Irma la Douce (巴黎花街) by Godot Theater (果陀劇場) tells the story of a fired cop on the steamy streets of 1960s Paris, who falls in love with a prostitute named Irma la Douce. They meets at a seedy bar called the Cafe Moustache. After killing off la Douce's pimp, the ex-cop takes his place and gradually loses all sense of reality as he becomes increasingly jealous of the hooker's Johns. A highlight of the performance is the comedic acting talents of Chin Shih-jie (金士傑), who plays the role of the cafe owner.
* National Theater, Taipei (國家戲劇院)
* Today and tomorrow at 7:30pm and tomorrow and Sunday at 2:30pm
* Tickets are NT$500 to NT$2,500 and are available through NTCH ticketing
Shamlet (莎姆雷特) is a spoof on the Shakespeare tragedy by Ping Fong Acting Troupe (屏風劇團). The play tells the story of a theater troupe trying to put on a production of Hamlet, but it is disrupted by disputes within the group, leading to chaos and comedy.
* Taipei Cultural Center (台北市立社教館), 25 Bade Rd Sec 3, Taipei (台北市八德路三段25號)
* Today and tomorrow at 7:30pm and tomorrow and Sunday at 2:30pm (Note: All Saturday performances are sold out)
* Tickets are from NT$500 to NT$2,500 and are available through
Cats is the hit musical based on T.S. Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, a book of poems about feline friendship. The musical, like the poems, revolves around a ball during which one lucky cat will be bestowed with an extra life. Cats will be cats, however, and rivalries spark tensions as the leading contenders for the extra life try to out do each other over a backdrop of memorable songs and breathtaking dance routines.
* Chungshan Hall, Taichung (台中市中山堂), 98 Hsuehshi Rd, Taichung City (台中市學士路98號)
* Today and tomorrow at 7:30pm and tomorrow and Sunday at 2:30pm
* Tickets are NT$800 to NT$4,800 and are available through ERA ticketing
Back to School (再校生) is a performance that explores what is meant by going to school in the 21st century. Issues that will be investigated include the school as a place of knowledge and a place of values in society.
* Performing Arts School 36 (表演36房), located at 156-1 Muxin Rd, Taipei (台北市木新路二段156號之1)
* Today and tomorrow at 7:30pm and tomorrow and Sunday at 2:30pm
* Tickets are NT$300 and available through NTCH ticketing
Dinner Alone (一個人的晚餐) is a silent play that tells the story of an ordinary woman whose mundane existence is interrupted by a series of odd events. From the television breaking down to the computer not following her directions, the woman has to come to terms with events that are beyond her control. The show is directed by Ma Zhao-qi (馬照琪) and performed by Theater de la Sardine (沙丁龐客劇團).
* Ringside Theater (聚場劇場) B1, 10 Siwei Rd, Taipei (台北市四維路10號B1)
* Today and tomorrow at 8pm
* For tickets call (02) 2705-2899
T(r)oy (木馬凸城記) by Children Are Us Troupe (喜憨兒劇團) tells the story of two ancient cities, one that lives a life of abundance, the other struggling to make ends meet. The peace that had reigned between the two countries ends with the appearance of a beautiful woman.
* National Taiwan Arts Education Institute (國立台灣藝術教育館), 47 Nanhai Rd, Taipei (台北市南海路47號)
* Tomorrow at 7:30pm
* Admission is free. Call (02) 2325-7383 X31 for tickets
If on a winter night, with poets and artists (如果在冬夜,詩人藝術家們) is an evening of poetry with Taipei Artist Village resident Dutch poet Erik Lindner, who will project Chinese translations of his work, and English poet Aoife Mannix, who will demonstrate how to present live poetry.
* Bamboo Room, Taipei Artist Village, 7 Beiping Rd, Taipei (台北市北平路7號)
* Saturday at 7:45pm
* Admission is NT$50 (includes homemade cookie and drink); for more details call (02) 3393-7737 X102
Taipei Symphony Orchestra (TSO) — A Night of Tchaikovsky (台北市立交響樂團 — 柴科夫斯基之夜). Tonight, the TSO, under the direction of Yang Chih-chin (楊智欽) and featuring cellist Janet Chien (簡荿玄), will present Tchaikovsky's Variations on a Rococo Theme for Cello and Orchestra, Op.33 and Symphony No.4 in F Minor, Op.36. Also, Beethoven's Overture "Egmont", eight-minutes of incidental music to Goethe's tragedy Egmont, will be included in tonight's program because the overture has strong parallels to Beethoven's Symphony No.5 in C Minor "Fate," whose basic idea was imitated by Tchaikovsky when composing his fourth symphony, which is also about fate.
* At the Zhongshan Hall, Taipei (台北市中山堂), 98 Yenping S Rd, Taipei (台北市延平南路98號)
* NT$600 and NT$800 tickets are sold out, but seats are still available from NT$200 to NT$400 through NTCH ticketing outlets
* Tonight at 7:30pm
Xue Xue Weekend Violin and Piano Recital — (學學週末小提琴與鋼琴音樂會 — 雨之歌). Featuring violinist Huang Han-min (黃瀚民) and pianist Yeh Ting-fang (葉庭芳), the recital will feature a program of works spanning centuries, including Handel's Violin Sonata No3 in A Major, Op.1, Brahms' Violin Sonata No.1 in G Major, Op.78, Ysaye's Violin Sonata No. 6 in E major, Op.27, Bloch's Nigun, Saint-Saens' Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, and Kreisler's Dance Espagnole. Regenlied or Rain Song, the title of this concert, is taken from Brahms' G-Major Sonata.
* At the Music Salon of the Xue Xue Institute (學學文創志業大樓音樂沙龍), 5F, 207 Tiding Blvd Sec 2, Taipei (台北市堤頂大道二段207號5樓)
* Tickets are NT$500 and are available through NTCH ticketing or call 0800-068-089
* Tonight at 7:30pm
National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) Finding Impossibility Concert Series (國家交響樂團 — 發現不可能音樂會系列). Joined by prominent conductor Po-Po Chiang (江靖波) and the NSO, this concert will feature four disabled musicians: pianists Hsieh Yun-lun (謝昀倫), Huang Yu-hsiang (黃裕翔), and Li Shang-hsuan (李尚軒), and flutist Lin Ching-yang (林景陽). They will present a program of works including Mozart's Piano Concerto No.23 in A Major K.488, Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No.2, Op.18, and Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3 in C Minor, op.37 and the fourth movement of Symphony No.3, Op. 55 "Eroica."
* At the National Concert Hall, Taipei
* NT$1,000 tickets are sold out, but seats are still available from NT$300 to NT$800 through NTCH ticketing
* Saturday at 7:30pm
ComeMusic String Orchestra (來去弦樂團). Since its inception in 2001, ComeMusic String Orchestra's mission has been to increase public appreciation of classical and contemporary music. The orchestra was established by the cyber community, where musicians gathered to exchange music-related information. The orchestra made its debut concert in 2003 and since then, it has performed extensively around Taiwan. This year, the orchestra will give a series of concerts on Sunday in Taipei City, Feb. 3 in Taipei County, and Feb. 4 in Taichung City. Under the direction of conductor Li Hsuan (李瑄), the orchestra will play a program of Baroque works, including Corelli's Concerto Grosso, Op.6 and Vivaldi's Violin Concerto No.4 in F Minor, RV297 "Winter", Scott Joplin's Theme from "The Sting", The Easy Winners and Elite Syncopations, Riz Ortolani and Nino Oliviero's More from the Italian movie Mondo Cane, Puccini's Nessun Dorma from Turandot, Joe Hisaishi's Reprise from the movie Spirited Away, Lee Che-yi's (李哲藝) Taiwanese folk song The Hamlet Wine Song, Marquina's Espana Cani and Lecuona's Malaguena.
* Sunday at the Music Hall in the Xihu Branch of the Taipei Public Library (台北市立圖書館西湖分館4樓音樂廳), 4F, 594 Neihu Rd Sec 1, Taipei (台北市內湖路一段594號4樓), Feb. 3 at the Performing Arts Hall of the Taipei County Hakka Museum (台北縣客家文化園區演藝廳), 239 Lungen St, Sansia Township, Taipei County (台北縣三峽鎮龍埔里隆恩街239號), and Feb. 4 at the Taichung Corridor Cafe Theater (文英館迴廊咖啡劇場), 10-5 Shuangshih Rd Sec 1, Taichung City (台中市雙十路一段10-5號)
* Concerts at Taipei County Hakka Museum are free. For the concerts at Taipei's Xihu Library and Taichung's Corridor Cafe Theater, tickets can be obtained free of charge from the ComeMusic String Orchestra at 0966-817-007. There will be a minimum food and beverage charge for the concert at Taichung's Corridor Cafe Theater
* All concerts will begin at 2:30pm
Tonight is Super Jazz Night at Riverside Cafe (河岸留言), featuring Rich Huang (黃瑞豐), aka the "Taiwanese drum stylist," with a few of the country's best studio musicians, guitarist Geddy Lin (林正如), saxophonist Dong Sun-wen (董舜文), Fred Liu (呂聖斐) on the keyboards, and Jeff Chen (陳任佑) on bass. Tomorrow features Hong Kong's Oliver Ching, with guests Echo (回聲) and Natural Curls (自然捲). Ching's sound is a bit wet behind the ears but at its best evokes comparisons to Trent Reznor or, at other times, VHS or Beta. Sunday Skyline plays bossa nova, R&B and funk quartet, followed by fusion combo Melody Slave. Monday night is open-jam night, when anyone with a song or an instrument can perform. On Tuesday it's the atmospheric guitar drone of post-rock quintet Merry Go Round and upbeat pop-rock act Joker. On Wednesday it's all-female alt-rock quartet Cherry Boom (櫻桃幫) and indie-pop singer Bibi Chao (趙之璧). On Thursday it's guitarist Lu Chia-hung (盧家宏) and Hsu Ching-yuan (徐清源), along with former pop singer Denise Juan (阮丹青), singing and on piano, with support from friends on cello, drums and bass.
* The music starts at 9:30pm each night
* Entrance tonight is NT$400. Tomorrow and Wednesday is NT$350. Sunday and Tuesday is NT$300. On Monday there is a one-drink minimum
* B1, 2, Ln 244, Roosevelt Rd Sec 3, Taipei (台北市羅斯福路三段244巷2號B1). Call (02) 2368-7310, or visit
Tonight the Living Room (小客廳) presents British composer/pianist Hervie Syan, who melds Indian, classical and jazz music, with Australian painter and musician Hamish. "The evening will feature spontaneous narration, artistic discussion [and] musical collaboration," according to the Living Room's Web site. Tomorrow it's five-piece expat pop-rock act The Antagonauts. Tuesday is Chit Chat Game Night with board games. Wednesday features another performance by newly discovered songwriter Hank, followed by Big Egg Hell Dog (巨蛋地獄狗), a freeestyle-jazz combo with a shifting lineup.
* Tonight and tomorrow's performances begin at 10pm. Tuesday's fun and games runs from 7pm to midnight. Wednesday's music starts at 8pm
* Entrance for tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday is NT$300. There is no admission fee on Tuesday
* 3F, 8 Nanjing E Rd Sec 5, Taipei (台北市南京東路5段8號3樓). Call (02) 8787-4154 or visit
The Wall (這牆) presents punk-rock-turned-post-rock five-piece The Chairman (董事長) with power-rock band Higher (亥兒). Tomorrow it's Brit-pop act , followed by Zen Zen Yabai Party with DJ Taka, reggae from Nao and Nari, and Teru G and Tanmen spinning hi hop. Wednesday it's hardcore courtesy of Vanish and Random.
* Entrance tonight is NT$400. Tomorrow is NT$400 for 1976 and NT$300 for the DJs. Wednesday is NT$300.
* Bands take the stage at 8pm. Zen Zen Yabai runs from 11:30pm to 4:30am
* B1, 200 Roosevelt Rd Sec 4, Taipei (台北市羅斯福路四段200號B1). Call (02) 2930-0162 or visit
Velvet Underground (地下絲絨) features alt-rock and indie bands Mango (芒果) and Children Sucker (表兒) tonight, The Leaf and Joker tomorrow, Unsafe and Exit 7 (七號出口) on Wednesday, and Dreammaker on Thursday.
* Bands take the stage at 9pm, except Thursday when then music starts at 8pm
* Admission is NT$300 or NT$200 for students
* B1, 50 Zhongxiao W Rd Sec 1, Taipei (台北市忠孝西路一段50號B1). Call (02) 2314-1868 or visit
Tonight at Underworld (地下社會) it's popular indie band 88 Guava Seeds (88 顆芭樂籽), with emo quartet Hindsight and 20/20 (光景消逝). Tomorrow it's metal heads Neo Shark (腦剎) and Triple Six (666). Wednesday it's more heavy metal with Ashen and Horse Men.
* The bar opens at 8pm and bands take the stage at 9pm
* Entrance is NT$300
* 45 Shida Rd, Taipei (台北市師大路45號B1). Call (02) 2369 0103 or visit for more information
Tonight at Grooveyard in Taichung it's Ca$h, an evening of local bands playing Johnny Cash's best tunes. Tomorrow it's Chiayi-based rock band Ad Hoc. On Sunday there is a Percussion Workshop hosted by Victor Garnier on "African rhythms, history and everything you always wanted to know to be a kick ass hand drum player." Wednesday at the Grooveyard is Jazz Night, and Thursday is Taiwan Exposed Open-Mic Night, a jam session for established and amateur musicians, poets, comedians and other performers.
* Bands take the stage tonight at 10pm and tomorrow at 9:30pm. Sunday's workshop runs from 2pm to 7pm. Wednesday's jazz and Thursday's jam and poetry session both start at 9pm
* Entrance tonight and tomorrow is NT$100 before 10pm and NT$200 after. The workshop is NT$200. There's no cover on Wednesdays and Thursdays
* 2F, 105 Huamei W Rd, Taichung (台中市華美西街105號二樓). Visit
Art and Religion: Italian Paintings from the Golden Age of 14th to —17th Centuries (藝術與宗教 — 義大利十四至十七世紀黃金時期繪畫特展). To help locals gain more understanding on the developments of Western art, culture and religion, the exhibition features 32 pieces of classical paintings on loan from six museums include Musei Vaticani, Pinacoteca de Siena, Accademia Carrara de Belle Arti and Museo Diocesano Milano to travel through the 300 years of art history divided into Early Christian Art, Renaissance and Baroque.
* Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall (國父紀念館), 505 Renai Rd Sec 4, Taipei (台北市仁愛路四段505號2樓). Open daily from 9am to 5pm. Call (02) 2758-8008
* Until March 15
Without You I am So Lonely. An opening exhibition at the new cafe-cum-gallery, the show features a series of oil paintings by female artist-duo who deliver a sense of loneliness deep in the heart of urbanites through portraits of their favorite authors and musicians.
* Salt Peanuts Factory (鹹花生展廠), 23, Ln 60, Taishun St, Taipei (台北市泰順街60巷23號). Open daily from 12pm to 1am. Call (02) 2368-1019
* Until Feb. 9
Walk into the People — Three Giants of Russian Literature (走向人民 — 俄羅斯文學三巨人). A special exhibition on Pushkin, Tolstoy and Sholokhov, featuring around 500 rarely-seen personal items and documents of the three masters on loan from the National Pushkin Museum, The State Memorial and the Natural Preserve Museum-Estate of Leo Tolstoy and National Sholokhov Museum.
* National Taiwan Museum (國立台灣博物館), 2 Xiangyang Rd, Taipei (台北市襄陽路2號). Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 5pm. Call (02) 2382-2699
* Until March 25
Dance of Fire — Tango Duo (炎舞 — 雙人探戈), a joint exhibition on glass art by local artists Tsai I-ren (蔡逸人) and Joy Huang (黃瓊儀). With 10 year's experience in the art form, Tsai runs a glass art studio and in the current show, the artist draws inspirations from nude sketches to contemplate the shapes and lines of human bodies. The artist has traveled around the world to study glass art, Huang combines Western techniques with a tribal sensitivity to create a series of unique works.
* Tittot Glass Museum (璃園水晶博物館), 16, Ln 515, Zhongyang N Rd, Taipei (台北市中央北路四段515巷16號). Open Tuesday to Sunday from 9am to 5pm. Call 2895-8861
* Until March 13
The Year of Pig (上學學大過豬年). To celebrate the year of pig, the exhibition displays over 300 pig-related items such as paper cuts, stone and paper sculptures, imagery and paintings on the animal dating back to 7,000 years and lots of Lunar New Year celebration items to assure pig-lovers can all find great pleasures in the beloved animal.
* Xue Xue Institute (學學文創志業), 207 Tiding Blvd Sec 2, Taipei (台北市堤頂大道二段207號). Open Monday to Sunday from 9am to 10pm. Call 0800-068-089
* Until Feb. 16
In 2020, a labor attache from the Philippines in Taipei sent a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanding that a Filipina worker accused of “cyber-libel” against then-president Rodrigo Duterte be deported. A press release from the Philippines office from the attache accused the woman of “using several social media accounts” to “discredit and malign the President and destabilize the government.” The attache also claimed that the woman had broken Taiwan’s laws. The government responded that she had broken no laws, and that all foreign workers were treated the same as Taiwan citizens and that “their rights are protected,
A white horse stark against a black beach. A family pushes a car through floodwaters in Chiayi County. People play on a beach in Pingtung County, as a nuclear power plant looms in the background. These are just some of the powerful images on display as part of Shen Chao-liang’s (沈昭良) Drifting (Overture) exhibition, currently on display at AKI Gallery in Taipei. For the first time in Shen’s decorated career, his photography seeks to speak to broader, multi-layered issues within the fabric of Taiwanese society. The photographs look towards history, national identity, ecological changes and more to create a collection of images
March 16 to March 22 In just a year, Liu Ching-hsiang (劉清香) went from Taiwanese opera performer to arguably Taiwan’s first pop superstar, pumping out hits that captivated the Japanese colony under the moniker Chun-chun (純純). Last week’s Taiwan in Time explored how the Hoklo (commonly known as Taiwanese) theme song for the Chinese silent movie The Peach Girl (桃花泣血記) unexpectedly became the first smash hit after the film’s Taipei premiere in March 1932, in part due to aggressive promotion on the streets. Seeing an opportunity, Columbia Records’ (affiliated with the US entity) Taiwan director Shojiro Kashino asked Liu, who had
A series of dramatic news items dropped last month that shed light on Chinese Communist Party (CCP) attitudes towards three candidates for last year’s presidential election: Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) founder Ko Wen-je (柯文哲), Terry Gou (郭台銘), founder of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co (鴻海精密), also known as Foxconn Technology Group (富士康科技集團), and New Taipei City Mayor Hou You-yi (侯友宜) of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT). It also revealed deep blue support for Ko and Gou from inside the KMT, how they interacted with the CCP and alleged election interference involving NT$100 million (US$3.05 million) or more raised by the