China Peking Opera Theater (中國京劇院名角名劇大匯演) presents a series of classical Chinese operas. National Theater (國家戲劇院).
● Tickets NT$300 to NT$2,000 direct from the NTCH box office.
● Tonight through Sunday at 7:30pm with matinees on Saturday and Sunday at 2:30pm
White Serpent vs. Touching in the Rain (白水 vs. Touching in the Rain) by the Critical Point Theater Troupe (臨界點劇象錄). National Experimental Theater (國家實驗劇場).
● Tickets cost NT$500 direct from the NTCH box office.
● Tonight through Dec. 26 at 7:30pm with matinees on Saturday and Sunday at 2:30pm
Black Hair, White Snow (髮黑雪白) by the Yan Performing Arts Troupe (衍劇場) as part of the Playing with Classics Art Festival (玩弄經典藝術節).
Drama Club Company. (劇樂部劇團戲劇場), B1, 9, Ln 101, Roosevelt Rd, Sec 2, Taipei (台北市羅斯福路二段101巷9號B1).
● Tickets cost NT$150 direct from the NTCH box office or at the door.
● Tonight at 7:30pm; tomorrow at 2:30pm and 7:30pm; Sunday at 2:30pm
Luis Bravo's production of Forever Tango will bring a taste of Argentinean Latin passion to Taipei next week. Taipei Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (國父紀念館).
● Tickets cost from between NT$700 to NT$3,500 and are available direct from the NTCH box office or on the Internet from
● Wednesday through Sunday. Performances begin at 7:30pm daily with matinees on Saturday and Sunday at 2:30pm
My First Wives (我的大老婆) by Godot Theater Company (果陀劇場), starring veteran actor Li Li-qun (李立群). National Theater (國家戲劇院).
● Tickets cost from NT$500 to NT$2,500 direct from the NTCH box office.
● Wednesday through Saturday at 7:30pm daily
What Are You Doing Mr. Jiang? (蔣先生你幹什麼?), a Chinese stand-up comedy by the Comedians Workshop (相聲瓦社). Hsinchu City Performance Hall (新竹市立演藝廳) 17, Tungta Rd., Sec 2, Hsinchu (新竹市東大路二段17號).
● Tickets cost from between NT$300 and NT$1,000, and are available from ERA ticketing outlets nationwide.
● Tonight and Sunday at 7:30pm with a matinee tomorrow at 2:30pm
The Missing Christmas (消失的耶誕) a festive fantasy for children by the If Kids Theater Company (如果兒童劇團). Novel Hall (新舞台) at 3-1 Sungshou Rd, Taipei (台北市松壽路3-1號).
● Tickets cost from NT$400 and NT$900 and are available direct from the Novel sHall box office.
● Performance times are: tonight at 7:30pm; tomorrow at 10:30am, 1:30pm, 4:40pm and 7:30pm and Sunday at 10:30am, 1:30pm and 4:30pm
A Christmas Concert (聖誕音樂會) with the Taipei Symphony Orchestra (臺北市立交響樂團), The Taipei Symphony Choir (臺北市立交響樂團附設合唱團) and The Taipei Aborigine Children's Choir (臺北市原住民兒童合唱團). Taipei Zhongshan Hall (台北市中山堂), at 98 Yenping S Rd, Taipei (台北市延平南路98號).
● Tickets cost from NT$200 to NT$800 and are available direct from the NTCH box office or at the door.
● Tonight at 7:30pm
Christmas Magic of DoReMi (聖誕魔法DoReMi) with the Danfang Chamber Ensemble (丹楓樂室內樂團). National Recital Hall (國家演奏廳).
● Tickets cost NT$300 and are available direct from the NTCH box office.
● Performances take place today at 2:30pm and 5pm
A Night of Hakka Symphony (客家交響之夜) with Lin Cho-liang (林昭亮) and the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra (長榮交響樂團). National Concert Hall (國家音樂廳).
● Tickets cost from NT$500 to NT$2,000 and are available direct from the NTCH box office.
● Monday at 7:30pm
The Annual Christmas Concert with the Beiyi Choir (聖誕嘉年華:北藝大合唱團2005年秋冬音樂會).
Taipei National University of the Arts (國立臺北藝術大學音樂廳) 1, Xueyuen Rd, Beitou District, Taipei (北市北投區學園路1號).
● Tickets cost NT$100 direct from the venue.
● Tomorrow at 2:30pm.
Piano Recital in Memory of Professor Lev Naumov With Yue Meng-ru (葉孟儒). Novel Hall (新舞台) at 3-1 Sungshou Rd, Taipei (台北市松壽路3-1號).
● Tickets cost from NT$300 to NT$1,000 and are available direct from the Novel Hall's box office.
● Monday at 7:30pm.
A Joyful Jazzy Christmas (聖誕爵士音樂會) with the Dadi Choir (大地合唱團) and the Little Sun Family Music and Theater Troupe (小太陽親子音樂劇場). National Recital Hall (國家演奏廳).
● Tickets cost from NT$200 to NT$500 and are available direct from the NTCH box office.
● Tonight at 7:30pm
Lee Yi-hsin Piano Recital (李宜興鋼琴獨奏會). National Recital Hall (國家演奏廳).
● Tickets cost from NT$200 to NT$400 and are available direct from the NTCH box office.
● Tonight at 7:30pm.
Wang Szu-ying Violin Recital (王思潁小提琴獨奏會). National Recital Hall (國家演奏廳).
● Tickets cost from NT$200 to NT$400 and are available direct from the NTCH box office.
● Tuesday at 7:30pm
Du Chin-yun and the New Music Orchestra (杜沁澐與新樂國樂團). Taipei Zhongshan Hall (台北市中山堂), at 98 Yenping S Rd, Taipei (台北市延平南路98號).
● Tickets cost from NT$200 to NT$1,000 and are available direct from the NTCH box office and at the venue.
● Sunday at 7:30pm
Made in Hungary: A Concert With the Taipei Symphony Orchestra (臺北市立交響樂團) under the baton of celebrated conductor Andras Ligeti and featuring Jeno Jando on piano and the Kodaly Dance Troupe from Galanta. National Concert Hall (國家音樂廳).
● Tickets cost from NT$200 to NT$1,000 and are available direct from the NTCH box office.
● Tuesday
Finding Home the latest show by Broadway star Welly Yang (楊呈偉尋找心家園). Featuring the talented Yang and Miss Saigon star, Dina Morishita, the musical tells of a Chinese-American's search for his identity. National Concert Hall (國家音樂廳).
● Tickets cost from NT$400 to NT$2,500 and are available direct from the NTCH box office.
● Tomorrow at 7:30pm and Sunday at 2:30pm
Melody: An Evening of Taiwanese Folk Music(台灣民謠音樂會) featuring Huang Hsin-tsai (黃新財) and the Hsiaoyinyue Collective Orchestra (妙音樂集國樂團)Metropolitan Hall (城市舞台), 25, Bade Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市八德路三段 25 號).
● Tickets cost from NT$200 to NT$500 and are available direct from the NTCH box office.
● The performance begins at 7:30pm on Wednesday
Rock, Pop and Jazz
Riverside Cafe (河岸留言) will host the special G8 Rock Party Jam and fifth year anniversary celebrations tonight; Jazz Christmas Special (爵士聖誕夜) featuring the house jazz band tomorrow; Tizzy Bac, Wan Fu (旺福) and Totem (圖騰) on Sunday; Cosmic Man (宇宙人) and Candy Wine (糖果酒) on Tuesday; Cherry Boom and Neon on Wednesday. B1, 2, Ln 244, Roosevelt Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市羅斯福路三段244巷2號B1).
● Entrance is NT$400 on weekends and NT$300 on weekdays. Call (02) 2368 7310.
● All shows begin at 9:30pm
NTU Corridor Cafe (迴廊咖啡館) presents The Dizzy Young Jazz Band (底細樂團-青年樂團) tomorrow afternoon and Belling Dancing tomorrow evening. NTU Sports Center 1F (台大綜合體育館1樓) at the intersection of Xinhai Rd and Xinsheng S Rd (台北市辛亥路與新生南路交叉口).
● Entrance for tomorrow afternoon's jazz gig is free and NT$300 for tomorrow evening's dance performance. Call (02) 8369 5656.
● Tomorrow at 2:30pm and 7pm
Second Floor (貳樓咖啡館) will host a special Christmas party featuring Chasing Sparrows (追麻雀) and Hohoho 399 tomorrow; A and J (A and J 插電演唱 Part II) on Sunday. 1, Xueyuen Rd, Taipei on the second floor of the Guandu Arts Museum (台北市北投區學園路1號 -- 關渡美術館2樓). Call (02) 2894 5861.
● Tomorrow's show kicks off at 8pm and Sunday's performance begins at 6pm
The Living Room (小客廳) features a 1980s' punk rock Christmas with The Originals tonight; Christmas Eve dinner and live jazz from Corbett Wall (高培華) tomorrow; Rockin' the Yin Side with all-girl combos Brace (牙套) and C Major (C大調) on Tuesday; Indie rock with Formula (方程式) and Mojo on Wednesday. 3F, 8, Nanjing E Rd, Sec 5, Taipei (台北市南京東路五段8號3樓).
● Admission costs NT$100 for regular gigs and NT$150 for tomorrow night's Christmas special. Call (02) 8787 4154.
● All performances begin at 10pm
Witch House (女巫店) features soft rock and acoustic ballads with Zhang Xuan (張懸) tonight; Indie aboriginal rock/pop with Samingad and Jia and The A Minor Band (紀曉君、紀家盈與am合唱團) tomorrow. 7, Ln 56, Xinsheng S Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市新生南路三段56巷7號).
● Entrance costs NT$300. Call (02) 2362 5494.
● Shows begins at 9:30pm
Blue Note (藍調) features Uno Quartet (烏野薰爵士四重奏) every Tuesday; New Decision Quartet (爵心爵士樂團) every Thursday; Metamorphosis (變形蟲爵士樂團) every Friday; Jive Stakes and Gu Hao every Saturday. 4F, 171, Roosevelt Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市羅斯福路三段171號4樓).
● Entrance NT$300 on weekdays and NT$350 on weekends. Call (02) 2362 2333.
● All shows begin at 9:30pm
The Wall (這牆) presents Born to Rock(台灣搖滾*出生未完成) featuring Luan Tan (亂彈), LTK Commune (濁水溪公社), Ladybug (瓢蟲), Silulu (賽璐璐), Ahdor (流氓阿德) and Hot Pink tonight; Don't Have a Lonely Christmas (寂寞聖誕夜!) with I.R.I.S, Floating Lanterns and Tizzy Bac tomorrow; Claire, Selfkill and My Dear on Sunday. B1, 200, Roosevelt Rd, Sec 4,Taipei (台北市羅斯福路四段200號B1).
● Admission to tonight's gig is free. Entrance for tomorrow's gig is NT$600 and for Sunday's performances admission costs NT$300.
● All shows begin at 8:30pm
Discovering Taiwan, Embracing Taipei (發現臺灣-擁抱台北) tells the story of the city and looks at its growth from geographical, social, cultural and historical perspectives. Topview Taipei (台北之窗-新光展望台) 46F, 66, Zhongxiao W. Rd, Sec 1 (台北市忠孝西路一段66號46F). Call (02) 2365-7294.
● Open from Mondays through Fridays from 9:30am-12:30pm and 1pm through 8pm. Until Dec. 31
Joint Exhibition of Taiwan Landscapes (台灣采風攝影聯展). Jazz Photo Gallery (爵士攝影藝廊) 2F, 433, Bade Rd., Sec. 2, Taipei (台北市八德路二段 433號2F). Call (02) 2741-2256.
● Open Mondays through Sundays from 10am to 6pm. Until Jan. 12
International Healthy City: Special Exhibition (國際健康城市博覽會特展) looks at Taipei's image as a "vibrant, international and healthy city" though the use of posters, designs and models. Discovery Center of Taipei (台北探索館) 1, Shifu Rd., (City Hall 6th Floor) (台北市市府路1號市政大廳6樓).
● Open Tuesdays through Sundays from 9am until 5pm. Call (02) 2725-8629. Until Feb. 28, 2006
Representational Paintings in Taiwan (台灣具象繪畫), exhibiting more than one hundreds of works divided into two themes: nature and culture.
Taipei Fine Arts Museum (台北市立美術館), 181, Zhongshan N Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市中山北路三段181號).
● Open Tuesday to Sunday from 9:30am to 5:30pm. Call (02) 2595 7656. Until March 5, 2006
Romantic Realism -- Joint Oil Painting Exhibition (浪漫寫實 -- 油畫聯展). Cathay United Art Center (國泰世華藝術中心), 7F, 236, Dunhua N Rd, Taipei (台北市敦化北路236號7樓).
● Open Monday to Saturday form 10am to 6pm. Call (02) 2717 0988. Until Dec. 31
Aerial Photography Exhibition on Africa (非洲空中攝影展) by photographer Robert Hassa. National Museum of Natural Science (國立自然科學博物館), 1, Kuanchien Rd, Taichung (台中市館前路1號).
● Open Tuesday to Sunday from 9am to 5pm. Call (04) 2322 6940. Until May 31, 2006
In the Future or in the Past, a collage of memories on display. Nowhere (所在), 1, Ln 60, Xinsheng S Rd, Sec 3,Taipei (台北市新生南路三段60巷1號). Call (02) 2362 5241.
● Open Monday to Friday from 2pm to 2am, Saturday and Sunday, 12pm to 2am. Until Jan. 31, 2006
The Living World Series -- Monk (人間系列 -- 和尚), Ju Ming's (朱銘) latest exhibition. Juming Museum (朱銘美術館), 2 Sheshihu, Chinshan, Taipei County (台北縣金山鄉西勢湖2號).
● Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 5pm. Call (02) 2498 9940. Until Feb. 19, 2006.
On the final approach to Lanshan Workstation (嵐山工作站), logging trains crossed one last gully over a dramatic double bridge, taking the left line to enter the locomotive shed or the right line to continue straight through, heading deeper into the Central Mountains. Today, hikers have to scramble down a steep slope into this gully and pass underneath the rails, still hanging eerily in the air even after the bridge’s supports collapsed long ago. It is the final — but not the most dangerous — challenge of a tough two-day hike in. Back when logging was still underway, it was a quick,
From censoring “poisonous books” to banning “poisonous languages,” the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) tried hard to stamp out anything that might conflict with its agenda during its almost 40 years of martial law. To mark 228 Peace Memorial Day, which commemorates the anti-government uprising in 1947, which was violently suppressed, I visited two exhibitions detailing censorship in Taiwan: “Silenced Pages” (禁書時代) at the National 228 Memorial Museum and “Mandarin Monopoly?!” (請說國語) at the National Human Rights Museum. In both cases, the authorities framed their targets as “evils that would threaten social mores, national stability and their anti-communist cause, justifying their actions
Taiwanese chip-making giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) plans to invest a whopping US$100 billion in the US, after US President Donald Trump threatened to slap tariffs on overseas-made chips. TSMC is the world’s biggest maker of the critical technology that has become the lifeblood of the global economy. This week’s announcement takes the total amount TSMC has pledged to invest in the US to US$165 billion, which the company says is the “largest single foreign direct investment in US history.” It follows Trump’s accusations that Taiwan stole the US chip industry and his threats to impose tariffs of up to 100 percent
In the run-up to World War II, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of Abwehr, Nazi Germany’s military intelligence service, began to fear that Hitler would launch a war Germany could not win. Deeply disappointed by the sell-out of the Munich Agreement in 1938, Canaris conducted several clandestine operations that were aimed at getting the UK to wake up, invest in defense and actively support the nations Hitler planned to invade. For example, the “Dutch war scare” of January 1939 saw fake intelligence leaked to the British that suggested that Germany was planning to invade the Netherlands in February and acquire airfields