Prefacing the launch of the fourth Observer Ethical Awards in London, we have chosen to highlight 20 of the biggest ethical ideas around at the moment, affording some respite to the prevailing jam-side-down version of life on offer almost everywhere else.
Because while there might be a paucity of cash and unadulterated resources, one thing we have in abundance is ingenuity. As Nicholas Stern, author of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, puts it: “There are more incentives to invest in energy efficiency during a recession and when oil prices are high.”
From constraints come great innovations.
It would be disingenuous to suggest that there isn’t a sense of urgency about all this, as Emma Howard Boyd, head of socially responsible investing at Jupiter Asset Management, sponsors of the Big Idea award, makes clear: “The urgency of what is required to combat issues such as climate change has not diminished as a result of the current financial crisis. We need big ideas — and it is at times like these, when there is widespread disruption, that we see innovation and new thinking.”
Big ideas need not necessarily be a whistle-and-bells high-tech response. At least one of our Big 20 can be described as an “ancient technique” on loan from the Aztecs. The modern genius lies in its rediscovery and deployment because, while it would be foolish to believe blindly in a silver bullet for all environmental problems, now is absolutely the time for faith in contemporary ingenuity.
In a nutshell: a way of trapping carbon with “green coal.”
The clever bit: Any biomass waste — from wood to peanut shells — releases carbon as it decomposes. But it can be burned in a kiln by pyrolysis (an airless burning technique) to create biochar, also known as green coal. The biochar is then dug back into the ground to lock carbon into the soil following a system set out by ancient South American civilizations — which exposes the idea as nothing new. What is groundbreaking, however, is using it to mitigate our current predicament — ie, runaway greenhouse gas emissions. According to experts, billions of tonnes of carbon could potentially be sequestered in the world’s soils, specifically from agriculture and forestry residual biomass. Biochar appears to lock carbon in for much longer than other forms or sequestration: a plant or tree will only sequester for 15 to 20 years, for example, whereas it seems reasonable to suggest that the biochar system will sequester for at least 100 years. Also, biochar just happens to anchor soil nutrients extremely well at a time when the planet’s soils have lost half of their carbon thanks to industrialized agriculture.
In a nutshell: dumping iron dust in the ocean to remove carbon.
The clever bit: It is acknowledged that the oceans are the planet’s biggest global sink, soaking up 2 billion tonnes of carbon every year. Spreading iron dust on ocean waters can trigger huge plankton blooms the size of a small city. The algae would then absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and when the algae dies, the whole lot sinks to the bottom of the ocean and is sequestered on the seabed. Proponents — notably Victor Smetacek, an oceanographer from the University of Bremen — suggest that it would take just five to 10 ocean-going ore carriers to deposit iron sulphate, a waste product from iron and titanium smelters, into the world’s oceans, and that the phytoplankton created would then remove 1 trillion kilograms of carbon dioxide every year.
In a nutshell: the biofuels it’s OK to like.
The clever bit: The idea was simple: burn plant-derived biofuels such as maize, sugar and corn in engines, then the carbon dioxide released would be offset by the amount of gas absorbed by the plants when they grew. It appeared you could drive oil-free on green gold. Sadly this was a cruel mirage, and when we got close it became clear that the displacement impact of a biofuel boom would lead to the ploughing-up of virgin habitats, giant monocultures, land-rights disputes and the truly terrible conundrum of whether to feed the world or power the rich world’s private — and expanding — car fleet. In a dramatic fall from grace, biofuels crashed and burned.
However, proponents of second-generation biofuels say it’s not the idea that is at fault, just the choice of biomass. This time around they advocate using the whole plant and converting waste materials such as cornstalks and leftover sugar-cane fibers into cellulosic ethanol that will then power our lives. This is reliant on a fledgling process: cracking or splitting cellulose into simple hydrocarbons — in effect breaking down complex chains and liberating sugars.
In a nutshell: emissions-free shipping.
The clever bit: To produce hydrogen-hybrid boats that could turn global shipping and freight from an emissions juggernaut into a zero-emissions glide across the oceans. The unlikely vehicle of revolution — which admittedly is some way off a transatlantic sortie right now — is a former British Waterways maintenance vessel, converted by Birmingham University, England, named the Ross Barlow. Believed to be the world’s first hydrogen-hybrid canal boat, the Ross Barlow’s system works by storing hydrogen in lithium hydride powder, which can be topped up when it has been exhausted.
It’s clever stuff because researchers have already overcome the two main hydrogen stumbling blocks that have dogged the automotive industry in particular. First, making hydrogen is one thing; storing it safely is another issue entirely. Unlike hydrogen cars, the system on the Ross Barlow barge means that there is no need to carry high-pressure gas or liquid on board — while there has always been a fear that hydrogen cars might, literally, go off like a bomb, the threat of potential explosions has been removed. And there’s another advantage: In cars, hydrogen has always proved to be too heavy, but the genius of the boat idea is that heavy hydrogen, in the form of lithium hydride powder, doesn’t matter — ships need ballast.
In a nutshell: giving under-threat species a second home.
The clever bit: You can see why the plight of the mustang, the romantic symbol of the US west, which is under threat from what has been termed “federal euthanasia,” caught the imagination of conservationists. The authorities decreed that the 33,000 mustang population roaming free on public lands across the west must be shot down to size (by losing 6,000). Critics contend that this is because they are in competition for food resources with cattle ranching. But the response — to move the mustangs to another part of the country entirely, to a privately funded refuge — has raised a few eyebrows. In many ways this goes against the grain of conservation practices (which are usually geared toward making the best of a bad job, as in the installation of conservation corridors for elephants that work around depleted areas or trouble spots). Pragmatists say it’s about cutting your losses and preventing extinction.
In a nutshell: green direct action.
The clever bit: The days of eco-radicalism are back. Grief, fury and rage caused by political indifference and inaction over the rapid decline of the Earth’s ecosystems and a seeming permanent get-out-of-jail-free card for the main greenhouse gas emitters has spilled over into direct action. Meanwhile the September acquittal of the Kingsnorth Six (protesters at the Kingsnorth coal-fired power station southeast of London) marked a turning point: their defense argument — they were trying to protest against climate change-induced damage on a far greater scale than the £30,000 (US$43,470) worth of chimney damage they allegedly caused — set a precedent.
In a nutshell: the rebirth of bottle-free water.
The clever bit: Saying “no” to bottled water — and the 13 billion plastic bottles sold in the UK every year (just 3 billion of which are recycled) — is catching on, but is still hard work.
In a nutshell: your computer does ethical stuff in the background.
The clever bit: The considerable spare capacity of our home computers is used to make lighter work of some of humanity’s most important calculations. The idea is simple: While you use a fraction of your machine’s capacity to go about mundane stuff, IBM’s World Community Grid runs calculations in the background pertaining to molecular mechanics in order to find the next generation of solar cells for Harvard University. Alone, it is estimated, it would take Harvard’s department of chemistry and molecular biology computers some 22 years to do the necessary calculations for the Clean Energy Project, but using our spare computer capacity, researchers hope this can be reduced to a matter of two years. Already nearly half-a-million users have installed the simple software and signed up (at to perform calculations that their owners could never understand.
In a nutshell: the future of sustainability.
The clever bit: Each year humanity digs up pristine ecosystems to mine and drill for resources. Less than 1 percent of these materials end up embodied in the things we use, whereas half a trillion tonnes of waste is chucked away to rot, pollute or belch out methane. You would hope there was a less braindead way of proceeding. There is, it’s called cradle to cradle (sometimes abbreviated to C2C), a holistic design system that models human industry on nature’s processes where there is no waste. How? Well whether you are constructing a running shoe or a brand new Chinese city, C2C dictates that all materials used conform to two types of nutrient classification: technical or biological. Technical nutrients are benign, non-toxic synthetics that can be used in continuous cycles without losing their integrity, while biological nutrients are organic materials that decompose into the soil, providing enriching nutrients. This is design for “all children, all species, for all time,” as US architect William McDonagh who, along with German chemist Michael Braungart is one of the main C2C proponents, puts it. Their book Cradle to Cradle demonstrates contempt for the make-things-less-bad approach of the typical green movement. Admittedly the revolution is still focused on product design; to date Chinese construction projects, trainers for Nike, a car, aircraft seats and even diapers — but things are scaling up: the Dutch government will make all its procurement orders, from cups to cars, C2C by 2012.
In a nutshell: don’t boycott — procott instead.
The clever bit: “The problem is that businesses will do anything for money,” says 27-year-old US environmentalist Brent Schulkin. But what if that’s also the solution? In order to find out, Schulkin approached 23 liquor and grocery stores in his San Francisco neighborhood and asked what percentage of a day’s takings each was prepared to invest in energy-efficiency improvements in return for him organizing a “mob” of shoppers to visit the store. The rather unprepossessing K&D Market won the bidding with 22 percent. Using the Internet, Schulkin publicized the scheme, then nervously waited to see if any shoppers would turn up. They did. A huge K&D carrotmob spent about US$9,000 in two hours. Schulkin appears to have hit on a form of activism that could have mass appeal. Ultimately he wants to create carrotmobs so big that they can negotiate with some of the globe’s biggest corporations.
In a nutshell: counting carbon emissions rather than calories.
The clever bit: The goal is to change your diet to be low-carbon and low-impact by choosing foods with the lowest environmental overburden or footprint you can find, with the lowest global-warming potential and the least chance of messing up the planet via their acidification and pollution potential. Essentially you’re looking for the foodstuffs with the lowest energy inputs and the greatest efficiencies in production. For example, forgo meat from ruminants, particularly cows, in favor of pig and poultry that has a lower environmental impact. As sugar refining uses huge amounts of energy, cut your intake of sweets by 50 percent and eat dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate (which has a big environmental impact).
In a nutshell: clothing without the cutoffs.
The clever bit: That fashion is a profligate business is hardly a revelation, but zero-waste fashion sees no need to conform to a system of excess, instead borrowing from Japanese automotive manufacture, phasing out to minimize ecological impact and maximize profits. Based in London, eco-aware Central Saint Martins graduate Mark Liu created the Zero Waste range. Given that fabric widths are standardized, he has calculated that nearly 15 percent of fabric is wasted during the pattern-cutting process. To avoid this he engineers cuts, prints and pattern repeats so that no fabric is wasted.
In a nutshell: don’t buy stuff — lease it.
The clever bit: It’s consumerism, but not as we know it, because when transuming you pay for the service rather than the actual product. Therefore you get the benefits of the product, but you will never own it. A good example is the Interface Evergreen carpet available to lease by the month ( “We sell only the services of the carpet,” says the company Web site. “That’s the color, design, texture, warmth, acoustics, comfort under foot and cleanliness.” Immediately this takes the environmental heat out of consuming, as the onus is put on the manufacturer to reuse, recycle and to make products that can easily be disassembled and changed — ie, more sustainable products. Research shows that when the product remains with the manufacturer, there is an incentive to produce more durable goods, as transuming puts the brakes on the shop-to-landfill consumerist cycle.
The first buds of this trend are strongly in evidence with the Rent Not Buy movement, begun in Anchorage, Alaska, by particle and nuclear physicists Mr and Mrs Caius Howcroft.
In a nutshell: crossbred dogs win best in show.
The clever bit: Last August the BBC documentary Pedigree Dogs Exposed suggested that Crufts, the annual jamboree celebrating canines from an ever decreasing gene pool, in effect promoted health problems in dogs. While it was suggested that the Kennel Club get its house in order, Pedigree pet foods dropped its sponsorship of Crufts and the BBC chopped it from the schedule. This is in step with global trends. When US president-elect Barack Obama promised his daughters a new puppy when they moved into the White House, Ingrid Newkirk, president of Peta, didn’t miss a beat. “Senator, no one needs to tell you that this country is proud to be a melting pot and that there is something deeply wrong about wanting only a purebred dog. Millions of Great American Mutts — the dog that should be our national dog — are set to die in our nation’s overcrowded pounds and shelters for lack of good homes. When you are ready, please adopt a homeless pound puppy.”
In a nutshell: treating your garden as a source of protein.
The clever bit: Also known as Micro Eco Farming, backyard sufficiency is about exploiting small (and often unpromising) plots of urban land until they yield a bumper harvest. It uses techniques such as vertical horticulture and hydroponics to grow upwards and more intensively. Using pesticides is not an option, so it is by definition organic. Some techniques are low-tech and based on the selection of hardy and adaptable crops, such as planting mushroom beds; others are still works in progress, such as growing your own fish. At Aquavision (, the UK’s first organic carp farm, sustainable aquaculture specialist Jimmie Hepburn is developing small carp ponds to demonstrate that backyard carp growing for the table is possible.
In a nutshell: organic pick’n’mix.
The clever bit: Organic production has lots of eco-merits, but the thing that made organics the darling of the shopping trolley was that their production ruled out pesticides. But however skewed the economics (critics contend that conventionally produced food does not reflect its true environmental cost), organic produce still attracts a premium. Strategic organic is therefore about prioritizing which items need to be organic, and which non-organic (and therefore cheaper) products you can get away with. The bible of strategic organic, the US Environmental Working Group report published in October last year, ranks fruits and vegetables by the amount of pesticides found on each and is based on testing 43,000 products. The 12 types of non-organic produce to be avoided (the “dirty dozen”): peaches are the “dirtiest,” followed by apples, sweet bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, lettuce, imported grapes, pears, spinach and potatoes. Meanwhile vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus and onions have relatively low levels — so you can get away with non-organic versions. They are the “cleanest” foods, along with avocados, pineapples, mangoes, frozen sweetcorn, frozen peas, asparagus, kiwis, bananas and cabbage.
In a nutshell: ultra-economical driving.
The clever bit: Hypermilers don’t just aim for good mileage, as eco-drivers do — they push fuel efficiency to the limit. Some hypermiling tips are just common sense: The correct tire pressure on your car can chop 10 percent from your petrol; decreasing your speed from 120kph to 100kph increases fuel economy, and idling the engine is out — it increases emissions by 13 percent (go to for more ideas). Other hypermiling absolutes might seem a little more out there, such as driving in soft soles, dispensing with footwear to increase pedal sensitivity (to prevent fuel loss) or ridge riding, aka driving with your tires aligned with the line at the edge of the road to avoid driving through water.
In a nutshell: dump the concept of “McFashion,” rather than the actual garments.
The clever bit: How big is your fashion footprint? From 2003 to 2007, garment prices fell by an average of 10 percent, and over the past five years the rate of frenzied buying has accelerated. We make room for the new by discarding some 2 million tonnes of the old every year, which goes into landfill. The slow wardrobe extends the useful lifespan of the threads already hanging in the national wardrobe while redistributing stockpiled fashion to those who will wear it, with the aim of decreasing today’s average annual consumption of 35kg of clothing per person to a more sustainable 7kg. Consumers prioritize longevity by buying trans-seasonal garments (such as a classic jacket) rather than pure fashion and by purchasing as far up the material food chain as they can afford. We also learn to wash and dry clean more sparingly (both decrease lifespans of clothes) and to use specialist services to refashion and/or mend older garments (just 2 percent of the annual fashion budget goes on mending or servicing clothes, so this needs to be increased). Meanwhile a YouGov poll last year found that there are an amazing 2.4 billion pieces of clothing unworn for an entire 12 months (many possibly brand new) cluttering up wardrobes in the UK, which adds up to £10 billion worth of stockpiled fashion. This needs to be redistributed via a system of clothes-swap parties and targeted donations before it is chucked in landfill.
In a nutshell: the bottom has fallen out of the recycling market, so make it your last resort.
The clever bit: Precycling represents the stage before recycling and, unlike recycling, it expends little energy. Precycling happens at the point of purchase, and entails you choosing the product that comes in the least packaging (therefore diverting waste from landfill) or bringing along your own container or bag. Instead of buying packaged sandwiches, for example, take a lunchbox to work, along with cloth napkins and a reusable water bottle.
In a nutshell: the end of eco-supermarket dilemmas.
The clever bit: Fish stocks are in famously poor health — only 10 percent of the top predator species, such as tuna, that swam the world’s oceans when industrial fishing began 70 years ago are believed to be left. All of which makes shopping for the right fish problematic. US consumers now have the answer to sustainable fish shopping at their fingertips, as the Fish Phone text service spares them from carting around a copy of Bottomfeeder: How to Eat Ethically in a World of Vanishing Seafood by Taras Grescoe — instead they text the designated number. The Blue Ocean Institute monitors 90 seafood species for up-to-the-minute sustainability ratings and will text back either a safe code “green” or a danger code “red,” such as for farmed salmon, along with the health advisory warning that indicates the possible presence of PCBs, dioxins and pesticides.
To The Honorable Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜): We would like to extend our sincerest regards to you for representing Taiwan at the inauguration of US President Donald Trump on Monday. The Taiwanese-American community was delighted to see that Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan speaker not only received an invitation to attend the event, but successfully made the trip to the US. We sincerely hope that you took this rare opportunity to share Taiwan’s achievements in freedom, democracy and economic development with delegations from other countries. In recent years, Taiwan’s economic growth and world-leading technology industry have been a source of pride for Taiwanese-Americans.
Next week, the nation is to celebrate the Lunar New Year break. Unfortunately, cold winds are a-blowing, literally and figuratively. The Central Weather Administration has warned of an approaching cold air mass, while obstinate winds of chaos eddy around the Legislative Yuan. English theologian Thomas Fuller optimistically pointed out in 1650 that “it’s always darkest before the dawn.” We could paraphrase by saying the coldest days are just before the renewed hope of spring. However, one must temper any optimism about the damage being done in the legislature by the opposition Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), under
As Taiwan’s domestic political crisis deepens, the opposition Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) have proposed gutting the country’s national spending, with steep cuts to the critical foreign and defense ministries. While the blue-white coalition alleges that it is merely responding to voters’ concerns about corruption and mismanagement, of which there certainly has been plenty under Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and KMT-led governments, the rationales for their proposed spending cuts lay bare the incoherent foreign policy of the KMT-led coalition. Introduced on the eve of US President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the KMT’s proposed budget is a terrible opening
US President Donald Trump on Monday gave his inauguration speech. Although mainly directed at US citizens, his words were subject to global scrutiny by leaders and others wanting to understand more about his intentions for his second term. The US has been Taiwan’s strongest ally since the end of World War II and Trump’s first term brought many welcome advances in Taiwan-US ties. Still, many Taiwanese are concerned about what Trump’s second term will mean for the nation, especially after comments he made concerning Taiwan’s national defense and semiconductor industry. During Monday’s address, Trump said that the US “will once again consider