As the first animated work to adapt the classic Chinese love story of the same name, Butterfly Lovers: Leon and Jo (
It is an acceptable film. As a tragedy, it makes you cry. And as a story about Chinese culture and sentiment, it has also got the right feel. There are even two Mando-pop divas singing love songs in the movie, adding more touching sentiment.
However, it is not hard to find some obvious problems.
The story of Liang Shan-po (
In order to pursue her studies, Jo dresses as a boy when she meets Leon on the way to school. They quickly become best friends, carrying on a flirtation that hints at Jo's sex. When Jo is revealed as a woman, Leon immediately falls in love with her, only to find out she is about to married, forced by her father to couple with the son from a rich family.
Those familiar with Disney animations will find the animation work in this movie a little raw and the movement of the characters a bit stiff.
Those seeking a Pixar-standard of 3D animation may be a little disappointed. Fortunately, the music and the dubbing has added some class to the movie.
Both Rene Liu (
The music for the movie adapts the world-famous Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto, by Chinese composers Chen Gang (
The flowing Chinese-style violins represent the "falling in love" segment; and the high and rapid tones represent the
"refusing to marry part."
At the end, the powerful sounds of gongs represents the climax of the tragedy -- as the protagonists metamorphose into butterflies.
The picture also improves when the pair are ready to sacrifice their love. The colors are glowing and their use is wilder, making for a more imaginative section of the movie.
The recent decline in average room rates is undoubtedly bad news for Taiwan’s hoteliers and homestay operators, but this downturn shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. According to statistics published by the Tourism Administration (TA) on March 3, the average cost of a one-night stay in a hotel last year was NT$2,960, down 1.17 percent compared to 2023. (At more than three quarters of Taiwan’s hotels, the average room rate is even lower, because high-end properties charging NT$10,000-plus skew the data.) Homestay guests paid an average of NT$2,405, a 4.15-percent drop year on year. The countrywide hotel occupancy rate fell from
March 24 to March 30 When Yang Bing-yi (楊秉彝) needed a name for his new cooking oil shop in 1958, he first thought of honoring his previous employer, Heng Tai Fung (恆泰豐). The owner, Wang Yi-fu (王伊夫), had taken care of him over the previous 10 years, shortly after the native of Shanxi Province arrived in Taiwan in 1948 as a penniless 21 year old. His oil supplier was called Din Mei (鼎美), so he simply combined the names. Over the next decade, Yang and his wife Lai Pen-mei (賴盆妹) built up a booming business delivering oil to shops and
In late December 1959, Taiwan dispatched a technical mission to the Republic of Vietnam. Comprising agriculturalists and fisheries experts, the team represented Taiwan’s foray into official development assistance (ODA), marking its transition from recipient to donor nation. For more than a decade prior — and indeed, far longer during Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) rule on the “mainland” — the Republic of China (ROC) had received ODA from the US, through agencies such as the International Cooperation Administration, a predecessor to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). More than a third of domestic investment came via such sources between 1951
For the past century, Changhua has existed in Taichung’s shadow. These days, Changhua City has a population of 223,000, compared to well over two million for the urban core of Taichung. For most of the 1684-1895 period, when Taiwan belonged to the Qing Empire, the position was reversed. Changhua County covered much of what’s now Taichung and even part of modern-day Miaoli County. This prominence is why the county seat has one of Taiwan’s most impressive Confucius temples (founded in 1726) and appeals strongly to history enthusiasts. This article looks at a trio of shrines in Changhua City that few sightseers visit.