’s announcement takes the total amount TSMC has pledged to invest in the US to US$165 billion, which the company says is the “largest single foreign direct investment in US history.” It follows Trump’s accusations that Taiwan stole the US chip industry and his threats to impose tariffs of up to 100 percent
In the run-up to World War II, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of Abwehr, Nazi Germany’s military intelligence service, began to fear that Hitler would launch a war Germany could not win. Deeply disappointed by the sell-out of the Munich Agreement in 1938, Canaris conducted several clandestine operations that were aimed at getting the UK to wake up, invest in defense and actively support the nations Hitler planned to invade. For example, the “Dutch war scare” of January 1939 saw fake intelligence leaked to the British that suggested that Germany was planning to invade the Netherlands in February and acquire airfields
The launch of DeepSeek-R1 AI by Hangzhou-based High-Flyer and subsequent impact reveals a lot about the state of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) today, both good and bad. It touches on the state of Chinese technology, innovation, intellectual property theft, sanctions busting smuggling, propaganda, geopolitics and as with everything in China, the power politics of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). PLEASING XI JINPING DeepSeek’s creation is almost certainly no accident. In 2015 CCP Secretary General Xi Jinping (習近平) launched his Made in China 2025 program intended to move China away from low-end manufacturing into an innovative technological powerhouse, with Artificial Intelligence