Crossing Tracks IV -- A Meeting of Two Cultures (2005國際藝術交流文化之匯), modern dance featuring pieces paying tribute to Japanese masters.
● National Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Center, Kaohsiung City (高雄中正文化中心), 67, Wufu 1st Rd, Kaohsiung City (高雄市五福一路67號) for tonight; Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung County (高雄縣政府文化局), 42, Gangshan S Rd, Gangshan Township, Kaohsiung County (高雄縣岡山鎮岡山南路42號) for Aug. 29; Yuanlin Performance Hall, Zhanghua County(員林演藝廳), 99, Zhongzheng Rd, Ln 2, Yuanlin Township, Zhanghua County. (彰化縣員林鎮中正路二巷99號) for August 31. Tickets NT$100 to NT$300, through NTCH. Call (02) 2560 5724.
● All shows begin at 7:30pm
Wet Hair (濕頭髮), part of the Cross-Over Art Movement Festival.
● Critical Point Theater (臨界點劇場), 3F, 68, Minle St, Taipei (台北市民樂街68號2樓). Tickets NT$250. Call (02) 3393 9888.
● Tonight, tomorrow and Sunday at
Dance Theater Piece No. 6 by Gu Huai-te (谷懷特舞蹈劇場第六號作品), a solo modern dance piece.
● Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taipei County Government (台北縣文化局), 161, Zhongshan Rd, Sec 1, Banqiao City Taipei County (台北縣板橋市中山路一段161號). Tickets NT$100 to NT$500, through NTCH.
● Tonight at 7:30pm
Half Ballet Shoes (二分之一的芭蕾舞鞋), a classical ballet piece performed by Lanyang Dance Troupe (蘭陽舞蹈團) and choreographed by Andrey Attikov.
● Metropolitan Hall (城市舞台), 25 Bade Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市八德路三段25號). Tickets NT$300 to NT$600. Call (02) 2577 5931.
● Tomorrow and Sunday at 7:30pm
Kirin Ichiban Beer Concert (Kirin, 一番搾乎乾啦) with Evergreen Symphony Orchestra performing music from Mozart, Mendelssohn among others.
● National Concert Hall(國家音樂廳). Tickets NT$500 to NT$1,500, through ERA ticketing.
● Tonight at 7:30pm
Ju Percussion Group Children's Concert (2005朱宗慶打擊樂團兒童音樂會全國巡演).
● Novel Hall (新舞台) at 3-1 Sungshou Rd, Taipei (台北市松壽路3-1號). Tickets NT$300 to NT$1,000, through NTCH.
● Tonight at 7:30pm, tomorrow and Sunday at 2:30pm and 7:30pm
James Morrison and the Idea of North (澳洲爵士教父 -- 小喇叭手詹姆斯莫瑞森與北方點子), as part of the Summer Jazz Festival.
● National Concert Hall(國家音樂廳). Tickets NT$400 to NT$2,500, through NTCH.
● Tomorrow at 7:30pm
The Beauty of Nangua Music (南管音樂之美) by musician Wang Xing-xing (王心心) and the National Chinese Orchestra.
● National Recital Hall (國家演奏廳). Tickets NT$250 to NT$500, through NTCH.
● Tomorrow at 7:30pm
Hsieh Shu-yi Piano Recital (謝書儀鋼琴獨奏會).
●Kaohsiung City Music Hall (高雄市音樂館), 99, Hexi Rd, Kaohsiung (高雄市河西路99號). Free admission.
● Tomorrow at 7:30pm
Soprano Cinderella Liao Vocal Recital with Master Rolando Nicolosi (仲夏奇緣 一 女高音廖英君獨唱會).
● National Concert Hall(國家音樂廳). Tickets NT$300 to NT$3,000, through NTCH.
● Aug. 30 at 7:30pm
Ziza Zaga at Grand Hyatt Taipei (君悅飯店Ziza Zaga ) presents Scarlip, the international seven-member band from Montreal, performinga mix of classic rock, rock 'n' roll, funk, techno, alternative, country, oldies, R&B as well as the latest sounds.
● 2, Songshou Rd, Taipei (台北市松壽路2號). For more information, call (02) 2720 1200x 3288.
● Monday to Thursday at 9:30pm; Friday and Saturday at 10pm
Citizen Cain (大國民) features stand-up comedy every Wednesday; Live Jam every Thursday; Night with DJ every Friday, DJ Shep Dawg every Saturday.
● 67, Dongfeng St, Taipei (台北市東豐街67號). For more information, call (02) 2708 4557.
● Weekdays at 9:30pm; Weekend at 10pm
The Shannon features live bands on the weekends and ladies night with live music on Thursdays.
● 6, Dunhua N Rd, Taipei (台北市敦化北路6號). Entrance NT$250 for weekends. Call (02) 2772 0948.
● All shows begin betwen 9pm to 10pm
Lava Bar features hip-pop and R&B music every nights.
● B1, 86, Songren Rd, Taipei (台北市松仁路86號B1). For more information, call (02) 8780 3867.
Brown Sugar (黑糖餐廳) presents Impression Quartet on Mondays; Cool Fusion with guest musicians on Tuesdays; Night of Rumba on Wednesdays, Back to Love on Thursdays, Soul Train on Fridays; City Light on Saturdays; Salsa on Sundays.
● 101, Songren Rd, Taipei (台北市松仁路101號). Entrance NT$380 for weekdays; NT$550 for weekends.
● All Shows begin at 9:30pm
The Living Room (小客廳) features Nights of Fresh College Bands every Tuesday; Formosa Island Jam featuring the Riddim Outlawz every Wednesday; the Retrosexuals featuring saxophonist Corbet Wall and his friends tonight; Sky Burial (天藏) tomorrow.
● 3F, 8, Nanjing E Rd, Sec 5, Taipei (台北市南京東路五段8號3樓). Entrace NT$50 for Monday; NT$100 for weekends. Call (02) 8787 4154.
● Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:30pm, tonight and tomorrow at 10pm
NTU Corridor Cafe (迴廊咖啡館) presents Tin Tin and Trio (TinTin與吉他三缺一) tonight; Jazz in Summer tomorrow; Summer Coctail Party of Flutes (夏日雞尾酒長笛音樂派對) on Sunday.
● NTU Sports Center 1F (台大綜合體育館1樓) at intersection of Xinhai Rd and Xinsheng S Rd (台北市辛亥路與新生南路交口). Free admission. Call (02) 8369 5656.
● Tonight and tomorrow at 8pm, Sunday at 3pm
Music Life Under the Trees
(音樂生命大樹下), a benefit concert to raise awarenes about the residents of the leper sanatorium. Performaners include Queban Band (雀斑樂團), 929, Clippers Too Hard (夾子太硬啦), Blackhand Nakashi (黑手那卡西) and Takanow (達卡鬧). For more information, go to
● Lo Sheng Sanatorium (樂生療養院), 794 Zhongzheng Rd, Xinzhuang, Taipei County (台北縣新莊市中正路794號). Free admission.
● Sunday from 3pm and 7pm
Summer Book Fair for Children (兒童文學書房暑期書展), offering lots of literature works on all kinds of topics for kids.
● National Museum of Taiwanese Literature (國家台灣文學館), 1, Zhongzheng Rd, Tainan City (台南市中西區中正路1號). Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 5pm. For more information, call (06) 221 7201 or vitist
● Until Sept. 11
Tribute Album (致敬專輯), a series of new paintings by Underworld and Pots artist Floaty.
●Nowhere (所在), 1, Ln 60, Xinsheng S Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (新生南路三段60巷1號). Open Monday to Friday from 2pm to 2am; Saturdayand Sunday at 12pm to 2pm. Call (02) 2362 5241.
● Until Sept. 31
A Memorial Exhibition of Liu Yan-tao (詩書畫三絕 -- 劉延濤書畫紀念展), a series of paintings and calligraphy works by the master.
● Taichung County Seaport Art Center (台中縣立港區藝術中心), 21, Chungchen Rd, Chingshui Township, Taichung County (台中縣清水鎮忠貞路21號). Call (04) 2627 4568.
● Until Sept.11
Messges From Jack -- A Solo Exhibition of Japanese Painter Yeh Xiang-ming (傑克的訊息 -- 日本繪本家葉祥明個展).
● Eslite Bookstore -- Dunnan Bs (誠品敦南B2藝文空間), B2, 245, Dunhua S Rd, Sec 1, Taipei (台北市敦化南路一段245號B2). Open Tuesday to Sunday at 11am to 7pm. Call (02) 2775 5977.
● Until Sept. 11
The Secret Diary of Ah De (阿德的秘密日記 -- 介入篇) featuring artists Chen Zheng-cai, Yeh Yi-li, leda Oliveira, Maria Rebecca Ballestra and Norbert Francis Attard.
● Taipei Artist Village (台北國際藝術村), 7, Peiping E Rd, Taipei (台北市北平東路7號). Open Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 6pm. Call (02) 3393 7377.
● Until Sept. 18
Ink Painting Dreamland (水墨桃花源教育展), Meander Project: Solo Exhibition by Pan Chen-ju (漫遊計劃 -- 扔石頭與放風箏) and The Air ? Solo Exhibition by Yu Wen-fu (空氣游文富個展).
● Taipei Fine Arts Museum (台北市立美術館) at 181, Zhongshan N Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市中山北路三段181號). Open Tuesday to Sunday from 9:30am to 5:30pm. Call (02) 2595 7656.
● Until Sept. 11
Wish to Enjoy the End in Disappointment With You (但願與你空歡喜), a series of works centering on the theme of failed expectations and fiction of happiness.
● Taipei MOMA (Taipei MOMA畫廊), 3F, 19, Ln 252, Dunhua S Rd, Sec 1, Taipei (台北市敦化南路一段252巷19號3樓). Call (02) 8771 3372.
● Until Sept. 3
Representation of Phenomenon -- Hungshan Experience (物象再現黃山經驗), a solo exhibition by Jenny Chen (陳張莉).
● IT Park Gallery (伊通公園), at 2-3F, 41, Yitong St, Taipei (台北市伊通街41號2/3樓). Open Tuesday to Saturday from 1pm to 10pm. Call (02) 2507 7243.
● Until Sept. 10
Taiwan's Betel Nut -- Wu Qiong-hua Betel Nut Show Girls Compound Decoration Arts Exhibition (台灣榔 -- 吳瓊華檳榔西施複合裝置藝術展).
● National Taiwan Arts Education Center (國立台灣藝術教育館), 47, Nanhai Rd, Taipei (台北市南海路47號). Open Monday to Sunday from 9am to 5pm. Call (02) 2311 0574.
● Until Sept. 13
Taiwanese chip-making giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) plans to invest a whopping US$100 billion in the US, after US President Donald Trump threatened to slap tariffs on overseas-made chips. TSMC is the world’s biggest maker of the critical technology that has become the lifeblood of the global economy. This week’s announcement takes the total amount TSMC has pledged to invest in the US to US$165 billion, which the company says is the “largest single foreign direct investment in US history.” It follows Trump’s accusations that Taiwan stole the US chip industry and his threats to impose tariffs of up to 100 percent
On a hillside overlooking Taichung are the remains of a village that never was. Half-formed houses abandoned by investors are slowly succumbing to the elements. Empty, save for the occasional explorer. Taiwan is full of these places. Factories, malls, hospitals, amusement parks, breweries, housing — all facing an unplanned but inevitable obsolescence. Urbex, short for urban exploration, is the practice of exploring and often photographing abandoned and derelict buildings. Many urban explorers choose not to disclose the locations of the sites, as a way of preserving the structures and preventing vandalism or looting. For artist and professor at NTNU and Taipei
The launch of DeepSeek-R1 AI by Hangzhou-based High-Flyer and subsequent impact reveals a lot about the state of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) today, both good and bad. It touches on the state of Chinese technology, innovation, intellectual property theft, sanctions busting smuggling, propaganda, geopolitics and as with everything in China, the power politics of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). PLEASING XI JINPING DeepSeek’s creation is almost certainly no accident. In 2015 CCP Secretary General Xi Jinping (習近平) launched his Made in China 2025 program intended to move China away from low-end manufacturing into an innovative technological powerhouse, with Artificial Intelligence
From insomniacs to party-goers, doting couples, tired paramedics and Johannesburg’s golden youth, The Pantry, a petrol station doubling as a gourmet deli, has become unmissable on the nightlife scene of South Africa’s biggest city. Open 24 hours a day, the establishment which opened three years ago is a haven for revelers looking for a midnight snack to sober up after the bars and nightclubs close at 2am or 5am. “Believe me, we see it all here,” sighs a cashier. Before the curtains open on Johannesburg’s infamous party scene, the evening gets off to a gentle start. On a Friday at around 6pm,